Last seen: August 25, 2021 10:39 pm
@elallen17 congratulations! It is a delight to hear such development! I wish everyone of us here could do the same - report about being back to normal...
@moonbeam please ask your doctor, the neurologist, if you can, what does he recommend for dissiness, brain fog, nosea, double vision. Thanks!
@thenystagmus thank you!
Have you had covid vaccine before all this happened? If yes , there is a hole 400 page long topic on the same issues you have described after the cov...
@ohjason yes, I was dizziness free for a good three weeks period. Then I found a great soap opera on the internet, watched too many episodes in a row,...
@prayingforthebest yep, Pfizer did the same to me - not able to sleep, restless, nightmare s for a month. Anxiety, stress level through the roof. It a...
@barb56 Correction -" heart" not hear, stupid phone
@barb56 oops, forgot to add, I started taking panangin pills ( mixture of magnesium, potassium and vit b) for a heart support, self prescribed. Need t...
@barb56 i started having problem s with my hear on the second day after 2nd Pfizer jab (may they suffer for eternety in hell). Chest pain, shortness o...
@barb56 sorry to hear that you were not able to work. Was something prescribed to you for your heart issue? Thanks,! ( I was diagnosed with sometype a...
@hidden1959 would you please share what you get done during you chiropractor visits and what does he recommend to eat. Thank s!
@stars182 yes, every night for a month following my 2 jab of this poison (nerve toxin) by Pfizer. Plus I wake I with some sort of shaking and increase...
How Pfizer vaccine causes side effects
Please read the open letter from Australia n doctors about the covid situation in general, vaccines, use of ivermectin and more. /p>
@apollo Please tell us more what the doctor said how he thinks yhe body gets rid of the spike protein! What supplements did he suggest and what dosage...