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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Go to website www.longhaulcovid.con


Follow instructions and will send you kit

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@gloriam I too have suffered.... terribly.  But I opt for a controlled "hit" than an uncontrolled one like COVID. I am naturally vulnerable to side effects.  Others in my family where fine. Friends were fine.  If anyone would get unusual side effects, we all knew it would be me.  But the alternative.... getting COVID... is just not an option and was a real threat.  I kept reminding myself that if I thought this was bad, then I needed to think about being in the ICU (where of course I would definitely end up if I had COVID).  I'm not exaggerating.  The options aren't great.  But the lesser of evils is the vaccine. 

Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, Jen and 1 people reacted
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@lili23 same. Dizzy  can't hardly stay awake blurry vision.

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@ohjason Hi Jason, I’d say I’m back up to 60% normal at the moment but due to the cyclical nature of these symptoms I’m never sure if a relapse is coming and that takes it’s toll on our mental health doesn’t it?! I’ve still got nowhere with my doctors, incorrect diagnosis and therefore prescribed the wrong medication. I can’t see a neurologist or ENT for 6 months either so I’m now following my pharmacists advice (because he also had side effects that lasted months) and going down the self help and holistic approach. I’m still taking the Liposomal glutathione, vitamin C and D, eating a clean fresh anti-inflammatory diet and walking as much as I can every day which is helping me mentally and physically. A friend gave me some vestibular exercises to do that her doctor gave her for vestibular neuritis which I’m doing twice a day. The game changer for me has been CBD oil which the pharmacist prescribed. I’m taking a 10% Full Spectrum CBD oil 3 times a day and it’s stopped the panic attacks and helped me cope mentally with this and eased the physical symptoms too. The rocking on a boat dizziness has greatly reduced now but I do still get flare ups of discomfort and vibrations in my chest, tinnitus and fatigue after eating but as I say walking is helping me a great deal. I’m slowly trying to build my strength up and keeping my mind occupied. I’m waiting for Cognitive Behavioural therapy and having facial acupressure and reflexology next week. I think it’s a case of some people take longer than others to recover and the recovery is slow. I can’t recommend CBD oil enough as it’s got me from a state of permanent flight mode to fight mode. I’m at week 14 now and if I’m still like this in another months time I’m going to see a private doctor and ask to be referred to a Long Covid Clinic. My thinking is this is one of three things; PPD (Postural Perceptual Dizziness), Vestibular Neuritis or Long Covid. Hope some or any of this information helps you but try to remember MANY people from the first pages of this forum have got better it just takes time. Wish you (and all of us) well very soon. Take care x

Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, RomainA and 3 people reacted
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So last week I felt 70-80% of my normal self. I was over the moon - I'm at 12 weeks post-vaccine now and last week was the first time I've felt slightly "normal". However since Saturday I've dropped off and felt back to being really dizzy, tinnitus, super tired. It's heart-breaking thinking you're getting better and then for no reason just going straight back to illness.


What I have taken for the past 5-6 weeks -

Vit D3 - 3000 IU per day

Vit C - 1000mg per day

Quercetin - 500mg per day

Liposomal Glutathione - 400mg per day


I'll be honest, none of the above has helped me in my opinion. That's not to say it doesn't help other people - I know a lot on here have suggested the above and that it has worked for them. But for me I've not felt a difference. Like I say, I had one week of feeling normal last week, and then I'm right back to being ill.


So from this past Saturday I've started to take -

Ivermectin - 24mg per day

Zinc - 25mg per day (my body doesn't usually react well to Zinc so I will monitor this and drop it if I have to)


I'll be taking the Ivermectin for 5 days (Until this Wednesday) and then if I need to I will do a course of prednisone (prednisolone in the UK) afterwards. So far after two days of Ivermectin I haven't noticed a difference really. But I will take for the full 5 days as per the FLCCC recommendations. I'll revert back with how I feel after completing the course.


I have my ENT appointment this Saturday so I will see what they say as well.


Good luck everyone!

Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, Jen and 1 people reacted
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Hi, I've also been going through some issues ever since my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in July 2021. I had a vasovagal reaction right after my second dose, but thankfully it was over very quickly (A part of it included my ears getting full which went away afterwards) But then 4 days after, I suddenly started feeling lightheaded and had balance issues. I checked with my GP the very next day and after a few checks, he determined that I was fine and said that it was just a side effect of the vaccine and would take about two weeks to go away. It's been more than a month now and I still feel the same. It's mostly been this 'rocking' feeling, or rather a feeling of constantly being on a boat or just floating. I checked with an ENT, and got the same answer 'it's a side effect of the vaccine and should wear off on its own'. A few checks were done on my ears and the results came out fine. However, as the feeling still hasn't worn off, I'm set to have an MRI test taken through a Neurologist. For now, all I know is that I'm going through an undiagnosed vestibular issue. I'm trying my best to walk, run, exercise (I'm a dancer, so I dance as much as I can as well), do anything to get myself back to normal, and I haven't lost hope. It feels important to always have hope and confidence in yourself in situations like these. More than anything, it's really uplifting to see that I'm not alone in this situation (It's bad that people have to go through this, but no one's alone). By the way, I'm an 18 year old female, for reference. Let's all just be strong and never give up hope!

LadyD, Jen, Covid vaccine side effects and 3 people reacted
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Im also a new member that found this forum very helpful in supporting what are some very concerning post vaccine symptoms.

I would like to post my expereince with Pfizer Vaccine dose 1 here, in the hope that others see, as searching my symptoms on "official" pfizer and medical websites I just dont see them listed.

About me:

Im a male, 38. Generally fit and healthy (runs walks everyday) .. must admit i'm not much of a vax person. My last flu vaccaine was when i was 12 (it made me queasey i remember) ... But also dont get sick a lot, and never got the flu (or was extremely mild if i did)

Friday 06 Aug 21 - Vaccine day:

I arrived for my vaccine  (9.00 am) a little nervous i must admit, but determined to just "suck it up. Billions are vaxed at this stage"

Everyone was nice in the centre, got the jab. Was sent to a 15min waiting area with lots of people. As soon as i sat down i could feel it was into my brain and felt a little sick and dizzy. But passed as quick as it hit. So after 20 mins or so i left and drove home.

The rest of that day:

I got home to sit and my desk to and my wife popped in tk ask how I was, I said i was still a little queasy from tge shot. But the more i looked ar my computer screen to solve work problems, the more i realized something was not right.

I could not focus, i felt dazzed, in a haze, light headed, vision seemed weird, kind of off.

So i signed myself off work for the day, took paracetomol and went to bed.

I woke at 5 just as dazzed, in a haze, light headed, my kids were home (age 5 and 2) and i found it hard to interact with them. I Tried watching TV that evening but kept "zoning out" my eyes would loose focus and when i would re-focus them i would be looking at the corner of the screen or at a colour. It was weird. I gave up and went to bed.

Checking the mirror before bed, i was sure the whites of mg eyes were niw a yellow colour and my pupils were like pinholes.


Saturday i woke up pretty much the same, failing to be able to focus, dazzed, in a haze, light headed, vision seemed weird and now with a bit of nausia mixed in. Feeling this was "just not right" as its not listed in guideline symptoms, I contacted VHI nurseline, after a long assesment the determined I was not in immediate danger, but asked me to get checked out by mu GP. I Arranged a call with my GP and after I described the symptoms he just tild me to rest, rehydrate, paractomol. So I did. Back to bed and woke at 5pm feeling much better. But still a little hazy, but was able to play with the kids again thank God. Went to bed earlish that night.

I woke in the morning ok, not 100% but ok. Made myself a cup of coffee qnd was fine for the morning, around 11am I was hit with a cloud of dizziness, and light headedness, lack of focus ... and a dull tension headache right on the top of my head. Was able to go qbout my day bur the tension headache did not relieve with medication and lasted several hours till i went to bed at 9pm. It felt better then, just a tingle really. Slept pretty well.

Now heres the tough part. Life reccommences after the weekend and again I have woke up with dizziness, hazyness, lack of focus, and vision not great. Driving kids to creche was out the window, sight was not right and wife had to do it. Trying to do my work on computer is brutal, I mean .. i can do it, but jusf not with the efficiency as last week pre-vaccine. Headache is down to a tingle at the top of my head but my head feels heavy and looking qround after staring at my computer screen for awhile, it takes me awhile to focus.

I really hope this passes soon. Otherwise will be back in contact with GP during the week.

Sorry for the long post, juat want to lay it out that vaccine 1 or 2 is not a walk in the park with "common" symptoms for everyone.

Will post any further symptoms or recovery update here.





LadyD and LadyD reacted
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@nadine  how are you now? and what vaccine did you get?

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@schwark4 Re Dr. Patterson.Does anyone know if there is a similar scheme in the uk to get this blood test done. I also emailed the USA website, but no reply as yet. I would really like to give this a try.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Lynne

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@htlee2 "I've been experiencing a degree of nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, or however one wishes to describe my symptoms."

This is exactly what I've been saying.  I'm not sure how to describe as I've never had these symptoms until the 3rd day after my second pfizer shot.  I had to lie down several times thinking I may faint.  I'm not so comfortable getting behind the wheel right now too. 

LadyD, Covid vaccine side effects, LadyD and 1 people reacted
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@haymst did yours ever go away?  I can relate to what you're saying about wonkiness in your eyes.

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@jbeatthis1 hi! Do you know if Ivermectin is also good in case of vaccine reactions such as vertigo? Do you know where I can find the correct dosage? Thank you. Struggling with dizziness and vertigo plus tinnitus since Pfizer 

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@ladyd I am in week 20 post second pfizer shot and onset of vertigo, tinnitus, brain fog, and extreme fatigue. Four weeks ago I began sleeping only on my back and limiting my vestibular exercises to eye movements only. (no head movements) There has been marked improvement in my dizziness, brain fog and vertigo attacks. It seems to be working for me or maybe its just my time to heal. 

Jen, LadyD, Jen and 1 people reacted
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I have a unique situation. I received my first dose of Moderna 5/11/21 and had Covid symptoms 5/13/2021. I was already unknowingly infected with covid when I got my first dose of vaccine. I experienced some dizziness within the first days of covid, but I chalked it up to the cough meds. I was sick for 3 weeks and was extremely dizzy starting in week 2. The dizziness has persisted for months now. I saw an ENT last week that diagnosed me with vestibular neuritis. She said this is very common with upper respiratory infections, but usually goes away in a few months. I was suppose to get my second dose of vaccine today, but after reading that most of you experienced these symptoms after your vaccine, I decided to wait until I talk with my dr more. I’m getting better, but still get dizzy at least once a day. I’m also seeing my chiropractor 2x a week which has helped a lot! Going to try the 2 Aleve a day as reported by someone prior that helped with these symptoms.

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