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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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and forgot to add:

*no cofee and no tea contain caffeine 

*no softdrinks 

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@romaina je suis française aussi et jai des effets similaires depuis ma vaccination avec pfizer (extreme fatigue, tete lourde, sensation de vertiges). Impossible de travailler. Je récupère petit a petit, c'est très long, mais on va s'en remettre ! Je ne peux pas envoyer de message mais n'hésitez pas si vous voulez en discuter. Courage !

RomainA and RomainA reacted
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Hi all, I had my first shot of biontech last Wednesday. Apart from a sore arm I was really happy because I had had no side effects. But this morning I woke with a massive headache and nausea and I feel generally terrible. This is highly unusual for me. Whats also odd is that my unvaccinated wife is also having the same symptoms. And no we dont drink lol. I am not a conspiracy theorist but there is something which we are not being told here. 

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Dear Everyone, 

My name is Nicki and I'm from the UK. I literally stumbled upon this site whilst looking for something else and couldn't believe what I was reading.  I thought I was the only person to have suffered with all this!

I think I know what is causing your problems. This email is quite long but please read it.

I have suffered with virtually everything mentioned on this site. However this was not caused by the vaccine but antibiotics. I have not taken the vaccine because I knew from the side effects associated with the vaccine it would make me seriously ill and probably kill me. Now, I know it would as I think I would have suffered a blood clot or CVST. 

I have offered Oxford Vaccine Group UK (AZ vaccine) to take a sample of my blood to test it but they declined my offer.  I am still willing to do this if anyone wishes to test it..........

When I started having serious reactions to all antibiotics my Doctor advised he wouldn't be able to help me if I became ill and I needed to find another way. He wasn't being horrible,  just brutally honest.  Unfortunately he didn't record this on my patient history and it is now causing major issues as he has retired.

However,  I decided if the Doctor was unable to help me the only option available to me was to keep myself as healthy as possible.  This was when, thanks to my horse, I stumbled across the importance of acid-alkaline balance and even more importantly for me, I discovered I was unable to metabolise weak acids. 

This is the book I have found to be the most accurate as it includes being unable to metabolise weak acids (many don't). 

The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health version 2 by Christopher Vasey (Naturopath).

Available at Amazon:  


Weak acids are found in food,  drink,  prescription medicines and even insect bites and wasp stings but without this book I wouldn't have known what was wrong with me. I can honestly say this book has saved my life. 

I have tried to explain this to my new Doctor but he told me off for wasting his time as unfortunately the medical profession do not recognise this condition. 

From what I have read regarding the reactions you have all been suffering, I strongly believe, like me, you are unable to metabolise weak acids. 

Please read this book and do everything it recommends, especially regarding what food and drink to avoid if you are unable to metabolise weak acids. You can then save yourselves from further episodes and  concentrate on recovering without further lapses / setbacks. 

To check whether you are unable to metabolise weak acids is really easy but please be careful because you don't know how intolerant you are and the reaction you may have. Perhaps explain to someone what you are doing and ask them to be with you when you do it. 

Basically all you do to check if you are unable to metabolise weak acids is to load yourself with weak acids and if you become sleepy, dizzy or heart palpitations in the next few hours you have a problem metabolising weak acids. 

All I did was to squeeze the juice of a lemon into a mug of warm water and drink. Within ten minutes I was asleep! I am extremely intolerant of weak acids. 

Word of warning! The problem I had was I did this at work and wasn't expecting anything to happen.  I was found snoring at my desk!!!

This is the definition I found regarding the inability to metabolise weak acids:

Definition – Inability to Metabolise Acid  (taken from an American medical journal. Sorry I didn’t expect to send this to anyone,  I copied it for my own reference so no link)

“The inability to metabolise certain compounds once they are in the body can lead to a wide variety of illnesses. For example, if your body is unable to metabolise sugar you develop diabetes. If your body is unable to process wheat you develop celiac disease.

Similarly, acidosis can be caused by the body’s inability to process weak acids. Weak acids are easily removed from the body during respiration, and during this elimination, those weak acids make helpful alkaline substances. However, this is not the case for everyone. Some people have trouble converting the weak acids (oxidising them) and thus cannot eliminate them effectively. This leads to a buildup of acidic material within the body and a depletion of alkaline reserves. For these people, who consume food with weak acid,  they don’t become alkaline since the normal process of elimination isn’t working correctly and this then results in acidosis”.


This is the site I used to purchase pH salts etc to help me achieve acid-alkaline balance.


Just a couple of other things. I can't tolerate anything with preservatives, artificial colours or vitamin supplements in capsules which aren't natural.  Also as your diet will change quite drastically and some things will be removed completely please get checked regularly to make sure you're not deficient in anything - vitamins,  minerals etc. 

None of this is difficult to do or expensive but it does require a bit of effort. By doing this and continuing to do it you should start to feel better in about 4 weeks. Sorry there's no cure for this at present but you can "manage" it. 

I hope this information helps all of you and if it does please provide feedback so hopefully somebody can get this condition recognised so it will not only help you but hopefully prevent others suffering like you have done. 

Take care and I hope you all make a full and speedy recovery. I did by doing this.  I just wish I could have made someone listen sooner, believe me I've tried,  so you all wouldn't be suffering as you are and nobody would have died.


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@retopo curious about what foods are ok with you.

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@charsen the clot was diagnosed when I went to the ER with swollen leg (from the calf down)

diagnosis: deep vein thrombosis, for which am taking blood thinners.


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Don’t know if any relation to the vertigo.

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@cdouglass the decision is up to you. Every doc I spoke with said: Take the second shot. Usually adding that the Covid is worse.

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@ali89 go to for info on ivermectin dosage.  They have identified different protocols.  I would also consult your personal physician on this!

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Hello all,


Forgive me for posting another message, there's been a lot of additional pages to work through since I last commented. 


Decided to take the second dose of Moderna almost 2 weeks ago - since then I feel I've taken a step back with my tinnitus (no other symptoms this second time around thankfully)

I've been taking supplements and trying to rest up the best I can, but I'm finding it impossible to sleep. My tinnitus also seems to be moving around at times, and spikes in my ears occasionally. I was told that I had eustachian tube dysfunction and that steroid nasal spray would clear it up. I've been using that for around 5/6 to not apparent benefit, however I thought I was maybe turning a corner before I then had my second vaccine. 

I've seen many posts about other symptoms getting better, but not too many to do with tinnitus. Am I doomed forever more, or will this also pass?

Thank you.

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I'm due to have dose 1 of the vaccine in a couple of days. I'm in the UK so it'll be pfizer or AZ. I'm early 40s and have postponed so far but I'm reaching the point now where i feel i have no choice. My job is in higher ed and i fear the viruses circulating when the new term begins.

I've had vertigo/tinnitus/hearing loss about 13 years ago (now stable), but have persistent tinnitus and hearing loss in one ear. Recently found out its suspected menieres though no formal diagnosis. I'm terrified of losing the hearing in my remaining ear and the jab is worrying. But if i don't have the jabs i doubt i can cope at work due to covid anxiety. 

I can't find much information about whether covid itself is worse for vestibular/ hearing disorders than the jab. But it seems to cause just about every symptom under the sun.  Does the virus affect hearing/balance in the way the jabs seem to?

I'm really sorry to read about people's horrible post-jab experiences on this forum and wish as speedy a recovery as possible to everyone. Its a horrendous situation.

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@wynnwolter Please give an update when your visual symptoms subside completely I would greatly appreciate it.

Wynn m and Wynn m reacted
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@kelayah she was not, just a regular nurse practitioner from my primary doctors office. No special tests, just a normal blood work up. Mind you it still took 2+ months to recover after they detected the virus. She told me time would heal and she was correct, just took much more time than I intended. I did get on Celexa for depression/anxiety and I do think that helped speed up my recovery. I still take fish oil and a multivitamin every morning to insure I am getting what my body needs and to reduce inflammation. I also use nasalcrom two-three times a day. It is a mast cell stabilizer and seemed to help with my brain fog. Truthfully nothing cured me but time.

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Until today I wouldn't have thought there was a link between the vaccine n dizziness, balance problem. I'm now 5 months down the line mri, ct, spinal tap n blood tests showed nowt. Can't drive. I work in a hospital n finding it very difficult everyday is a struggle to the point wheres its getting me down. I just want a day where I'm not dizzy 😩😭 if I'd known there's no way I'd hav taken the vaccine. I'm on the balance physio 

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@coco I take a multivitamin and fish oil every morning to insure I’m getting what my body needs and to reduce inflammation. I am on Celexa for depression/anxiety as my anxiety was OUT OF CONTROL from all this and I know that wasn’t helping the inflammation. I also use Nasalcrom 2-3 times a day because it is a mast cell stabilizer and helped w the brain fog. Truthfully when I started doing all that I was already having 2 weeks period where I was better and then two weeks period where I was bad again, and as time has went on each “bad” few weeks I have has gotten considerably better. It’s to the point now where my “bad” weeks are almost unnoticeable except when I go outside during the day! Otherwise I am able to pretty freely live my life.

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