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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@apollo how much ivermectin do u take daily? And for how long ? I currently currently covid. Im 4days in to developing symptoms. My is an oral paste and comes in weight mesuments not mg. 

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I’ve been reading this forum for a while since I got my first Pfizer shot on May 15th. I’m 23yr and prior to getting my vaccine I did have Long Covid between September to February of this year. The symptoms start to fade go away in March after steroid treatment and I was feeling 90% normal. Fast forward to May I decided to get the Pfizer shot.  
I was fine for 4 days and then BOOM!… My body went Haywire!

I almost fainted while getting in the shower, I start having dizzy spells, feeling  unbalanced, pinched nerves/pins and needles throughout my body, headaches, muscle spasms and twitching, eye floaters and blurry vision, and joint pain.  

I went to my PCP and he just dismissed me and told me to get my second shot. I decided to go to the ER because I was still feeling bad, they told me not to get the second because it could possibly make things worse. They also didn’t treat my symptoms because they didn’t know how to…so they sent me home.

It’s been 3 Months and I would say I’m 80% Recovered, but I still have flare here and there.

Recently I’ve been experiencing weird symptoms. I’ve been having tender spots that feels like bruises on different areas of my body.

Last week it started with my Neck, My neck felt tender and stiff.. it was super painful! I thought it was because how I was sleeping but the pain has now jump to my left arm and my thighs. I went to the ER yesterday to get it checked and they couldn’t find anything and told me to take ibuprofen twice a day… which isn’t really helping the pain.

I’m really scared I hope and pray this isn’t Fibromyalgia… everytime I googled my symptoms fibromyalgia kept popping up! 

I Hope this goes away soon it’s really starting to affect my everyday life! 




Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, Jen and 1 people reacted
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Hey all! Been in this forum since April. Got my second shot April 18th and was down ever since with severe brain fog, ear pain, blurred vision, floaters, etc. After about 3.5 months most of my symptoms subsided, was able to return back to work after not working since I got the second shot. Which was a big win. I would say I’m about 90% recovered, but am still dealing w floaters, occasional blurred vision, and minor brain fog ONLY when I’m outdoors. Wondering if anyone who is mostly recovered has dealt with this as well? I’m not too worried considering 3 months ago I couldn’t even walk into my backyard or go inside a grocery store without being utterly disoriented, but would love to be 100% again!!

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A current survey by a medical student associated with VEDA:

Jen, Gloria M, Covid vaccine side effects and 3 people reacted
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@wynnwolter so glad to hear you recovered. Thank you for coming back to share your recovery. It gives some of us hope to hear nearly snd or fully recovered people. Did you take any particular vitamins or drugs? Thanks! Prayers. 

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First vax March 25. Had severe vertigo and blood clot. Now months later considering the second shot. Why?  My wife is double Vaxes and all went well.  Now the media says that double vaxxed can be carriers of the Delta variant without knowing it and can pass it on.  So my wife can pass on Delta to me. Not a recipe for a happy marriage.  Am working with naturopathic doc and heading toward second dose. Short of setting up separate households, this seems the only choice.  Ambivalent, but if I do follow through & get the second shot I will report back.

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@arthur hello, thanks for sharing your experience. how did you find out about the clot? Where was the blood clot? Was your vertigo related to blood clot? I am going through dizziness, pressure in head and brain fog but the doctor i went to did not order any tests. Thanks! 

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@wynnwolter yes i had the vaccine 3 months ago and had very severe fatigue, brain fog and dizziness. Now it’s better but can’t get rid of difficulty to concentrate and eye and ear pressure. The hardest things for me are working on a screen and reading a book.

I’m hoping we will get back to 100%... 

Jen, Covid vaccine side effects, Jen and 1 people reacted
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@wynnwolter could you make a recap of what has helped you ? I saw you tried a lot of things !

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Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure where you are all from but I'm in Melbourne.  The vaccines are being pushed very hard at the moment.  

I succumbed to pressure; took the Phizer vaccine.  I refuse to take the second shot.


I am very fit; years of bikram yoga and swimming and healthy lifestyle.  My blood pressure went up straight away as i had heart palpations. 


Please look up graphene oxide.  Karen Kingston worked for Phizer and has given the real story of why we are all being lied too.  


You can take an anti oxident called Glutathione.  I suspect that our poor liver is trying to get rid of the vaccine or graphene oxide.    The Glutathione will help detox you and anything that helps to strengthen the liver and spleen.  Yoga will also help.  


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@wynnwolter Wynn, so glad you are greatly improved! That’s really good news. You have mentioned in another post that you saw six doctors, and it sounds like it was really only the last one that was helpful. She ran bloodwork that showed you had a virus. I was wondering if she was an infectious diseases specialist or some other kind of doctor? She sounds really knowledgeable. I would love to find someone like that in my neck of the woods. Do you remember which blood test showed you had a virus?

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@gingerjones I agree with all what uv said apart from the last bit, people who are not vaccinated are not putting them selfs at risk, I live in the UK and over half of hospital transmissions are people who have been double vaxxed, also they can still catch and spead the virus to other vax people, people of a younger age are putting them selfs at risk by having the unapproved vaccination. The spike protein is a toxin and concentrates in the bones and reproduction systems, among many other side affects. Please do not spread fear amount the un vaxx people by saying the are at risk. There are risks everywhere for vaxxed people too if u want to talk risks you have to speak of them on both sides as there is risks on being vaxxed too. 

Invisibelle, dragonlover, Tom Germana and 3 people reacted
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@greenmonster 100% agree 👍 

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@masectid this is not true iv taken up 24000 mg in a day that 1000mg an hour, yes some does get realised into your urine but after the body had used what it can. Please do your research before spreading miss information. Patrick holford vitamin c 4 covid

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Sad to see you people having these horrible side effects,I'm not vaxxed but I have been suffering menieres for 6 years and I had to be taken to ER during the first years several times, I have reduced the amount of attacks I think by restricting what I eat and reducing my movement:

*minimum salt

*no dairy of any kind (milk,cheese, etc etc read every label of every food package)

*no seeds or beans

*no fermented food of any kind

*no spicy things, no MSG no aspartame

*no sugar

*reduce amount of pasta and rice 

*no sushi (I had to remove all asian dishes and sauces)

*no alcohol of an type

*no cured meats or anything that is not fresh.

*physical efforts (do not lift heavy weights, do not run, etc) over the years I noticed that theres a delay effect, If I do physical activity I will feel  very ill and dizzy two days after or something around that time.

*Be aware of keeping the temperature of your body in balance, not cold not hot, if you feel any of both act quick to balance it out. 


Those are the things that helped me, I have tried all over the counter medicines for vertigo and travel sickness and many other prescribed medications and did not work on me. 

My current situation after many years is that I'm controlling the intensity of the problem and reduced the amount of strong attacks but I do feel bad most of the days (like a very bad hangover, feels like I drink 10 tequila shots every night and I have not tasted alcohol in many years)

I will give it a go to ivermectin after reading some comments, and no I will never take the vaxxine Im living in hell already and I don't need more problems.

Best wishes everybody I hope you can solve your personal situations. 


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