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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I got my 1st Pfizer shot Aug 8. I started to feel very dizzy 4 days after. It's day 9 and I'm still having dizziness, with nausea, headaches and anxiety.. I'm struggling driving, working, basically doing everything. I'm praying for everyone in here that is going through this health crisis will get better. I feel betrayed again by our government, cdc, big pharma. I'm sure  I am not taking the second shot. 

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I received my first Pfizer vaccine May 2. I had extreme fatigue for one day and could barely lift my arms. The only other symptom I had was nerve impulses going to my toes. The first felt like something had bitten the end of my toe. This lasted for about three hours; nothing major.

My second Pfizer vaccine, on June 26, was a nightmare. I immediately felt tingling and numbness down my left arm. Within three minutes I had vertigo. Within half an hour both arms were numb and felt like flippers. Within one hour I was exhausted and sleep the whole night. The next day I had headaches, dizziness, my muscles in both forearms felt they were being ripped in half. I had tingling in both legs. I could barely lift my arms. The symptoms lasted for about three days and then dramatically reduced. 
On day 10, the vertigo and nausea started and lasted about two weeks. The numbness and tingling in both arms remained. Day by day more symptoms arrived. I lost the feeling in 5 toes, starting with the two toes from the first vaccine. My ankles, my entire left leg and both cheek became numb. It mainly affected my sensory nervous system (temperature, light touch, sensation). I could barely lift my arms, they were weak and numb. I had pain in both arms and one leg. They felt swollen. My brain felt foggy and my head lightheaded. I also had one episode of rapid heart beat and shortness of breath. It hurt mostly to sit snd stand. The only relief was from walking or lying flat on memory foam. These symptoms continue in waves for about six and a half weeks.

I was treated for several things; including antibiotics for the non existent sinus infection, given beta histamine for fluid buildup, etc; nothing worked. I had full blood work to exclude the clotting COVID scenario. All tests were good.
it was determined that my immune system was attacking my body. I had a cytokine storm of the nervous system; with no real good solution except wait it out.

 I did some research. A paper was released last week on neuro reactions from the COVID vaccine. They found an anti-depressant was effective in stopping this reaction. It was a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. It helps the body use serotonin more effectively. They theorized that people low in serotonin had this cytokine storm reaction if the nervous system. People with chronic high stress have very low levels. I didn’t just stumble upon this paper. I found the only time I felt better in those first six weeks was the day after I cried. I wondered if the hormones released might have had something to do with it. I research serotonin and the COVID vaccine and found this paper. Since 5-HTP helps with serotonin levels in the body, it’s the pre curser to serotonin;  I thought I’d try it. I went to a supplement store, got AOR brand 5-HTP extra strength 100 mg.  I took two a day in morning and night. I went in sun for 15 min a day without sunscreen to maximize my bodies serotonin uptake. I had already been taking Vit D so that helped with the serotonin uptake too. I threw in some zinc too just in case because people talked about it. I did everything the Internet told me to help with serotonin production. 

Within one hour of taking the 5-HTP tablet, the daily pain I’d been feeling in my arms and legs was gone. I felt tingling all over and my body just felt better. The pain returned the first couple of days until I took another tablet; same thing no pain. Within four days, my dizziness left, my numbness is dramatically reduced and I have absolutely no pain. I feel like I’m finally getting better. 

This is not a prescription medicine, you can just go out a get it yourself. Try to avoid the grocery/drug store stuff, to make sure there are no impurities. It will make you feel drowsy; some people use it for sleeping. You will also feel happier, because some use it as a natural anti-depressant. It made me feel funny the first couple of days, like my head was floating, but then that stopped.

Just avoid histamine producing foods at the same time… strawberries, dairy, seafood… just until you are’s on the mend. You don’t need your immune system getting inflamed more. Fresh air and light exercise in cool days will help, as both help with serotonin levels. The heat seems to make it worse.

I don’t know if this will work for you but it was a game changer for me. Anything that repairs your cells or detoxes will help; so I’m not discounting the other medications; I just struck to these few. 
Most times the body figures things out and stops attacking in 3-4 months; this just might help it sooner.

Good luck everyone, I hope things work out for you. 

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Posted by: @sharonkay

Hi there, I’m new to this site. Seems others have experienced dizziness after the 1st shot too? Wondering when yours went away? Also sounds like others have had it worsen after the 2nd one. It’s definitely a little disconcerting. 

Thank you. 


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Two weeks after my moderna shot I woke up dizzy felt like I was going to faint. Black spots at my peripheral vision.  Couldn’t breathe my vision was not 20/20 vision anymore. Then I would sit back down only to get horrible chills and the heavy breathing stayed. Had all those symptoms for four full day. Today is day five and feeling much better only had three short spells today. I am taking anti dizziness meds. Praying for you fir a quick resolve. 🙏🏻

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@heidster same here but I decided not to get the second shot. I’m to scared. Mine came two weeks after my first shot lasted four days today is the fifth day had three short spells but my breathing is still heavy. Need that to stop. Btw still taking anti dizziness meds. Pray you get better soon 🙏🏻

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For those in the US, an article acknowledging those affected by the Covid vaccine.

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Anyone experience cognitive issues as well? Memory, word finding, brain fog type things?

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I would like to share my story as well, in order to see if someone experiences the same symptoms with me. 

I apologize tho for the long message. I wanted to describe everything.

Im 26 years old male. I have no health issues. I did Johnson's vaccine on 28th June.

28 June (day of vaccination): They gave me an antihistamine pill before the vaccination, because Im allergic to an antibiotic known as Claripen. I had some night chills and possibly a small fever at the same night of vaccination.

30 June: A tight feeling appeared at my right leg and more specific in front of the knee (not kneecap, but bellow). It went worse. I was feeling this tight thing even in calf, kneecap, ankle and thighs. I also noticed two small bruises at my right arm and at my stomach (i dont remember exactly if it was right or left from the belly). 

3 July: I went straight to the ER. I wanted doctors to check my symptoms because I was worried enough maybe it was something serious. They performed blood tests, electrocardiogram, chest radiography, and head CT scan. They told me that I was clear. I had nothing and I should stop worrying for these symptoms as they have nothing to do with the vaccine.

5 July: I went to an angiologist. He performed ultrasound at my right leg. He told me I have nothing and that my arteries and veins are clear. He told me that the tightness I was feeling could be symptoms from the vaccine, as antibodies are being generated and these symptoms can stay for weeks or even months. He told me to go to a neurologist to check it further.

8 July: I went to the neurologist. He examined my reflexes. He told me that I'm okay and I should do a head MRI because I might have an issue with the part of the brain that controls the right leg. 

12 July: I did the MRI and the neurologist found two small white areas with high frequencies which have nothing to do with my leg. I been told that these white areas were since I was born and I shouldn't worry for them. However, he told me to visit an orthopedic doctor, since him and the angiologist found nothing.

16 July: I went to the orthopedic. He checked my leg with his hands. He also performed an ultrasound and he found nothing. He told me to do a whole MRI at my right leg, as I might have periostitis.

11 August (Lot of days passed. Unfortunately it was the only day free for MRI, so I had to wait a lot. I can say that the tightness feels better. I feel the tightness at the front part of my leg, the knee and just a little at the knee cap. The tightness from the calf, thigh and ankle have disappeared.): I did the MRI and it showed only some very small ruptures at the ankle and meniscus (kneecap). The orthopedic told me that my knee is clear tho and those small ruptures are normal and almost all the people have them. He told me that this is a case where any doctor would say "sorry but i dont know what exactly you have". However he told me that.. maybe I have a really small case of periostitis which might have not been detected by the MRI which has high sensitivity tho but there are some small percentage of not detecting the case.

*I would like here to add that I was walking a lot like 4-8 kilometers since I had the vaccine. I was worrying enough for those thrombosis cases I saw on tv and internet and I started to walk every afternoon.*

Last but not least, he told me to do a MRI at my back (spine), as I might have sciatica which cause the nerve of my right leg to trigger this tightness feeling, but he believes that this is kinda impossible, and that the true problem is that I have flat feet, I didn't have proper soles for my feet, and due to long distances of 4-8 kilometers every day, I might have damaged a little my bone and caused a small case of periostitis as I have mentioned above. He told me to stop walking a lot and do swimming as it has less gravity and cause less harm at my bone. He also took measures of my flat feet and ordered a pair of proper soles.

17 August: I did the spine MRI and I'm waiting for the results now.


I will update my situation. Thanks for reading it.








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 I am also very grateful for the info on this site. It has been so helpful in my journey. I received both Pfizer shots in Jan of 2021 with absolutely no side effects. I was 54 at the time, female, and active, having done running & skiing half marathons. I was able to go and have a nice cross country ski the day after my second shot with no issues. A couple months went by without any  issues. Then in April, I start hearing of some people I know getting shingles after their shots. I noticed I had a group of itchy spots on my inner thigh and thought, I better not be getting shingles! I had another itchy spot mid leg below that and then a couple on my ankle but nothing that amounted to much and then faded away.

One week later, May 4th,  I woke up in the morning and had crazy vertigo (never had it before). The room was spinning and I got up with much dizziness & tried to stagger out of my bedroom. Then extreme nausea hit & I hoped I could make it to the bathroom in time to throw up. Thankfully I made it. My husband  had to help me down the stairs and the rest of the morning was filled with vertigo & throwing up. My vision was so messed up I could barely text on my phone or look at my computer but from what I could gather, I had vestibular neuritis symptoms. My doctor and nurse friend came over early in the afternoon to check on me. It was a Sunday and we weren't sure if an emergency room visit was needed or if I could wait until the clinic opened the next day. My friends observed nystagmus and did some of the positional vertigo procedures but to no avail. I vomited more times during the day but some anti-nausea meds finally helped. However, my balance was simply gone and I had to be assisted just to cross the room.

I was diagnosed the next day with Labrynthitis (not positional vertigo), though I don't know if I have any hearing loss. I asked the doc if this could be related to the vaccine but of course they have no idea.  I had a couple sessions of very basic physical therapy with more positioning techniques but no relief. I basically sat on the couch for a week, couldn't walk by myself and any peripheral vision was very aggravating. I tried to work the next week. I normally walk 6 blocks to work but the thought of walking by myself was now terrifying! I couldn't do it. It's the craziest feeling to will yourself to walk straight but not be able to do it or feel like you have to hang on to something.  My head felt cloudy, pressure in front and at the base of my skull. My eyes just weren't working right, not quite double vision but off. I couldn't take in too many pieces of info at once or my brain just couldn't do it. After a few weeks went by, I didn't seem to be getting any better so I visited a Dizzy & Balance clinic 2 hours away. After putting the special goggles on and having me lay on my left side, the nystagmus just really ramped up. I also only scored a 17 of 30 on their balance tests. She gave me one visual exercise to work on, turning my head side to side while focusing on a word.  Weeks went by and I improved a little but still had to think about trying to walk straight. Decided to finally have an MRI. The only thing that was mentioned was minimal right mastoid fluid. I had an eye doctor tell me about a month ago I still has some nystagmus but not as severe as before.

I feel I am slowly improving but it's August 17 now, 3 1/2 months later! Running is still sort of a challenge as visually I don't seem to be able compensate for the jarring effect. Also, I still having a wooshing kind of feeling every morning when I get up and need to fight for my balance for a minute. Any time I bend down and my head is down, I seem to lose my balance. My theory is this: the vaccine possibly induced an inflammatory response which brought on a mild case of shingles and then the attack to the nerve in my inner ear. Who knows? I was absolutely healthy before the vaccine, not even a sniffle or cold for a year and a half.  Maybe I possibly still have fluid in there that needs to be drained? I also seem to have some tinnitus now too. I plan to see a neurologist in a couple weeks but I don't know if I will find any further answers. I do know I will never risk getting any type of booster and that this vaccine is not without it's high risks-think twice and then some before getting it. There are just too many unknowns about the long term effects on our immune systems.

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@lili23 I saw PT for vestibular rehab. I did many eye exercises that helped my nystagmus and double vision. It definitely took time but now I only have minor eye issued and hope they eventually go away for good. Keep your chin up! I also saw a neuro-otologist that understood and helped as well. Neuro-opthamologist offered to do different lenses for me but my eyesight started changing after I saw my PT. It definitely took months. Hang in there!!

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@ohjason PT helped me in doing vestibular rehab. Neuro-otologist.

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I usually start by going back to Oct 29,2019,when I had 3 heart stents put in because they were 90% closed,my cardiologist put me on Repatha,everything was fine my cholesterol was almost normal and no side effects,then July 1st 2020 my Insurance made me change to Praluent,they both are cholesterol lowering injections,3 weeks later I was in the kitchen,looked left and saw the world turn sideways, I fell to the floor,lost balance,got cold sweats,nausea,and made it to bed,slept 5 hours then almost ok...These attacks started coming at 3am,during the day or anytime,start by feeling hot,get cold sweats,loose all balance,nausea,vomiting,the room didn't spin,more like oscillopcia,movement like a fun house,cant move,My ENT said- Vestibular Migraine, and I took 12 sessions at the local,Dizziness and Balance Institute,it happened at work, then I had to take disability,I got off Praluent in Nov and felt better by Dec 29th and went back to work, that whole time I had a major migraine through the middle of my head and a neck ache,I got off Praluent-the migraine went away,and the vertigo attacks,for 5 months.Then in May 2021 another attack,and slowly more,saw ENT again, and 12 more Dizziness sessions and disability from work,the ENT gave me Sumatriptan and Ondansetron...not much help,went to Hospital twice,got MRI,and CT scan...all normal,last week,I saw a Nuerologist,he put me on Amitriptyline,one 10mg every day before bed,then add one a week for 5 weeks,and Rizatriptan for attacks,2 weeks without an attack so far,and not much side effects,I also lost hearing in left ear around 2019,and take Magnesium and Riboflavin...but not working yet and still have bad days,like walking on a tightrope,my attacks last an hour,it feels like your worst flu and hangover times 10....also got Covid vaccine Moderna  April 1st and the attacks came back Mid May...

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Hello All,

I hope everyone is hanging in there - I’d like to post a recovery story and I credit this forum with helping me get there. Apologies in advance for a lengthy post but I think it’s helpful to give all of the context I can  

I’m a perfectly healthy (recently confirmed though the litany of tests i’ve been through) 28 yr old male. I received the J&J vaccine in the middle of March and had seemingly no adverse reactions except ~ a day of feeling sick which began several hours after the shot and seems to be a perfectly normal immune response to the vaccine. Fast forward exactly 2 months to the middle of May and I woke up on a normal weekday morning feeling what I can only describe as hungover and “off” - except I had not indulged in any manner the evening before. I’ve had sinus infections in the past and initially thought that was what was going on. For the next week my symptoms steadily worsened and I was experiencing things I’ve never dealt with before - I had extreme brain fog to the point where I was finding myself really reaching for words I use every day (many good descriptions on the forum I can identify with), lightheadedness/dizziness that made typing an email extremely difficult as the words on the screen were always slightly moving, light sensitivity, feeling generally unbalanced, and finally a horrible constant headache that OTC pain relieves did nothing to relieve. This was going on 24/7 and got bad enough where I was uncomfortable driving and could barely function (I was taking 2 hour naps in the middle of the work day to cope). 

After over a week of this I went to see my GP. He agreed that what was going on was very strange, especially since I had never had any experience with similar symptoms in the past. Several diagnoses were discussed - including a horrible sinus infection that wasn’t presenting normally, some kind of viral meningitis (maybe from a breakthrough COVID case), vertigo, a tumor, etc. We did a full blood panel and even tested for Lyme (everything came back completely normal). He put me on a 5 day round of Prednisone at 40mg per day and prescribed migraine meds to take as needed. After the first day of steroids I felt much better but not “100%”. The day after I stopped the prednisone all my symptoms came back, if not worse. The migraine meds did nothing to abate the headache so back to the GP I went. We did another blood panel and included a ESR test (everything came back normal again) and he referred me for a cat-scan just to be safe. The scan came back all clear, including my sinuses (what a relief). We adopted a watchful waiting strategy before trying more steroids. At this point my symptoms had been going on for a month and that gets me to the middle of June. All this time I had been consulting two other doctors in my personal network - my uncle (a GP) and a world-renown neurologist who is my best friend’s father. They agreed that it was a good thing I had responded to the steroids and believed the issue to be stemming from some kind of viral infection that was causing inflammation in my brain. There is little you can do but wait it out, apparently. 

From the middle of June to early July I improved a bit and could at least sit at my desk and make it through the day. Some days were worse than others and I was coping decently well. Then randomly in the middle of the day one day the headache and extreme dizziness came back. It was unbelievably debilitating - simple things like looking at a computer screen were untenable. After another 5 straight says of feeling horrible I went back to my GP. By this time, I had become acutely aware of things that made my symptoms better or worse. I’ve been a normal coffee drinker for years - a sip of coffee would send me to the moon. I felt a bit better for about an hour after eating. Mornings were better than the rest of the day. Exercise made my symptoms worse for several hours afterwards. My panel of doctors was stumped - next steps were a referral to a ENT and a 10 day round of Prednisone with a taper to get me through the wait to get into the ENT or maybe fix the problem.  Again, the Prednisone made me feel much better until I started the 10mg per day portion of the taper (down from 40mg). From then on I started to feel horrible again with all of the same symptoms. At this point I was grumpy and sick of feeling like shit for almost 2 months. I’m a glass-half full optimist and this experience has been one of the only times in my life where that outlook has been shaken. It has given me a new found respect for those who do not have their health. 

At this point I was willing to consult anyone and try anything while waiting to the see the ENT (or in conjunction, for that matter). One evening I was telling a buddy of mine who is pharmacist about this saga and he said bluntly, “I think the vaccine might have something to do with it.” He went on to explain that he and his wife, who is also a pharmacist (both at Walgreens), have been having a lot of people discuss similar symptoms with them several weeks after receiving the vaccine. He is importantly a straight shooter and certainly not a conspiracy theorist. He told me to look into it as it had never even crossed my mind that could be the case two months after receiving the vaccine. But off I went to to the internet for answers - and that’s how I found this forum. It was enlightening to sort through all of these posts. Many folks on here were describing exactly what was going on with me - even down to the details about the effects of caffeine, etc.! I felt understood and and an extreme sense of empathy. I ended up getting to page 204 where @dizzyfromvaccine posted her now well-known post. After reading on and hearing that people had tried the vitamin cocktail her doctor prescribed with good results I thought “what the hell” and went to Amazon to order Zinc, Quercitin, Glutathione and Vit C for good measure. FYI, I ordered from a company called Thorne Research, which is a very reputable supplement brand that doctors prescribe (all their stuff is manufactured in the US). Through the power of Amazon they all arrived the next day and I took my first round of vitamins that night - 30mg of zinc, 250mg of Quercitin, 175mg of Glutathione-SR and 500mg of Vit C. I took the Zinc, Quercitin and Vit C twice a day (morning and evening) and the Glutathione 3 times per day (morning, lunch, evening) to basically follow what was prescribed to dizzyfromvaccine. 

I kid you not, by the middle of the following day I felt normal. And more normal that I had felt since the middle of May (this was two Tuesday’s ago). It quickly made me realize how normalized I had become to feeling horrible and learning to cope with it. I was blown away and have felt 100% ever since. For the last week I reduced my dosage to everything to only once a day and haven’t seen any adverse effects. I plan to take the vitamins for a full month (doctors on board). I have been waiting to post here to be sure - and I’m sure. Whatever it does, this vitamin cocktail works. I’ve shared this with all of my doctors and the consensus has been some kind of vestibular neuritis that causes inflammation - the inflammation pushes on your cranial nerves and causes the crazy dizzy/headache symptoms. Here is an article discussing a theory supporting this that is starting to become more accepted/researched:

The jury is still out on whether the issue stemmed from the vaccine itself or a breakthrough COVID case that only presented in a certain way - but everyone generally agrees that COVID was the catalyst in some form. Regardless, I am so thankful to be able to string together a coherent sentence, enjoy normal everyday activities and laugh freely again. That might seem a bit dramatic but it’s true and I hope this post gives someone out there some hope that whatever is going on is fixable. If you have similar symptoms, keep the faith and if you’re willing, try the vitamins!

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@lau01 bonjour ! Oui c'est très long je suis encore en vacances une semaine j'ai pu faire une longue route en voiture mais 2 jours pour m'en  remettre. Clairement le plus handicapant c'est le brouillard cérébrale et la pression dans la tête. Je suis incapable de dire si je m'habitue à tous ça ou simplement les effets diminue petit a petit. Ce qui est certain c'est qu'il y a maintenant de nombreux témoignages similaires au nôtres. J'ose espérer que pour les cas les plus long ce sont des gens peut être plus âgé avec des fragilités. Et que les plus jeunes sans autres facteurs pourront récupérer en quelques semaines . Je suis à 1mois après la deuxièmes injections et depuis deux semaines jai  eu certain jours mieux que d'autre alors qu'après la 1er ça a durée 1mois 7j sur 7

Si tu as des questions pas de problèmes pour discuter moi aussi 😉

Bon courage 

@ lau01 hello! Yes it is very long I am still on vacation a week I was able to do a long road by car but 2 days to recover. Clearly the most disabling is the brain fog and the pressure in the head. I can't tell if I'm getting used to all of it or just the effects are gradually waning. What is certain is that there are now many testimonies similar to ours. I dare to hope that for the longest cases, people may be older with frailties. And that the youngest without other factors will be able to recover in a few weeks. I am 1 month after the second injections and for two weeks I had some days better than others while after the 1st it lasted 1 month 7 days out of 7

If you have any questions, no problem to discuss me too 😉

Good luck

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Posted by: @moonbeam

For those in the US, an article acknowledging those affected by the Covid vaccine.

THANK YOU!  This is the first time I've seen a major publication not try to sweep vaccine injury under the rug!

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