@cdouglass the decision is up to you. Every doc I spoke with said: Take the second shot. Usually adding that the Covid is worse.
Each individual's risk and benefit assessment is going to come up with an unique answer to that question.
this is a good article but mast cell activation syndrome does not seem to account for brain fog and dizziness headaches. The blood tests of most of us here are good We can see no inflammation or allergic reaction ...(elevation of basophile CRP ect)The body seems to be getting tired a lot which causes all these symptoms
@axteller the research by Dr. Bruce Patterson was really reassuring, hopefully this gets acknowledged soon and will lead to doctors using his treatment protocols.
Hello all, I have been reading this forum since I have gotten my vaccine in may. I have had all the usual inflammation vertigo, dizziness and brain fog with headaches since my 1st modern shot.
I have visited a ENT here and Boston and he said he has seen this as a common side effect of the vaccines. I did 2 rounds of steroids which worked only while I was on them. I was out of work for little over a month.
I am 43 yo male, avid cyclist and in good shape. I have had to quite caffeine and chocolate completely.
I just wanted to share that the combo of L-quercetin and Zinc has made the most difference. Mainly taking away the headaches and almost taking away all the brain fog.
Has anyone had success using the IncellDX (Bruce Patterson) protocol?
@holt This is fascinating about the 5-HTP and serotonin. An herbalist had recommended that to me months ago because when I described my symptoms he said it sounded like decreased blood flow to the brain and he said 5-HTP increases blood flow to the brain. I am so happy for you. I am mostly better but I may try this now to see if it boosts me to where I was pre-vaccine. Thank you.
@luigi-merola Did you get floaters as well? Several of us here on this forum have.
I took the Moderna vaccine and day 1 sore arm. Day 2 sore arm extremely tired. Day 3 still had sore arm and a few dizzy spells. Fast froward to day 13 woke up extremely dizzy. I’d get up to walk I would feel very faint. Black spot would start at my peripheral vision and move inward. Then I couldn’t catch my breath chest felt tight and my vision seem to go out of focus. Oh and I had this wom wom wom feeling in my head and sounds of crickets. I went to urgent care and heart and lungs okay. They gave me anti dizzy meds. This lasted four days on the fifth day only 3 dizzy spells but still taking meds. Still tired and weak and breathing heavy even though my O2 is at 99%. Can’t wait to get back to myself. I will not be getting the second shot to scared.
Would you mind sharing a link to the paper on neuro reactions from the COVID vaccine?
I took the Moderna vaccine and day 1 sore arm. Day 2 sore arm extremely tired. Day 3 still had sore arm and a few dizzy spells. Fast froward to day 13 woke up extremely dizzy. I’d get up to walk I would feel very faint. Black spot would start at my peripheral vision and move inward. Then I couldn’t catch my breath chest felt tight and my vision seem to go out of focus. Oh and I had this wom wom wom feeling in my head and sounds of crickets. I went to urgent care and heart and lungs okay. They gave me anti dizzy meds. This lasted four days on the fifth day only 3 dizzy spells but still taking meds. Still tired and weak and breathing heavy even though my O2 is at 99%. Can’t wait to get back to myself. I will not be getting the second shot to scared
@dianeminnesota I'm new to the board as my symptoms have only just started. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story, and also for posting about the possible good news you may find at the end of this horrible ordeal --- perhaps one day running with fewer impediments and maybe even skiing another half marathon. Best wishes
@thelamehorsegmail-com that's great news! Is quercetin that good? I'm 7 weeks in and still have headaches. Would you say I should wait longer and just give it time or try the quercetin instead?
@gingerjones I have allergies which started 2 days ago with brain fog, stomach issues, feeling cold and then chills. i then looked to see if ragweed was out yet and it was. i then looked up igg as that is what gets triggered and goes up in the body, as a reaction to the allergen, and so that gets high. i then looked for articles mentioning igg and and rna and one of them said " We measured COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced IgG and IgA in serum serially, up to 145 days post vaccination in 4 subjects. Spike antigen-specific IgG levels rose exponentially and plateaued 21 days after the initial vaccine dose. After the second vaccine dose IgG levels increased further, reaching a maximum approximately 7–10 days later, and remained elevated (average of 58% peak levels) during the additional >100 day follow up period." i have not had the vaccine yet because i worried about my immune response from my allergies mixing with a shot would not be good. maybe people don't know they have allergies and because they already have an igg response going the vaccine puts the immune system into overdrive.
I posted this some pages back but didn't really get a response, so figured I'd asked again.
Is anybody having worsened allergies or hay fever like symptoms since they got vaccinated? Because I was discussing my current symptoms with my wife and they sound alot like her hay fever symptoms, a stuffy nose, sinus pressure, ear pressure, headaches and sore/dry eyes.
Could this be because of the inflammation that is going on in my body?