@kdoyle84 so you believe the vaccine caused the dizziness? What kind of vestibular therapy worked for you? Epley manouevre?
@rockingonaboat Yes, this is just terrible what we are experiencing these days. I also feel lightheadedness always and had a bad room spinning experience, went to Urgent Care and got prescribed betahistamine, but i dont think helping. Actually feeling worse. Not everyone feels this way, i guess we are the unluckly ones that got struck with these awful symptoms. I pray for our recovery. Im sure doctors don't know what's going on. that's my take on this.
Has anyone get rid of the dizziness? And how much did it take?
@mikes Yes I have developed hot flushes! After my second shot 3 weeks ago they started on day two and haven’t stopped yet! It’s awful, I have fatigue also… I rang my doctor but he said wait another month and ring back…. Are yours still happening? Is there any light you could shed? I had moderna.
@cheridoerhotmail-com I think that mRNA vaccines cause these issues in some people, regardless of which brand, seeing that the spike protein can supposedly prompt an overreaction of our immune system.
A quick update, it's been 7 weeks now since my symptoms started. Yesterday was the first day I really went outside in 4 weeks time, because I had to do the groceries.
I had a small panic attack or atleast what seemed like one in the morning, never had those before, once that settled down I pulled myself out of the door to do the groceries. While I was doing the groceries I got a terrible headache and was really tired once I got back home. Took some Ibuprofen and went to bed at 10 PM which is really early for me, normally I go to bed at around midnight, sometimes even later.
Today I feel pretty groggy, but that could be because I slept so long, I also have a mild headache and my eyes are bothering me again.
@malsgirl71 Hello I had my second vaccine in April from day one the severe vertigo and sickness, left it a month to see settle, didn't so asked for Doctor ring back took one month, then I received one, he said come to surgery to assess another two weeks, he said it was BPPV( benign positioning Paranoxal Vertigo, did few balance movements ( well out) and lay flat movements, come back in a month for rebalance of crystals in right ear, bring someone to drive, next 48 hours sit up to sleep no lying down, so cat napped but big BUT Vertigo went, xx
I am writing once again to update how things are going for me. I have found this forum to be helpful and also appreciated it when I was so desperate with the symptoms after my second shot. To know that others are also going through the same thing and being supported is huge!
Thanks to everyone!
I had the Pfizer shot June 6th...it was the second shot. My first was the Astra Zenica.
I am happy to report that after 10 weeks or so, the symptoms have pretty well gone. I thank God!
The head pressure, dizziness, unbalanced feeling, the brain fog and the most disturbing was the fight or flight rushes...that seemed to carry on the longest! The feeling you are about to jump out of an airplane... a sudden burst of adrenaline...or anxiety or panic...whatever you may call it! That was sooo scary! It would come over me anytime or place!
I was encouraged during these times when others had written and said that at the 12 week mark things had improved. I am thankful that has been he case for me. I have kept active and tried to be outside as much as possible. I took some vitamins as suggested but have no idea if it would have mattered.
I am under the assumption that in most cases, this will work its' way out of our bodies...so have hope everyone! This was the case for me and I am hoping it stays that way!!!
I hope this encourages you!
@lauriek . Hi. I just read your comment and my symptoms are very similar. I am a 59 year old male who had my second pfizer shot on the 2nd July 2021. On the 6th July I was feeling headaches and very spaced out and anxiety ( Which I suffer from anyway). I also had a very high Blood pressure which I take medication for. Anyway 7 weeks later after many visits to my doctor , complete blood tests and urine tests, ECG,s and physical examination, they have no idea what is wrong. I am still awaiting a result for my thyroid blood test as the first test came back as laboratory failure. I constantly get light headed when walking or carrying out basic tasks. I have frequent headaches and neck stiffness and my energy levels are not what they were. I am considering getting a CT scan to see if I have a tumour or blood clot. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. Could you update to me as to whether you are feeling any better or how you are coping. My doctor has written to the neurologist department, but they have no idea or understanding of vaccine related side effects. I hope you are feeling better.
Is Ivermectin effective with the different variants of the Covid-19 virus?
Because Ivermectin has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. We have adjusted our dosage of Ivermectin in the protocols and have added additional medications and measures to help make the protocols more effective against the variants. The current protocols can be found online here. Always discuss the protocols first with your own physician.
@wynnwolter I’m so glad your feeling a lot better! I am on week 3.5 now since my second Moderna shot and my biggest symptom has been severe brain fog which causes a lot of anxiety, I was just wondering if you had any side effects from the Celexa? I’m worried to start taking it and feeling worse because of side effects that I see listed but thinking it could really help get over this last hurdle to feeling better.
thanks so much!
@jassy1957 that's great news, I'm so happy for you! Did your symptoms go away gradually or did they disappear just all of a sudden?
@hope123 debating on getting my second dose. Sounds like you got better after yours?
@hnlinneman I had the same side effects except for the fever, brain fog is my main symptom.. I have better days now and sometimes no brain fog at all but it comes back occasionally
When I got my second shot I still had brain fog left from shot number one, so hard to say
Wow. What an experience to find this form and all of you. I have the same story..
I am a 47 yo man, healthy with no major problems to speak of. I exercise often and take care of my health. Our family has kept inside during Covid and have been very careful. I had a Pfizer vaccine in early July. Exactly 2 week after my second shot I woke at 3am with intense room-spinning vertigo, vomiting. That subsided over the next few days while I did vestibular physical therapy, acupuncture, and took various supplements (ginkgo, cbd, zinc, antihistamine) to try and remedy.
Over the course of 2 months I feel that I’ve gotten about 85% better but then plateaued. I now have a state of being where I am always a bit dizzy when I’m moving.. feeling like a bobble head when I walk or run. This condition has deeply affected my ability to work, concentrate, contribute to family tasks, and enjoy life in general.
I also have ADHD and I take medication for this state of brain. But since this vertigo has started I find that my adhd medication does not work like it did previously. It now keeps me awake and moving, but does very little to help me focus and remember things (I’ve gotten more forgetful after the vertigo happened). When I hear the phrase “brain fog” mentioned in relation to long Covid, I wonder if this is all related.
It’s wonderful to meet you all and find a support network. Very thankful. And also.. this forum is a little scary. Are there any testimonials of post Covid vaccine vertigo going away or getting better? Has anyone found a remedy to help get through the day?
Thanks for your advice. Sending positivity to you all that we can get through this and find support for the journey.