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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@wendolynn   Yes! Got my 2nd pfizer shot March 27.  Just a tad sore arm for 1 day.  April 26th regular checkup with dr.  All well. Fast forward to May, had a couple of issues that I didn't think a lot of.  Examples face got a little red when washed it. Rubbing right?  Then went down to steps and got a second of jelly legs.  Thought I was going to fall but didn't.  Got a sore toe and dealt with what was going on with it with a couple of drs. and then one day it was hurting pretty bad so I thought it was infected and went to a clinic.  She said it was a fungus but the weird thing was my blood pressure was 169 over 113!!.  I started taking it at home and went to dr.  She adjusted my meds over a period of time and it took a while but now bp is good.  They did an ekg and showed some abnormalties.  I got a little anxious over this so she scheduled a stress test for me.  Then July 5th woke up, was a little dizzy and kept getting worse  until I called daughter, afraid I was having a stroke and she took me to emergency room.  Blood work was normal, head scan, normal.  Ekg, normal. Gave me meds for nausea and helped but still extremely dizzy.  The were ready to admit me and gave me valium.  I feel asleep and when I awoke little by little I started feeling better.  Got to go home.  Only occasionally if I turn too fast I get a second of woosiness. Did stress stress last week and was told it was good, no blockages.  Have appt. with heart dr to see if there's something else going on.  So I wait. Still feel a little something at times in chest area.  Walking too fast, bending over, etc.  When I get stressed I definately feel it. Sorry this is so long but was wondering why my symptoms were a lot like all of you here but mine took so long to manifest. 

Jen and Jen reacted
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@hope123 mine symptoms could be from the shot or from covid. That’s why I’m on the fence of getting my second dose. I have vestibular neuritis.

Hope123 and Hope123 reacted
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@hnlinneman I used to have minor issues with motion sickness and also my ears on a plane. From my understanding these are vestibular issues but never bothered me that much. 
I had no choice but to get vaccine, I travel a lot
I see some people not wanting to get it, I wonder how it will affect their life …

Because vaccine is becoming mandatory for certain things but do what suits your lifestyle

I would NEVER get a vaccine just to protect myself from COVID  

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@hope123 yes! I have major motion sickness and ear issues when flying. So I probably had an underlying issue that the vaccine brought out possibly. I want to get it to get it over with, but I’m terrified.

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@hnlinneman for me it wasn’t worse, just slightly better, I took Tylenol extra strength before and after for a few days, it helped a bit. But I still had brain fog just at least this time I was never bed ridden

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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Started developing tinnitus three weeks later, It comes and goes. I feel like some of my symptoms go away and then new ones pop up. For example I thought my GI issues were slowly resolving now I have a bit of pressure in my abdomen and my vision is slowly improving but my fatigue still bothers me. I'm only 3 1/2 weeks in but I'm desperately hoping for a conclusion to this issue for me and for all of us experiencing this nightmare. I have also been on the zinc, quercetin, and liposomal glutathione regiment, I've been trying to slowly stop taking them and now issues are coming back. Maybe I need to stay on them for longer I suppose.

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Hello. I'm not quite sure how to use this website yet, but I stumbled upon it and wanted to share my story. I am 55 years old and was perfectly healthy. On March 31st I received my 1st covid vaccine and on April 21st I received the 2nd shot. 10 days after the 2nd shot I began to experience many of the symptoms described on this website. I have debilitating lightheadedness, numbness in my left foot and left hand, fatigue, dizziness, a drunk feeling in my head (without drinking), and many of the other symptoms described here. Its been 4 months of this living nightmsre, 2 trips to ER, tons of blood work and tests, CTA scan, mri, xray, etc...  The doctor is at a loss and so am I. I asked if could be from vaccine and she said she didnt know. I might have 2 good days out of every 10 now. Is there any solid medical reasoning to suggest the vaccine may have contributed to theses symptoms??

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I thought that I was on the mend. I got my Pfizer on July 3. Four days later vertigo attack, fatigue, joint pain and swelling, muscle and tendon pain. 
Vertigo resolved but the inflammatory issues wax and wain. My hands hurt so bad at times and I can’t open things and I drop things. 
The most annoying thing to me is the lack of information and warnings out there. Everyone that finds this site says “I’m so glad I found this. I’m so glad I’m not alone. I thought I was going crazy”. 
What we are collectively experiencing seems to be glossed over with “all vaccines have their risks”. Bullshit! Our voices are not heard. 
rant over. I love you all.

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@pfizervictim the symptoms went away gradually. The head pressure and all the other symptoms before the outbursts of adrenaline....that seemed to last longer.

I thank God that each day is getting better! I am very thankful and encourage others to be patient too! Hopefully the vaccine works itself through the body!

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Hi all

I am obviously new here. I was wondering what supplement regimen you're all using that has been effective?

I do not have COVID. I have awful side effects from the vaccine, though. First one. No way I'm getting the second.

Spurts of diziness, heavy/clousy head, and AWFUL fatigue, sweats. From what I've read what is working for many is Vit C, D3, Zinc, Querciten and Lipodal Glutiahone. Am I correct? Would this be effective?

Any advice or info from Drs you've all seen would be really appreciated. Private messages are very welcome.

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@jassy1957 HI! What have you taken that has helped? I'm experiencing so many post vaccine issues

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@jassy1957 thank you so much for posting this. I am crying  with relief. My family thinks I'm going crazy and you described my symptoms better than I could. I was scared that this was my new normal. The anxiety , flight or fright thing is insane. I can't live like this forever. All tests come back normal and drs. Say Give it time, but i didn't know to believe them. You gave me so much hope. I am hoping one dose will give me some immunity because i will never take another. Again, thank you so much for update, i hope i am this lucky.

Jen and Jen reacted
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@memphismel i agree. People are being silenced so majority will still get vaccinated. Why can't we be honest and support people with longer lasting effects. People have caught on that there is an undertone of bad things happening. Being told everything's fine and it's super unusual to have serious or prolonged issues, only makes people less trusting as they see some people around them suffering. My rant is over too. Hope you continue to improve and find relief. I already feel better reading that I'm not alone in my side effects. 

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If you do not get heard, won't have too soon an efficient treatment. 

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Posted by: @revill7

I am hoping someone can relate to my experience thus far.


in January I tested positive for covid 19.

First I felt flu like for a couple of days but was mostly fine. A few days later I started to get awful migraines throbbing in my temples a long with dizziness and brain fog.

I do suffer with bouts of vertigo from time to time normally and have issues with my sinuses.


Fast forward to last Friday- I had my first Pfizer vaccine. Nothing more than an achey arm.

A few days later I started to get the dizziness again and now have developed the throbbing in the right side of my head and seem to be having Positional vertigo and feeling more off balance.

Does this sound familiar. I am currently so upset that I had the vaccine. Had I have known any of this was a possibility to come back I never would have gotten it any have already decided I will not be getting my second dose 


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