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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@djmatera hang in there. I’m on week 14/15. I’m just starting to feel better. I also did both medicines and they both helped. I did acupuncture as well. Worked wonders. I found keeping a clean diet, light exercise, supplements and medicine worked best. For hydration I’m using electrolytes everyday. Working much better doing that. Also you are right to stay off the screen it makes things worse. For they dizziness I used Dramamine. It works. I also discovered anything that helps with  inflammation. As our bodies are over inflamed. Basically did the same as you. Threw everting at it. 

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My story occurred on the Golf Course 30 days after the AZ jab.

Bent down to pick up the ball and had severe vertigo leading to vomiting and had to be carted off to the Hospital for a intravenous Stemitil fix

4 hours later I awoke and was discharged but have been since feeling sick in the stomach and bowels, no energy and some repeat vertigo associated with alcohol( wine) and watching screens, Computer or TV. Small print like newspaper brings on dizzyness also.

This now the end of the third week and I feel a little better today so maybe some hope.

Using supplements as before and went back onto SERC and diuretic to try and fix it.

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5 htp can be easily ordered on Amazon 

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Posted by: @cathymason



How long did it take for the dizziness to go away for you?

6 months

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@cathymason I feel the same maybe a little improvement. Doctor is saying it’s Ménière’s disease but I don’t think it is. 

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@jardelina Nothing seems to be helping, I  was also allergic to the medication that the Dr gave me for the dizziness.  I am really over the dizziness and just want a bit of relief. 

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@nadine how are you feeling now. I have exact symptoms. 

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Hi 🙂
I will add an update. So most of the days I feel like 99%. But somehow the nights are bothering me. At night is feel pains in bones and twitching in my muscles (thankfully the pains and twitching are light). Also, I have difficulty sleeping at times, but that's not really bothering me so much. 

Today I will go to MRT analysis and I have an appointment with the best neurologist in Estonia on Wednesday. I hope the MRT won't show anything bad. 

I am on week 13 and looking back the symptoms are lessening. But I have had 2 relapses and with every relapse, I have started some new weird symptoms. 

Jen, Jean, Tabby and 3 people reacted
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@estonia That's great that you are almost back to your past self!!

Please, keep us updated regarding your examinations, but I do believe that nothing bad will come of it! 

Best of luck and keep fighting to get back that remaining 1%!! 


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Posted by: @jardelina

@tabbyI guess we are the unfortunate ones that are suffering from after effects of this this vaccine.   It is the pits feeling this way.  Why? and i feel like i am going crazy, with no remedy to be found.  

Yes I guess so. It's so debilitating and can't wait for some sort of normality to return.🙏😊

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Hi all, 
Here is an interesting article regarding tinnitus and the vaccine.  Wishing everyone well.

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Did you take anything or did the dizziness just stop? 

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@dreajayy I would say that most of us here are eagerly awaiting the day when we'll get back to normality. Some cope better than others, I'd say the significant difference is in one's ability to maintain a positive resolution (not my forte).

However, please, please, don't Google your symptoms anymore, cause that will cause more troubles than it shall solve (speaking from my own experience). 

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@cathymason I got mine on may 24th the second shot. Since then I have very little dizzy spells unless I eat high histamine. My main problem is head pressure in the back top of my head that does go away. Ears pressure and temple pressure. That comes and goes. I did two weeks on ivermectin which didn’t do much, and now on fluvoxamine which seems to dampen it a bit. Today is my 5th day on it. I also ordered a long hauler test from, but I have to find a place to get blood drawn from.

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Hey all, 

27yo Female, USA, COVID diagnosed 08/2020, Vaccinated August 12th, 2021 J&J


im here as I’ve been really grateful to everyone’s suggestions as I had vertigo, GI issues, head pain, head aches, tinnitus, joint pain and fatigue. I was SOLELY vaccinated to keep my job. I had a lot of anxiety leading up to the vaccine but nothing extreme. I do not have any prior medical conditions aside from a partial thyroidectomy in 2018 with normal post op labs. I’m healthy, I work out, I eat 80/20 proper diet, typically only sleep 6 hours on average per night (always been that way). 

considering my history and a previous covid infection in which I was relatively sick, I expected to have flu like side effects. Once the vertigo kicked in, I immediately regretted taking the vaccine. However, with this regimen and maintaining my regular routine, I’ve significantly improved. I wanted to share my habits and maybe it’ll help someone else. 

*DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional. I did not consult a doctor prior to performing these tests or prior to taking these supplements. Most are not FDA approved and I am not medically advising anyone to follow this, I am merely sharing my story*


I began performing the epley maneuver 3xs a day, alternating sides each day. So for example, I would perform the epley maneuver, from home, on my left side on Monday, would sleep propped up on my right side that night. Then would do the same thing on my right ear the following day. 

I also added in multiple supplements. 

fish oil once a day (1000mg)

immune + one serving split up to two caps twice a day with food (Project AD Immune Matrix) 

multi vitamin one serving split up to two caps twice a day with food (women’s sports) 

glutathione once a day (usually after lunch), 500mg

vitamin c (taken WITH the glutathione) 1000mg

ZMA 30 min before bed on empty stomach if possible 

meclinzine 25mg once a day usually after dinner (brand name was Bonine, i got it at rite aid. This way SOLELY for my vertigo. It made me extremely drowsy but absolutely helped. So take caution with this but it definitely helped. If anything, see how this effects you on your days off.) 

and finally - something that made my brain fog decrease, vertigo decrease and my smell MUCH better (I lost it after Covid and have had a hard time rebuilding) was Nasalcrom. I used it about 4 times a day. It definitely made a noticeable difference. 

I also drink TONS of water daily. Started getting adequate rest. Continued to exercise even if lightly as sitting around just made my vertigo worse. I eat relatively well, although I increased my carb intake post vaccination to assist my immune system with glucose storages. 

im getting better and I’m thankful for it. Happy to help support anyone! 

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