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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@ohjason yes absolutely. Feels like someone hit me in the head with a bat a few days ago and I’m still bruised. 

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@moonbeam thank you for this! I have learned to live with this without taking medication to get to sleep but it is extremely frustrating. Every once in a while I don't have it and am reminded of how lovely the silence is!

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Hey I have the same thing. Did the panic attacks went away for you or are they still there?

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Hi all! 

I am really happy that I found this forum. 


I got my first Moderna shot on August 4th, so it was almost three weeks ago. At first, everything seem to be normal, I didn’t have high temperature, only had pain in my shoulder, but that was fine. 


In a couple of days after the shot I started to feel myself dizzy and had brain fog. I literally almost felt on the street, because everything started to spin so bad. 


I was terrified because of that, I had high pulse but low blood pressure. There was also fatigue and really bad muscle weakness. 


In a weak these symptoms went away and I almost started to feel myself okay again, but now I have shaky hands, muscle weakness in hands and also feel kinda dizzy. 

I don’t think about getting the second shot. 

Really hope that these side effects will go away soon. 

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Hello all, just dropped in here after about a month of not coming on the forum because, after 4 gruelling/brutal weeks of dizziness, head pressure, top of neck pain, nausea, anxiety (which I've never had before) my symptoms subsided and I am 100% back to myself.

It was the worst I have ever felt and I promised myself I would keep coming back every so often to offer my experience as a beacon of hope -even though for some this process takes a lot longer, I do feel that the vast majority of you reading this will be back to yourself at some point in the future, stay strong, stay positive and trust your body to heal. 

Read my previous posts for a list of supplements I took religiously - but really I just think time, meditation, good diet and keeping a handle on the stress helped the most. 

So far I haven't and will not get the second jab, which is a scary decision!

lots of good wishes to all of you suffering


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@joelenemm yes, only one dr said it could be side effects lingering from my first dose. My issue is I had covid and my first dose at the same exact time. So the amount of antibodies may be the reason I’m having issues. It’s been 3 months and I’m considering the second dose because some have said it helped. I hate the unknown and not knowing what will happen. Trying to have faith in my drs.

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I can relate...It has been over 3 months since my second shot and I get new symptoms all the time...Went to urgent care last night and discovered I now have fluid in my Eustachian tubes...Suffering from brain fog and tiredness, which is also new...and feeling of extreme depression...but I told myself just this morning that I will get my life back!!  You will too...We ALL WILL

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@dianeminnesota are you feeling better? I’ve been telling my husband for months now that I just want to feel normal. I cry almost daily just wanting this to all be done.

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@apollo try googling mobile phlebotomist...I just had mine drawn today...they come to your house, draw your blood and drop the package off at Fedex to ship overnight

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@apollo Can you sleep on the fluvoxamine?

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file:///C:/Users/Jason/Downloads/Urgent_message_to_Population_Governments_and_Medical_Community.pdf here's a report made by a doctor in brazil talking about the importance of B12 and how most people are deficient in it and it could be contributing to long covid. I'm making the assumption that long covid and post vaccine syndrome are very similar and this could maybe help some people out. B12 should be taken sublingually to avoid the intestines and have its effects go straight to the blood stream according to this report. Also whenever you get your next blood exam see if your homocysteine levels are high.

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@moonbeam very interesting link. Thanks for posting. I hope this info gets disseminated to the medical community on a larger scale. 

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2nd shot july 12

feeling slight dizziness and heavy back of the head (cloudy)hard to explain. Dont really have headaches.   Seems to be worse in mornings. Still continuing to work and do everything as per normal but let me tell you its hard. Something is just off for the last month dont feel myself. Cant wait to feel normal again. On my 4th day on vitamins zinc quercitin glutathione and vitamin c once a day. So far have not noticed too much difference. Maybe not as much dizziness. Heavy feeling in back of head seems the same. 
any advice is always welcomed. Thanks

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Posted by: @cathymason


Did you take anything or did the dizziness just stop? 

Well, I took lots of things. Here's a rundown and my assessment on whether it helped.

  • ibuprofen and acetaminophen taken alternately several times a day. Seemed to help when the dizzy spells hit.
  • meclizine. Didn't help except make me drowsy the next day.
  • augmentin. Antibiotic. I was misdiagnosed with a middle ear infection. Didn't help.
  • medrol pack. Didn't help besides giving me a headache. I should have tried the steroids sooner and at a higher dose when I first got the symptoms. I didn't go on the medrol until several months after the symptoms started.
  • hydrochlorothiazide. Diuretic to try to lessen my tinnitus. Didn't help. I still have the tinnitus to this day.
  • amitriptyline. Didn't help
  • CBD oil. Didn't help.
  • melatonin. Didn't help.

These 3 supplements are what I think got me over the hump.

  • liquid liposomal glutathione (500 mg taken 3x/day)
  • quercetin (1000 mg 3X/day)
  • zinc (100 mg 1x/day)

I stopped the glutathione a while ago. I really started to dislike the taste. It tastes like sulfur. I recently ran out of the quercetin. Might start it up again but it does upset my stomach. I'm also taking:

  • vitamin D3 5000 IU 1x/day
  • riboflavin 250 mg
  • coenzyme Q10
  • tumeric with black pepper

Time is also another factor. The dizzy spells, for me, didn't just stop but the episodes started to lessen over time. 

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@gingerjones yeah no sleeping problems

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