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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@mbala611its the worst. Has anything worked?  Valium? Meclizine?  It’s been noted in the forum to take 1000mg of Vit C. I hope he feels better soon. 

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I Recieved the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine 2/13 and had regular side effects fever chills headache for 24-35 hours but after 14 days I have been having severe vertigo and nausea on and off every day  it’s the worse at night and when I wake up  I also have brain fog and some minor depersonalization It is now 6 weeks post vaccine and I still Have daily headaches neckache I have daily bouts of dizzyness and anxiety  I decided against the second shot for now until my symptoms are 100% gone 

KISWA, KISWA, Idk and 1 people reacted
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so glad I came across this site.  Had the Moderna vaccine exactly 2 weeks ago and woke up with severe vertigo.  Took some Bonine, helped a little.  Worried about taking the second dose.  Has the vertigo subsided for anyone here?  What helped?  Please, I'm very worried.

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I have Hashimotos and had to go to ER rapid heart rate, dizziness, headache amd feeling hyperthyroidism 1 hour after 1st dose. ER doc immediately gave me a antihistamine and my heart rate slowed. Went to doctor and was told to take antihistamine for high blood pressure patients, ibuprofen, and Vitamin C.  Not sure what it was but felt myself after 9 days. Doctor not sure if I should take 2nd dose. I want to take but will follow Dr recommendation.

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I agree with you. My doctor was even rude to me when i told him about my sudden high blood pressure and vertigo. I get more help and information from this community then from doctors.

Meg and Meg reacted
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I agree with you. My doctor was even rude to me when i told him about my sudden high blood pressure and vertigo. I get more help and information from this community then from doctors.

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@thelma My ER doctor had no problem relating my Vertigo and other symptoms to the Moderna vaccine I'd gotten 2 days before they started. He shared (while looking at the floor and shaking his head) he'd had Covid and spent some time in the ICU having a hard time of it. He said he was now almost recovered from it. He was very thorough and spent a lot of time helping me understand everything he knew, but admitted that it would take an ENT to answer some of my questions. He was great. But he said it's very hard to see nystagmus in yourself and wondered how I knew I had it. I told him that my son (who has Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus) has nystagmus sometimes, especially when he's having trouble with the VP shunts in his brain and while I was having vertigo I'd closed my eyes and put my fingers on my eyelids and could feel my eyeballs rapidly and uncontrollably flipping back and forth underneath my eyelids. The nurse was in the room also and I expect they'd been discussing that while they'd been out of my exam room. I don't know what they thought about my explanation because neither of them said anything else about that.

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@bdailey Lots of powered vitamin C in water, multiple times per day - really, really helped me. Approx. 6 weeks post dose #1 to resolve dizziness.

Madelynn and Madelynn reacted
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Try high dose vitamin C. I am taking a powdered alkaline Vit. C that I got from my naturopath. 4,000 or more mg. a day. I had dizziness and tinnitus and finally resolving after 6 weeks. He also suggested acupuncture if the C wasn't enough. It has been a game changer for healing and immflammation!

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@terese87 Hello. Your symptoms of dizziness starting two weeks out are not abnormal as far as my experience has been. I had a serious reaction to dose #1 Moderna. I had feelings of foreboding/doom that woke me from sleep about 12 hours after the vaccine - I could feel something going into my lymph system and then felt that way for 20 straight minutes - it was very scary. This kind of feeling can happen before a stroke, heart attack, or anaphylaxis and medical people take it seriously. Then I was okay but then the next day the symptoms started and got EVERY symptom that you can get, from mild fever to muscle aches and joint aches and back pain and swollen red arm and.......everything. Almost went to ER. Then as time went on, I started feeling dizziness. I would say it peaked about two weeks post vaccine. I also developed tinnitus and thought I was losing my hearing but my audiology daughter screened my hearing for me and it was okay. My primary doc knows this all happened. This all lasted for pretty much 6 weeks from dose #1. I did not take dose #2 and decided with doc - against it. I have an immune deficiency and we are not represented in the vaccine studies. It just feels unsafe for me to get dose #2. Vitamin C - powdered alkaline professional strength C has been a game changer. I was told to take between 4,000 and 10,000 mg. daily by my naturopath, depending on how I am feeling. It has been the single best thing that I have taken. I am sorry you are not feeling well. It is not in your head. 

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@adriana Not getting 2nd dose. Wish I could help. Didn't feel wise for me.

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@ellen. The data is now saying one dose gets your over 80% - that's the new data coming out. I didn't get dose #2. Such a hard decision but if you have a serious first reaction, it's harder to be nonchalant about dose #2.

Sassafras, April, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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I am so thankful to have found this thread! Like so many others, I ran across it with a google search of dizziness with the vaccine. I have high blood pressure and almost two years ago, I had a ruptured aneurysm, fixed with a coil, but nothing that has ever given me this awful feeling of dizziness. It doesn’t feel like a normal dizziness, more like a 2-3 second moment or it, but those 2-3 seconds can happen about 10-15 times an hour. I received my first does of Pfizer about 3 weeks ago, and was scheduled to have my second this coming Wednesday, but I’m going to be canceling. It didn’t start until a good week after, and it was much smaller bouts of it at first. Then came anxiety attacks out of nowhere, but that may have been brought on by the fear of what was happening. The aneurysm was the scariest moment of my life, and I feared something was wrong. My fiancé kept reminding me I just had my annual checkup with my neurologist (which includes an MRI) last month and so they’ve seen every part of my brain, but it was still scary nonetheless, and at times, I’ve been so convinced there was something seriously wrong, so I started to tell him what to do should something happen to me. It’s now been about a full week with this on almost a constant basis (a little over two weeks since it started) and I’m over it. Like I’ve seen on here, it seems caffeine makes it so much worse (and brings on the anxiety attacks as well), so I’ve cut caffeine and have been having about 50-60 mg of CBD daily. It still happens, but its beginning to feel more manageable, whether that is because it’s lessening or because of what I’ve been doing, I’m not sure. After reading that Vitamin C is helping, I’m going to be getting myself some of that as well. 

I am so grateful that I had the thought to google this tonight because this whole time, I had never attributed it to the vaccine because it didn’t start right away. Hearing the same exact things to happening to so many others made me feel like I’m not going crazy and that it will get better

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@alina123 three weeks after first Pfizer dose I feel better not going to take second dose studies say first dose 92% effective so why risk it. 

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@baylor02 Thank you I’ll follow your advice regarding resting warm foods and vitamins. I do take magnesium ( to help sleep) normally I’m not good at being consistent with looking after myself but I need to get that way! I still feel washed out but not as dizzy.. 

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