Hey guys I posted a few days ago and just wanted to chime in some of my own findings.
Seems like vaccine might trigger latent old seemingly fixed issues to flare up again. I used to struggle with anxiety over 15 years ago and after the vaccine my anxiety came back. Even more strange sometimes it vanishes like nothing happened just doesn't feel quite real. I think I might be hypersensitive to changes in my body and I can sortof sense when my body is fighting the vaccine kinda like an overall feeling of doom and gloom. Just by being on this site and thinking about it is making my anxiety come back.
I been eating a lot more than before and I feel always hungry. If I don't eat properly I get worse side effects. It seems I need at least 2 meals breakfast and a big lunch with lots of protein now. I got the vaccine on empty stomach and was a nightmare. Every time I skip a meal even by a few hours I immediately get worse side effects at night.
All my side effects happen only at night between 10 and 4 am. Most strange. Is most difficult to sleep I ache really badly all over only between those times and I sweat a lot from those parts of the body. I think the body follows a cicadian rythm for how to function for me anyway. At night is when body tries to heal itself and immune system becomes overactive. Is also when I have most anxety and panic attacks which seem to suggest that I am somehow aware of what my body is doing at an intuitive level.
Seems the vaccine is really a genetically engineered controlled covid infection with only half the spike dna and modified so it doesn't fold and an anchor so it doesn't enter the cell, the s1 antigen but only an empty nucleocapsit without the actual virus. s1 antigen binds to the cell and instructs it to produce spike protein forcing your body to defend itself. I think the spike protein might cause all the bad side effects of covid which they probably didn't realize until after creating the vaccine. Just like the real disease it took me about 11 days for me to start noticing the symptoms of fever, muscle ache. Started with a massive headache. Reminds me a lot of flu but many times worse. Now if this vaccine is this bad I imagine covid is many many times worse. It would probably last weeks to months based on pre-existing conditions and you might even get long term covid effects just like people who get actual covid. Maybe long term effects are caused by damage to blood vessels, heart or nervous system. Spike protein seems to be able to cause damage in your body.
To everyone reading and being anxious I suggest taking a break from reading about it. Just focus on your life and let the body heal. Panic and anxiety is counter productive. For the people who keep getting severe side effects I hope you all feel better! Based on what I read all the mrna vaccines probably won't last more than the entire lifespan of a cell which is about 1 year.
Please stay safe and I hope you all feel much better! Hang in there and keep positive!
@daisy did you get better??? I have to share my story- it may help you. I got the shot and 2 weeks later I was dizzy, blurred vision, new severe migraines, severe brain fog, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, syncope…I felt like I was dying. It was severe and I couldn’t drive and was bedridden. It felt like a deficiency but it was after the vaccine when it all appeared. Long story short but after 9 doctors and 3 ER’s couldn’t help me, I came across iron. I had normal CBC’s so I thought my iron was fine until I read this.. I found a medical journal by Esa T Soppi… “iron deficiency without anemia”. It fit me like a glove, and there was a part in it that said you can be iron deficient for years without symptoms until something affects your immune system and you go down hard…. Something to that affect (the vaccine). I started taking iron. I tested my ferritin and it was 18! Anyway, I started 200mg iron a day (split in two on an empty stomach) and by day 4 I could walk around. By day 11 I could work again!!! I got to work and my coworker had the same symptoms after the vaccine! I went to his house and gave him iron (he had gone to the doctor many times also and had his ferritin results on his phone so I could see he was low in iron). He also got better on around day 5!!! Doctors aren’t familiar with iron deficiency without anemia. They think of iron deficiency in one term only: “anemic”. Some of our bodies prioritize making blood cells while shutting down other processes.
Anyway it was more than a coincidence that this happened to both my coworker and I after the vaccine. If this helps one person I’m happy.
I had my 1st vaccine 31st July, the next day started feeling tingling and then muscle twitches on my left side of my body then within 2 weeks i started feeling it all over my body. Then started feeling pin like feeling in the left calf along with chest pain. Reported it to my GP who then said it was anxiety and stress. After 2nd dose ,one day later started feeling pins and needles in the left leg and then 3 days later all over my body. This is alarming to me. Not sure what to do.
@ohjason I do.. I feel like my symptoms or the vaccine is spreading through my body. Someyihing goes and something new starts. It's exhausting and terrifying. 11 weeks in now and just had enough.
@courtr13 Hi, same here but, one thing happen was so strange. When they shot me in my left arm my right arm started hurting like a needle stick. I told my friend he say I'm crazy. After second Pfizer in March right arm is still hurting in the same exact spot. I'm just wandering who will listen because before the vaccine I was healthy.
Hi, I've heard someone else say this. She was a receptionist at a chiropractor's office I visited earlier this year. She had her shot in her left arm and immediately had pain in her right arm and it was still bothering her weeks later. Her right shoulder and neck were also affected. Hope you feel better soon.😊
@memphismel I feel fine. No dizziness this morning thankfully, but I still cannot hear in my left ear. After multiple tests and a thorough exam by an ENT specialist, I think they determined I have Vestibular Neuritis. She said she has treated another individual 2 days after COVID VAX with same symptoms as me, and his hearing started to return about 72-84 hours later. I am hoping that is the case for me.
Thank you for asking!
27 AUG Update.....No dizziness this morning thankfully, but I still cannot hear in my left ear. After multiple tests and a thorough exam by an ENT specialist, I think they determined I have Vestibular Neuritis.
She said she had treated another individual 2 days after his COVID VAX with same symptoms as me, and his hearing started to return about 72-84 hours later. I am hoping that is the case for me. She prescribed Prednisone for seven days and wants to see me back in a week to see if it has improved.
Hi all, yesterday my day started a bit wobbly but got better so I did some work in my garden. Today I feel horrible, lightheaded, tired, and headache all day. In retrospect I probably overdid it. I rang one of the GP's at my medical centre, the one I wanted to speak to was on leave, and he said I would still not be having symptoms 14 weeks after my second AZ jab but didn't offer any alternative explanation for my symptoms. I could have contested his comments but I knew it would be pointless. He did suggest that some people who had been previously exposed to Covid could be having longer lasting effects to the vaccine. I suppose this is possible but I've never had the obvious covid symptoms and I've followed all the rules. His only suggestion was ibuprofen for a few days and multivitamins. I don't know what I was hoping for, perhaps acknowledgement or reassurance that my symptoms were vaccine related, offer of more help perhaps in terms of treatment but there was nothing else. I've had good days before, even a whole week when I took ivermectin, but symptoms seem to return. What has gone though is giddiness in bed. I used to feel giddy turning over onto my right side but I'm ok now. That's something to be thankful for. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Best wishes all.😊🙏
@anotherone92 I feel like we have symptoms in common, I seem to be having very physiological anxiety symptoms, having never had any diagnosed anxiety or really much of anything else at all prior. My doctor has come to the conclusion that it is an overblown SNS response to the vaccine causing multiple symptoms including anxiety, tight chested, dizzy, tinnitus and blocked ears, tingly, weakness, stiffness, hormonal and adrenal issues, transient and complete exhaustion (could sleep on a concrete floor and then come right 10 mins later) can't sleep at all without medication and I'm getting the worst panic attacks. I have had a couple in the last few weeks but last night was really nasty and my husband called an ambulance but all was within normal (apart from me of course!) It's really a struggle to deal with and totally not in my frame of reference. It's a month since my first Pfizer vaccine and I'm waiting for more bloods etc as we are in total lockdown at the moment and can't get them done. He will look at inflammation/adrenal issues etc. I too have been checked at A&E a couple of times and released told I'm just a bit anxious which is frustrating to say the least but I'm pleased my GP is (now) listening.
If it is an 'inappropriate' immune response to the vaccine (and a friend of mine said maybe it's a totally appropriate way for YOUR particular body to react to it!) It will subside hopefully 3-6 months as it is processed. In the meantime take care of yourself and hang in there, you are definitely not alone 🙂
I'm a young woman in my 30s, previously healthy with no known underlying issues. I received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine June 29. I woke up the next day with the typical flu symptoms many report, so I wasn't really worried. In fact, looking back, I was pleased feeling it meant I was having a strong immune response. For the next week I had headache, nausea, fatigue and dizziness. It wasn't until the 5th or 6th day that I started to worry it wasn't getting better and contacted my doctor. They had me take a covid test which came back negative. I also had CT and MRI scans. Everything came back fine. My blood work was fine, including tests for inflammatory markers indicative of a variety autoimmune disorders or long haul covid. I was incredibly relieved to hear I didn't have any of these disorders and my doctor assumed I would start to feel gradually better over the next several days or weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't. Rather, I noticed a pattern -- waking with a headache that dissipated with getting up and then gradually returns mid morning. Sometimes the headache worsens to migraine level by the evening. On other days, the headache is less an issue and transitions to a sense of head and eye pressure, along with fatigue, dizziness and lightheaded features progressing throughout the day along with nausea. The symptoms seem to come in waves. Sometimes it gets better in the evening, sometimes worse. The dizziness isn't so much vertigo but rather a feeling of motion sickness like being carsick. My head also feels strange. Like it's full or air and someone is pressing down on it from above. I also have a sense of pressure around my eyes and it often hurts when I move them. Basically, I've felt like I've had the flu for two months.
I'm now in my eighth week going on nine this coming Tuesday with no improvement yet, and I'll admit the shear length of time with no clear diagnosis, little to no improvement, and no known source of the problem or what to do to resolve it is making me increasingly nervous. I've seen an ENT who tested my hearing and balance and assured me the source of the problem isn't vestibular. I've seen a gastroenterologist who performed an endoscopy and found nothing unusual in my stomach to explain the nausea and lightheadedness. I can't get in to see a neurologist until the end of September. As of now, I don't have a clear treatment plan, let alone sense of a timeline for when I might expect to feel like myself again.
I've reported by reaction to both the VAERS system and V-safe. I understand I can't be sure this is 100 percent vaccine related, but I just can't help but think that with the time frame being what it is (within a day), coupled with the fact that the symptoms are typical of a vaccine response makes it likely this is some kind of reaction. Whether it's directly vaccine related or it triggered something underlying is yet to be seen.
I'm encouraged by those mentioning that they experienced improvement around the 12 week mark. I'm curious if anyone who had improvement had similar symptoms to mine. And if so, did it happen gradually or all at once? Is it a bad sign that I've experienced little improvement yet at the 8-9 week mark? Thanks for your help and encouragement. I hope everyone here feels better soon.