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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@schwark4 You just reminded me that I also had a very sore neck and stiffness so couldn't turn my neck much. I've had this many times in the past as I have a kind of permanent whiplash but maybe the inflammation exacerbated it. Also a tension headache that may have been associated with caffeine withdrawals as I went right off coffee instinctively as I felt it'd be too harsh on the tummy. This too shall pass but it does make me very scared about getting a booster if it starts up all over again. Perhaps a different type won't affect me. I'll discuss later with my GP. 

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@chrisvoor i got vertigo after 2nd dose. I am also having dizziness and nausea since last month 🙁

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@revill7 same here. I never had balance problems. Got vertigo and still dizzy after 3 weeks. 

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@scuba76 can you tell me what treatment you took to reduce your symptoms.

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@chrislef1 what medications you took to get back to normal.can you tell me pls.iam worried a lot

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@heatherb did vitamin c help you

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Thank you to all the posters here. I’ve been struggling with deafness in one ear, tinnitus, headaches, and vertigo that faded into more general dizzies 🌪🌪 with onset 5 days after my second Moderna dose in May. I never had dizziness, vertigo, or hearing problems pre-vax. It’s been such a frustrating road, especially being a new mom.  The most devastating time was when my vertigo and then dizziness was so bad I could barely walk, let alone carry my baby. But I’ve gotten so much encouragement from this forum knowing that some people have recovered and that at least I am not alone. I thought I had recovered in mid-July (aside from the hearing loss which my ENT has said is permanent) only to have the dizzy, head fog, and tension headaches come back in earnest 2.5 weeks ago. I see @thenystagmus and others have gotten better and relapsed a few times, which I feel for you because that sucks! But I am encouraged by that information because it gives me hope I’ll once again know what “normal” feels like again, even if relapses are just the name of the game right now.  I’ve made peace with the hearing loss. I just want to function again without feeling to crummy every day. Also frustrating is the fact that almost none of the roughly 12 doctors I’ve seen have even questioned that maybe, just maybe, this could have been a vaccine side effect. I’m no anti-vaxxer by any means. But I am troubled by the lack of candor or seeming reluctance by the docs I saw to engage in any meaningful  discussion about possible side effects we’re seeing with these new vaccines.

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Hi @dizzybrainfog Did you try this? Any success?

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@larag yes I have.  It took a while.  Grab magnesium glycinate and lions mane mushroom.  Taurine as well as Myelin sheath supplement helps as well.  I’m taking a gajillion supplements to combat all my symptoms and I’m starting to see good results but I believe those that I just mentioned are calling/repairing nerves and my twitches/spasms have been reduced to only a few/night.


PM me if you need more info.

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How are you now

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@kdoyle84 I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with these symptoms too! I've been doing a lot of balance exercises, I have no clue if they help much since I usually just feel somewhat dizzier after. I suspect they help bring the body back to baseline more long term however, so I keep doing them. Good luck with deciding to get your second vaccine. There are some folks on this forum who decided to go through with it and took tons of supplements etc. to counteract the bad effects- that might be worth considering? One of my best friends has decided not to get a vaccine at all and is willing to take the hit to her social life as a result of the new restrictions on dining etc. I think she's super worried after seeing what I've gone through, understandably so.

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@schwark4 Katie, thank you for the kind words! I'm super glad to hear this has (albeit slowly) faded away for you. The long, drawn-out nature of this condition has been super frustrating, especially because of how sudden and debilitating the onset was. However, I am glad to hear that the dizziness has gone away for the most part. I remember having one really good week at the ~2 month post-vax mark right before everything flared up again because I took the second vaccine. It's interesting that you should mention your neck pain and stiffness- I've always had a weak neck and upper back (no alignment issues in my x-rays). Perhaps there really is some connection here...

That's great that your doctor validated some of your thoughts about the vaccine- all of mine have basically asked me to shut up and stop blaming the vaccine because it isn't an "official side effect". I don't really expect any different, that's how they're trained I suppose.

Good luck to you- I'd love to hear any updates on your progress, since we have similar symptoms!

Nisarg127 and Nisarg127 reacted
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@keets2000 I definitely had some super weird arm and leg numbness the first couple of weeks. My symptoms improved from that first little while, but they have stuck around for several weeks after. It does get better though, so don't be scared!! If you can, you could visit at least a family physician/general practitioner and an ENT/vestibular specialist. Having to take a bunch of tests SUCKS and might be expensive, but if you can rule out anything super serious, it may give you a lot of peace of mind and also confirm (by elimination) that its vaccine. For example, I did a bunch of bloodwork and found that I had extremely high allergy levels, and have been taking medication to lower that. I feel like that's been helping me feel slightly better!

However, you might not want to put yourself through all that and that makes total sense too.

To answer your question: most people here seem to be getting better either at the 3-4 week post-vaccine mark, 10-12 post-vaccine mark, or the 16-18 week mark. For some others it's longer, but that doesn't seem like the rule to me (check out some of the other posts on this thread for more info!).


I'm sorry you and everyone else here is dealing with this BS. I hope things get better for you soon!!

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@michaelk I've seen this recommended by several others on here. I'll check it out, thank you!

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@jondick same.  I was having difficulty walking for about 2 weeks. Like my brain couldn’t control my legs - felt like I was becoming paralyzed.  Thank God that went away.  It’s like an extremely mild GBS case.

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