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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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pls have your doctor or you can do it yourself Report adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine. This information will go to the CDC

The pharmaceutical companies are not following since they have no legal responsibility. This was approved by our government.

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Any EVA / LVAS experience with the Pfizer vaccine?

My 14-year old daughter was diagnosed as a newborn with  Enlarged Vestibule Aquaduct Syndrome. She used hearing aids until 7 years old when had a unilateral cochlear implant operation. 

She is concerned about the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine negatively impacting her remaining hearing on the side where she still uses a hearing aid. We have seen Inner ear adverse event reporting from the UK, so are hesitant to vaccinate.
Any EVA / LVAS experience with the Pfizer vaccine?

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Any EVA / LVAS experience with the Pfizer vaccine?

My 14-year old daughter was diagnosed as a newborn with  Enlarged Vestibule Aquaduct Syndrome. She used hearing aids until 7 years old when had a unilateral cochlear implant operation. 

She is concerned about the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine negatively impacting her remaining hearing on the side where she still uses a hearing aid. We have seen Inner ear adverse event reporting from the UK, so are hesitant to vaccinate.
Any EVA / LVAS experience with the Pfizer vaccine?

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Posted by: @mountainmama

Thank you to all the posters here. I’ve been struggling with deafness in one ear, tinnitus, headaches, and vertigo that faded into more general dizzies 🌪🌪 with onset 5 days after my second Moderna dose in May. I never had dizziness, vertigo, or hearing problems pre-vax. It’s been such a frustrating road, especially being a new mom.  The most devastating time was when my vertigo and then dizziness was so bad I could barely walk, let alone carry my baby. But I’ve gotten so much encouragement from this forum knowing that some people have recovered and that at least I am not alone. I thought I had recovered in mid-July (aside from the hearing loss which my ENT has said is permanent) only to have the dizzy, head fog, and tension headaches come back in earnest 2.5 weeks ago. I see @thenystagmus and others have gotten better and relapsed a few times, which I feel for you because that sucks! But I am encouraged by that information because it gives me hope I’ll once again know what “normal” feels like again, even if relapses are just the name of the game right now.  I’ve made peace with the hearing loss. I just want to function again without feeling to crummy every day. Also frustrating is the fact that almost none of the roughly 12 doctors I’ve seen have even questioned that maybe, just maybe, this could have been a vaccine side effect. I’m no anti-vaxxer by any means. But I am troubled by the lack of candor or seeming reluctance by the docs I saw to engage in any meaningful  discussion about possible side effects we’re seeing with these new vaccines.

Hi, yes, I've heard others refer to all this recovery having a nonlinear course. True, and an apt description, but it definitely feels like a jolting ride in a wicked carnival ride at times! And with a new baby! 😔🙏

I'm so sorry you weren't given the chance to save the hearing in your ear by being given steroids right away.

I've been chewing over my lack of diagnosis and once again reading papers written for medical practitioners on how to go about doing that for vestibular issues. 

It really strikes me that whatever symptoms those of us here have started having following Covid vaccination and as much testing as a lot of us have had, we rarely get a traditional diagnosis for the things our symptoms indicate we may have.

Which I'm glad I didn't have an acoustic neuroma, although I had enough symptoms in it's ballpark for even my physician's assistant at my PCP's office to agree to order an MRI to rule it out.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that it seems to me that these reactions look like a lot of other things, but I think they're really in a category of their own with a lot of manifestations. Hmmm, reminds me of the 200 symptoms they're saying are associated with long Covid... 🤔

And, since they have so few diagnosis to offer us, why, oh why is it so, so difficult for them to believe that the Covid vaccines may be having toxic effects for some of us??

Oh yeah, in my excitement that I might be making sense, I almost forgot, that wouldn't serve the greater good... Sigh. Well, maybe someday they'll get back to us. 😔

Until then, I'm really glad we can share potentially helpful information and commiserate with one another here. 😏🙏

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Hi, guys. Update for me. I must admit I am really easy to manipulate person. I had been writing about my experience with first Moderna on 12 June and I had a bad trip for 1 month: mostly panic attacks, had hot toes. So since July then I felt very good, had no issues and decided to get the second jab. I got convinced that it it was only my physology. So I made second jab on 23rd august. The first night it went different: i did had small fever up to 38C degrees and it went away the next day, I was feeling fine. Issues started from day 5: opposite to my previous expirience when I had hot toes for 1 month, now I have cold feet and cold hands. I got jab to left hand and it is now colder then the rights had. Daily they change and can become hotter, but then temperature falls. Feet are better, but now again become colder. The biggest problem was feeling heart pumping. I took validol and heart got much better, I dont have feeling for it but i have pain when I start walking, i think its some kind of muscle pain due to canals being less wide. I think it is more a muscle pain, hopefully heart if fine, I have normal BP.

Also I want to mention that I had lover blood temperature, about 36C, and when i got second jab it was 36.4. Now it is about 36C again.

Also I cached cold immediately. So this is the second jab.


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Posted by: @ivank

Hi, guys. Update for me. I must admit I am really easy to manipulate person. I had been writing about my experience with first Moderna on 12 June and I had a bad trip for 1 month: mostly panic attacks, had hot toes. So since July then I felt very good, had no issues and decided to get the second jab. I got convinced that it it was only my physology. So I made second jab on 23rd august. The first night it went different: i did had small fever up to 38C degrees and it went away the next day, I was feeling fine. Issues started from day 5: opposite to my previous expirience when I had hot toes for 1 month, now I have cold feet and cold hands. I got jab to left hand and it is now colder then the rights had. Daily they change and can become hotter, but then temperature falls. Feet are better, but now again become colder. The biggest problem was feeling heart pumping. I took validol and heart got much better, I dont have feeling for it but i have pain when I start walking, i think its some kind of muscle pain due to canals being less wide. I think it is more a muscle pain, hopefully heart if fine, I have normal BP.

Also I want to mention that I had lover blood temperature, about 36C, and when i got second jab it was 36.4. Now it is about 36C again.

Also I cached cold immediately. So this is the second jab.


I have cold hands and feet.. basicaly I have all symptoms people talking about here and maybee more. I get that cold hands and feet last year in february when I cach covid I think.. never tested so I cant be sure. Maybee my symptoms never goes away and is just connected with cold wether, but 14 days after 1 dose of sinopharm vaccine I get that symptom again.. tgether with all other symptoms I talk about. cold hands in first place. Last year I have that symptom for long time and I think never fully recovered.. not sure what can help you with that. Only warm water for 1 min or 2 helped me.

Maybee diazepam.. not sure because I take only two of that pills in my life, but when I take last one I feel warm hands for whole next day.. so I think that can be one more neurologycal symptom..


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Hey man hope you're feeling better today. Had a quick question about your friend who is working with Dr. PATTERSON. How are his reactions to maraviroc? Looks like it may have some substantial side effects so I'm trying to think if I want to take that risk or not. How are they doing with the treatment and how long have they been on it? Thanks in advance!

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Posted by: @jbeatthis1


Hey man hope you're feeling better today. Had a quick question about your friend who is working with Dr. PATTERSON. How are his reactions to maraviroc? Looks like it may have some substantial side effects so I'm trying to think if I want to take that risk or not. How are they doing with the treatment and how long have they been on it? Thanks in advance!

No side effects for him.  He was very worried (and now happy) about that.  He has hit a snag due to the logistics of working long distance but hopes to continue with it soon.  PM me.

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Hi Estonia, I am also 13 weeks post vaccine and having a relapse after two good weeks. But, I am not sure what we can do. I have a 3 year old. Yeah its challenging to do things when you have these symptoms and young children. I am waiting to feel like 100% and it seems like a long struggle. 

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@mountainmama - Its really sad. But, you can retrain your good ear to compensate for the other. I am so surprised to know that the ER docs did not prescribe you steroids on time. They shouldn't be wearing their white coats and call themselves as doctors.

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Anyone only get the one vaccine (because you swore off the second) and then catch COVID? I know its just a matter of time until I contract the virus and I'm wondering what others experiences have been. Would we even know since we feel so sick all of the time anyway?

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@memphismel I've only had one but my doctor has advised I get the second when I recover. I'm mortally terrified of doing so - I can't go through this again - and I'm equally scared of being unvaccinated and catching Covid. No idea what to do.

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Anything that will help against the headaches? I've been dealing with them for 2 months now, I normally take Ibuprofen but they don't work somehow. 

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@euroka I am 24y.o healthy female and I have experience similar to yours.

I inoculate the Moderna vaccine. Aside from the expected side effects, I had also experience "covid arm" on the 6th day. It lasted for 3 days.

I'm also encountering Numbing, tickling, prickling sensations on my palms, foot soles, limbs. Until now... And the worse side effects I hated most is experiencing heartburn, tightness in my chest and throat. I have this feeling like I always have acid reflux. Rapid heartbeat from short activities. 

Just wanna know if you have cure it by now? If so, What did you do?

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Posted by: @anotherone92

@memphismel I've only had one but my doctor has advised I get the second when I recover. I'm mortally terrified of doing so - I can't go through this again - and I'm equally scared of being unvaccinated and catching Covid. No idea what to do.

My doc said the same thing adding “do it for your son. He can’t get the vaccine”. Had to fight my middle finger from going up. I don’t think she really took my symptoms seriously. I am NOT getting the second. Not an MRNA vaccine… I’m spike protein intolerant 😆 

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