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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@pfizervictim Sure here it is. I know things change with covid and jab researches and the same link to these diseases are also true for the flu and herpes viruses. But how concerned should we be at this point? What measures can we take to prevent these diseases?  

Bill and Bill reacted
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@larag I had my one and only  AZ jab in early March and have suffered various symptoms since mid March. This twitching and jolting me awake has been going on for the last couple of months, I am due to see the dr again in two weeks. I was prescribed topiramate but couldn't carry on with it, it made me feel even more off balance and I lost my appetite even more. Like yourself I'm getting anxious about this, try not to be, but it's difficult. I would feel slightly better if I could sleep.  You have to keep going but it's hard. I had an MRI but nothing substantial showed up. I wonder if I should be getting further neurological tests I did get referred to neurology but only saw a headache nurse, it's difficult to see a neurologist in my rural part of the uk and I'm really not well enough to be travelling. Like you, my mind goes into overdrive worrying what's wrong with me. 

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@lynner I completely understand. The wait for neurologist is huge atm. I'm in South East UK. Although my appt Is in 2 weeks so I can happily let you know what they say seeing as we are having similar symptoms. My twitches started about 4 weeks after my jab although I had severe neck back and face ache from the get go. I also had brain mri which was clear and clear bloods. It's interesting to see similar reaction to different vaccines though.. I always thought the az was the better one as it wasn't the new mrna but obv not! 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@sfbayareavaccine .. yes my symptoms were really getting better and I was almost back to normal .. but again past 1 week I feel the symptoms are relapsing 

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My second dose was on May 6th .. After that i started experiencing every other symptoms increased heart rate , panic attacks , shortness of breath .. been to multiple doctors , cardiologists all tests came back normal .. I started getting better over the weeks .. all symptoms vanished .. but over last ten days I have this extreme fatigue and chest heaviness .. think symptoms are relapsing .. anybody experiencing this ? 

Jean, Patience, Jean and 1 people reacted
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@larag Please let me know what the neurologist says. My bloods were also clear. This twitching started in my face and spread over the weeks to multiple parts of my body.  Please keep in touch and I wish you well.

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@lynner does your forehead feel like it's twitching inside? My head feels full and like it just is going to pop from all the internal twitching. My face is the last body part to start doing it. It's so frightening. I wish you well too xx

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@priyaraghu I had a headache for 7 weeks straight, it went away last week only to return today, but much worse. 

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@larag Yes, my forehead feels very heavy, so does my head which I am worried about, and also as you say alot of twitching in my cheeks, neck, forehead and even behind my eyes, which have been dry for months now, and the same bubbly twitching feeling is in my ribs and legs and I still feel pain at the site of the injection all these months on. My husband and daughter have been very understanding, don't know what I would have done without them. You take care and please keep in touch, pleased this forums here, you'd feel very alone without it.

Vaf and Vaf reacted
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@mandy211 Would you mind telling what you take for your anxiety? I was prescribed with SSRI medication and am currently on the fence about it. 

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I noticed something today and it isn't the first time I noticed it, as I wrote earlier today my headache returned. I just had dinner and it's significantly less all of a sudden, I also noticed the same thing happened in the weeks before. Anyone else have this as well? 

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@priyaraghu extreme farigue for me too, doctor say it's cause by the vaccine and can be present 6 at 9 months. We just have to be patient 🙁 

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@lindsadj -

seek info about the Zelenko Protocol-also HighWire interview with Dr. Zelenko who practices in NY area.

also see the following from another (comments by health professionals only-viewable by public) site-

For those experiencing post-jab side effects there is a protocol being used that has helped many regain some semblance of former health and abilities.

1.Fast for 3 days…water only. Speculated that fasting turns off the spike protein production…according to scientists involved in its manufacture.

2. Vit D 10,000 units daily

3. Vit C at least 5 Grams daily…good quality with bioflavonoids 

4. Liposomal glutathione

5.Vit A

6. Zinc

8. Quercetin 

9. Bifidobacterium


Best of luck and hoping for your recovery.


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I would add that when I went through my respiratory illness in Nov 2019 (pre Covid in the news) I drank not just water but raw or roasted Burdock Root Tea. Went through 2+ pounds of root and drank it every day. It was all I ingested for 2-3 weeks, 3 or more cups a day, and it helped keep my strength up. Drinking only water can deplete minerals.   In retrospect, I think Burdock root kept me out of the ER.  Burdock cleans the blood, so it makes sense. 

Estonia and Estonia reacted
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I started taking Lexapro five mgs..for two months now....and it seems to be working. My doctor tells me I'm going to move up to ten mgs when I see him again in a month...I'm starting off slow and getting my body use to the medication. You just have to try to find the right medication for yourself if you have anxiety because everyone is different. Good luck with which ever you choose.

Jean and Jean reacted
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