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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Hi there! Been creeping this forum for a month or more trying to figure out what’s brought on this sudden vertigo. Appreciate your help I’ve seen physios, chiros, and spoken to almost 6 MDs.

June 25 - got second dose of Pfizer covid vaccine. Felt super ill and arm swollen for two weeks

june 28th - moved apartments. Felt major brain fog while moving. Stress for sure but different - found typing hard thought it was caused by poor sleep but nothing would fix

1st or second week of July - symptoms of unsteadiness vertigo dizziness began. Constant. While walking. Sitting, bending. No other symptoms.

July 16 - got up from desk after long work day and felt like I might pass out. Shaking. Sweaty. Nauseous. Dizzy even when lying down. Called ER and advised to give it an hour and then come in. Felt better after ginger ale and breathing lying down.

july 17- neuro assessment and BPPV test. All normal. Doctor tells me I have anxiety 😌. ECG lying down normal. Bloodwork normal.

july 18-mid aug

aug 1 get a UTI. Take antibiotics 

see a chiro who tests again for BPPV not that. Suggests my jaw is tight. Read online that can cause vertigo so start doing jaw release and taking a cocktail of anti inflammatory supplements like quercitin, omega 3, curcumin and glucosamine MSM. Start to feel better. Vertigo goes from 8-12 hours a day to 1-2 hours a day to 1 hour

end of august

wasnt a UTI turns out it’s ureaplasma infection so start doxycycline for two weeks


physio specializing in vestibular does assessment. I have some weakness in vestibular function but most notably my heart rate jumps significantly when I got from lying to standing while my BP stays the same. She says it’s likely POTS causing my vertigo. My vertigo is much improved from July aug but still present and also now worried about this heart rate situation. I’m 41 and healthy.

Uhm what?

Now I’m googling the 800+ causes of POTS and freaking out. 

so..   where do I go from here? What should I test first? Could the vaccine cause POTS? Or is it a coincidence timing wise and something else autoimmune causing it?

I never noticed my heart rate jumping before but honestly never tracked it really Pre vaccine. never had vertigo ever in my life before. 

anyone else had similar symptoms post vax??

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I just recently got my COVID shot...the first and it's been a week now. The first day I got it...on 8/27... I was ok til like 4 hours later and I started to get my anxiety bad. My heart started to race an I was getting chest pains. I'm a person that already takes medication for my anxiety disorder but it wasn't bad. I've also experienced fatigue and my joints hurt. I still get my attacks and I'm hoping it gets better. I'm supposed to take my second dose but I don't like how I felt so I might delay that. If you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms..I hope it gets better for you.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Mandy11

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I’ve been following this forum for a while … terrified and thinking the worst. I went to the ER and saw a clinic doctor and a chiropractor so far. I messaged with a GP and a neurologist on a paid app. 

Three weeks ago I had the Pfizer vax and at two weeks, I woke up dizzy and feeling awful. I have never had vertigo or anything even close to it. My nervous system was firing strongly and sending weird pulses through my body. I knew something was wrong. As mentioned, I went to the ER (on my sons bday bc I couldn’t handle it anymore) .. their bloodwork and EKG said I’m healthy and I had BPPV and do Epley. He was a jerk. It boggled my mind and I knew it was wrong. 

I tried over the next few days to relax but there’s no way.. I didn’t sleep or eat and nothing changed. My feet were very cold and tingly knee down and my hands were also getting tingly. I thought maybe anxiety. But the feet were bad.. 

Today I went to my chiro and it relieved so much pressure in my neck!! He ageed.. I wasn’t spinning or falling.. it’s not vertigo. Didn’t know want though. 

This afternoon I grabbed all the vitamins I could find and thought omg I need magnesium or I’m going to lose my legs.. and B12… I took 2000mcg of b12. In two hours .. no more dizziness. I searched b12 deficiency and sure enough … it causes dizziness and nervous system issues, tingling etc. 

I don’t know if I’m right, but BE AN ADVOCATE for yourself. I knew something was wrong and no one listened or believed me. If I had waited longer, I don’t even know. My family doc isn’t free until the 27th and each day and night has been hell. 

I think our immune systems are hit HARD with the vax. Try some of the vitamins - b12, D, magnesium. And get a dr that will do a full blood panel and LISTENS. 

Anyone else recoup??

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Hi I am from Philippines. I had my 1st dose of AstraZeneca Sunday September 5, 2021 (Sunday) I have alpha thalassemia and asthma. I had a fever evening of September 5 around 38.1 Celsius. Right now, I am infront of the computer working and I feel like throwing up. Feel like my heads going to pop, I do not have appetite and at night my skin gets itchy. I don't know how long will I suffer the side effects of AstraZeneca... 

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@larag hello all of my joints are aching from toes to my fingers .. I am unable to stand up quickly because I feel like I am going to fall 

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Please can anyone explain to me what’s going on ? After taking the second dose of vaccine I have been diagnosed with retina detachment in my right eyes.I am a 33 year old woman who has never  used glasses and I have always been perfectly healthy,I’m losing my mind in fear.has anyone experienced this or has any advice for me.I’m due for surgery in few days.

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@larag I can relate... if you are robbed of sleep, the entire following day is destroyed.

In such cases, I would consider taking a mild sedative, just so that it releases you from tension. Speak with your doctor, please, as there are solutions. 

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Has anyone else experienced spasms/tingling in their face? This is really frightening me 😔

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@larag I myself have eyelid tremors.  A feeling that I am sinking the sinuses that goes up to the eyes.  It often accompanies dizziness. At the end of the day I also had tingling in my face but I put it down to hyper vigilance

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@romaina yeah I'm thinking mine maybe because of a serious lack of sleep. I've also just got over a vertigo episode. But my twitches aren't visible to others or in the mirror.. I can just feel them in my forehead by my temples and around my mouth! It's like my skin is alive underneath. My legs are pretty bad today too. Not sure what going on. I'm 12 weeks post 1st jab. I'm so over this.i just want to get some answers or medication to ease it. Still got 2 weeks until I see a neurologist!

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@larag I am experienced exactly the same, this twitching keeps me awake too, I think I'm finally falling asleep and I get jolted awake. 

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@lynner really?! It's awful but comforting to know I'm not alone. My anxiety is going mad telling me I'm about to have a clot to the brain or something! It's such a weird feeling. I have been coping with the twitches throughout my body... but they have only recently started in my face and since yesterday its been relentless. I can't sleep either as I shut my eyes and I'm even more aware of it. How long are you post jab etc? Have you had any Dr's advice? I'm at such a loss of what to do..

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Figured I was out of the woods somewhat, but today my headache is back with a vengeance. I'm positive it will go away, just hope it doesn't take 7 weeks like the previous one. *sigh*

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Hello, those who have suffered short term memory fog and cognitive issues including disorientation there is now a research showing link to covid and alzeihermer's and dementia diseases. What path should we take to prevent these diseases at this point? Should we be concerned? I thought these diseases came later in life. I am 39 and was perfectly healthy and active person pre-jab. I know most of us here are not medical professionals but just want to get oppinion of others who are or have suffered these symptoms either during covid or post jab. I guess i am looking for support, too. Thanks much. 

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@charsen could you post a link to the research article? 

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