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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@seemamkhrj - Thanks for asking! I am doing really well. It took about 4 months but dizziness, ear pressure, deafness in one ear and loud ringing resolved and I just have mild tinnitus now which I think I may have had before, like for a really long time and I just thought it was normal. 

I am a bit worried about the booster but plan to get things worked out to where I won't have to work if it happens again. Fortunately, I work from home but having to work through it last time was torture! 

I tried a lot of things but I think time is the key and it is different for everyone.

How about you? 

DizzyinTexas, Rachel, PfizerVictim and 3 people reacted
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I've had Menieres for about 11 years. I'm bilateral now. Ive had non-vestibular reactions to other vaccines in the past that the doctors blew off as "normal" or "made up'.  I was very hesitant to get this shot.  I finally broke down last week and got the Moderna.  My dad had no complications with it, and I expected maybe migraines as the flu shot has caused, but nothing else. My doctors said everything would be fine not to worry. 

Thursday and Friday were okay.  The ringing, pressure and pain started to build on Saturday. I also experienced some intermittent hearing loss. 

Sunday morning I was violently sick with one of the worst vertigo attacks I've ever had. I threw up so hard I pooped myself (sorry TMI) and pulled my back. Valium was slow to help, and did NOTHING for the imbalance that followed. 

I was in bed two days. I managed to get to work Tuesday and Wednesday but the vertigo started back today (Thursday) and albeit mild, I can not drive if everything spins with the turn of my head. 

My ENT isn't calling me back. I've put a message into my PCP and have gotten no response. 

How long will this last? Will it get worse with the second shot on the 29th? 

Y'all I have to work, I carry the insurance and my pay is important to our survival. I can not lose another job to this madness.  I had gotten to a point where I was dizzy and uncomfortable, but violent attacks were very rare and my hearing actually improved. Now I'm worse off than I've been in years seemingly overnight. 

No one, not even me, expected to have this reaction. I'm very upset. And I have family we can't tell I got the shot because of the ungodly drama it will cause. We have to keep the cause of this a secret. Is there anything that will help? Valium isn't helping and meclizine isn't doing anything either. 

I'm open to any suggestions you can think of.  Thank you. 

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@courtneymchale2288 of course! It will go away eventually just takes time (much more time than any of us were expecting). It’s been a rough journey but hopefully my recovery will help people through it. I know how badly I wanted someone to tell me they recovered when I was at week 6!

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Posted by: @hollyd

@seemamkhrj - Thanks for asking! I am doing really well. It took about 4 months but dizziness, ear pressure, deafness in one ear and loud ringing resolved and I just have mild tinnitus now which I think I may have had before, like for a really long time and I just thought it was normal. 

I am a bit worried about the booster but plan to get things worked out to where I won't have to work if it happens again. Fortunately, I work from home but having to work through it last time was torture! 

I tried a lot of things but I think time is the key and it is different for everyone.

How about you? 

Hi Holly- good to hear that you are well and happy. Its been little over 3 months since I got the vaccine and having issues like giddiness, head pressure, ear pressure, tinnitus and other vision problems. I have good moments some days but never had good days really. I am waiting for that to come (just like everyone here :)). I lost my job becoz of this whole experience but that's okay as long as I recover. I see that you have recovered in 4 months, which is great. 

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Posted by: @seemamkhrj
Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @jketcham

Got my first dose of Moderna back on March 24th, and while for the longest time the Tinnitus has been primarily in my right ear, in the last day or so I'm noticing it in my left ear. I deal with fatigue, pressure in my face and brain fog. I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but after my shot I've developed a horrible rash that has rubbed raw along my waist line. It's very painful and trying to take care of that.

All of this came about after I got my first dose of Moderna, before that I had none of it. Yet when I mention it to people they brush it off as coincidence, and that these are something else unrelated. It's frustrating to me, and I feel alone. I'm at a point I'm struggling day to day to get by. I am an alcoholic, was in recovery and everything I'm dealing with has caused me to start drinking again. Everyone else I know who has gotten the vaccine has had zero issues, yet I've been dealing with so much since and I feel so alone.. sucks. 

I have told many people about what I've read on this forum.  Most of them look at me like I'm crazy and completely disbelieve and dismiss what I've told them, even though I give them this link--and especially if they had the vaccine and had no side effects.  Too many people think these side effects are coincidental or not real and no one takes any of this seriously.

Do you have the link ?

The link to this forum is    I've given the link to people to read the forum for themselves.  They still dismiss, deny, and think I'm crazy.  

Seema and Seema reacted
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@isismadec I have done the same and always met with silence. Whatever... we know what's really going on.

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How anyone could dismiss and deny hundreds of pages of stories about the bad effects is beyond me, not to mention the links I have come across reading this forum and and have passed along....

Some people choose to keep their heads in the sand no matter what.  Sad......

There is going to come a point where there will be many people out there who have either suffered bad effects themselves or know of someone who did.  

CCoast and CCoast reacted
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@isismadec once these boosters roll out I'm sure we will have a lot more members here. There is only so much our bodies can handle. Not to mention long term effects of chronic inflammation. The worst part is, the criminal part is, these pharmaceutical companies have immunity from legal accountability. They sit back and get rich while people get sick and die. I don't think I've ever been this outraged in my life. 

Steve, Estonia, dragonlover and 3 people reacted
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@sadman85 Without this forum, many of us would still be anxiously searching for some kind of underlying medical condition within us.

As we can not get rid of this poison in one simple and quick procedure, we can do nothing but endure. Entering my 3rd month of recovery and some days it really messes up with my head...

Opheas, MountainMama, Steve and 3 people reacted
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@mandy211 I was simply wondering whether they've prescribed benzos, SSRIs, TCAs or something else. Cause from what I've read, the side effects can be horrendous... 

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@benpeck I received J&J vaccine April 7, so it’s been 5 months. All my ugly symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, head pressure, vertigo, nausea, stomach upset, tinnitus started after a couple of weeks of vaccination. I had good few weeks between, but the symptoms had come back. Still suffering. I drive to nearby grocery stores in better days but other than that I won’t drive. Surprisingly I too still get a strong pain at the shot site frequently. No one believes me when I mention. I try to be positive thinking that the vaccine is still effective, but who knows. I hope you feel better soon! 

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Posted by: @memphismel

@isismadec once these boosters roll out I'm sure we will have a lot more members here. There is only so much our bodies can handle. Not to mention long term effects of chronic inflammation. The worst part is, the criminal part is, these pharmaceutical companies have immunity from legal accountability. They sit back and get rich while people get sick and die. I don't think I've ever been this outraged in my life. 

I agree!  I'm sure everyone on this forum feels the same.  People consented to take this garbage because they thought they were doing the right thing--and got long term illness and even death for doing so.  The continuing dismissal and denial only adds insult to injury.   It infuriates me that a few people are becoming billionaires at the expense of others becoming ill and dying.  I also wonder if those pushing the poison the most have taken it themselves.  I'm thinking not.....

I've already heard a number of people who received the two shots say they will refuse the booster.  I hope everyone refuses.  Ever hear the saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?  That's what is going on here--two shots didn't solve the problem so take more.....

What's really scary is no one has any idea of what the long term or cumulative effects of the poison might be.  Even those who didn't suffer any bad side effects might be in for some nasty surprises at some point in the future.

Gloria M, Patience, PfizerVictim and 5 people reacted
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@isismadec The same thought has crossed my mind several times, naturally, inducing angst. The approach I've adopted with regard to this is optimistic, albeit a tad bit romanticised:

We were given poison, that much is certain. But instead of letting it be a silent killer, our amaziny ferocious bodies recognised it at first sight and are waging epic battles to push it out, causing some collateral damage. And our bodies will win. And we'll never accept another shot. And we'll get lasting immunity nevertheless.

Sorry, I've started reading this self-help book, trying to change my outlook to not be so catastrophic all the time. Might already be functioning 🙂 


Opheas, gingerj, MemphisMel and 5 people reacted
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@a1oner Hello, I'm Rachel. I was wondering how are you doing/feeling today? I'm doing ivermectin and the fccc protocol I'm using is 2 days of a high dose and 2 days of a low dose and then wait the rest of the week and start again the following week for 3 weeks. Is that what you did? What do you mean by your 5th dose? 

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@kirstymiller Hello, I'm Rachel. How did you do with the ivermectin? Better I hope. How long did you take it for or are you still taking it?

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