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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Is anyone feeling like their head is underwater or floaty and it gets worse when drinking water or lying down? Can this be a side effect after the vaccine?  Can’t shake it off and there is no sign of an inner ear problem. Does not feel like vertigo. No spinning just floaty. This has been happening for 2 months now. Took 2nd dose back in March. 

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@aurelia bummer I’m not European 😔

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@aurelia bummer I’m not European 😔

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@nehru1 thanks for your response I ended up in hospital last night getting test CT scan of the head all clear still hasn't eased my mind I fly out to Greece in 2 weeks with my partner and 2 children donubthink this is a good idea anything I can do to help myself I just keep punishing myself for getting second dose because I was such a happy person now I don't want to leave the house crying all the time xx

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Posted by: @jeank

@pfizervictim It is exceptionally nice that you've remembered to check up on me. I've decided to step down from frequent posting as it only increased my anxiety, which peaked around 10 days ago. Consequently, I've started taking sertraline - of course, after consulting both my PCP and psychiatrist -, which actually might be doing something good. Don't misunderstand, getting used to antidepressants is exactly how it is described on numerous forums: before you get any better, you get much worse. Tomorrow, I have a scheduled neurologist appointment, psychotherapy and acupuncture. I'm doing to the vaccine precisely what it is doing to me, battling it on several fronts. 

After discussing matters with my SO and parents, we've decided to confront this with everything we've got, meaning I'm currently at the hands of Western medicine, traditional Chinese acupuncture, homeopathic remedies, talk therapy, cognitive-behavioural theory, vitamins and supplements!

Also, people, stop googling symptoms if you can manage. My incessant worrying led to health anxiety and borderline cardiophobia (which I really didn't need). 

I hadn't seen you post for a while and have wondered how you were doing.  I'd hoped you were much better, and that's why you hadn't posted.  I hope that one or more of the avenues you are pursuing will yield a positive result.  Keep us updated.

Jean, PfizerVictim, Jean and 1 people reacted
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You reassured and helped a lot of people here @jeank . I'm sure everything will be better soon. Living with these symptoms is difficult for everyone and we have to keep fighting even if it takes a long time. When I arrived on this forum I never thought I would be there again 3 months later. But I remember now when I was writing in the beginning things were worse. One thing that is made worse is the sudden panic attacks that happen within minutes. I think the brain and the body tire a lot from having to go through this 😕

MountainMama, Opheas, Jean and 5 people reacted
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@jeank I'm sad to hear you haven't recovered yet but happy to hear you haven't given up fighting this poison and are gonna keep fighting till the end. I agree with what you said, while this forum is a blessing its also a curse that fuels our anxiety, I'm gonna follow your example and try to post less and stop worrying so much.

I truly hope that we are nearing the end of this awful journey and can go back to normal soon. 

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In1992,I had the flu vaccine. I had 1) severe muscle pain in my right arm(shot side), my left lower arm and both wrists and hands. 2) pain and tingling, weakness down my right hip and leg 3) flushing 4) fatigue- severe 5) weakness and pain in my hip girdle and shoulder girdle that progressed after the pain 6) neck pain and stiffness 7) then ringing in my ears, very sore behind my ear, difficulty turning my neck 8) dizziness when  moving in the bed, sitting up or walking. 9) I listed to the right, bumped into furniture and doors 10)unstable blood pressure 11) my right eye hurt, very sore also.12) uncontrollable jerking of my arms  and legs especially with noise. 13) I couldn't stand noise (very hard with 3 kids under 6) 14) hard to think and concentrate, couldn't read, couldn't follow a TV program.  Unable to work.

Filled out VAERS.. never heard from anyone about my experience. 

Saw internist, neurologist, ent, finally rheumatologist.I have been on so many drugs..steroids,muscle relaxers,anti depressants,sleeping pills,Valium, blood pressure medication, blood thinning meds,Vit D,Vit C, pain meds, thyroid meds, neutontin, antihistamines, modulating meds.

tried heat, cold, relaxation therapy,physical therapy, massage therapy, water exercises,saunas and steam rooms,trigger point therapy, trigger point injections, ganglion injections,nerve blocks,Lidocaine patches.

I was able to go to work after a few years, a decreased schedule, 2 hours to start, then 4 then 6 then 8 and finally 12 hour shifts again.. but I always paid for it the next day. Super hard to work two days in a row.. then I would have periods when I would relapse with same symptoms or new ones.. thus a  rheumatologist. I have never returned to my preimmunization status..I have persevered, done my best and prayed lots. My husband had cancer twice after this and I became a widow, my children grew up. I now have three grandchildren that I live near in case I need help or food or meals. 

Then Covid...I waited unto July 2021.. very end of the month. President pleading with America to stop the spike. Delta variant deadly to those who are not vaccinated. I (have you guessed) was a nurse. Four years of college, two more of just science..I have grandkids I want to see, older parents I haven't seen in over a year.  I was scared, I was not going to get the vaccine. Up until now,I wore my mask in crowds, did not wear it outside, or when shopping with few people. I washed my hands, didn't touch my face, used sanitizers..I was going for herd immunity. Tested 3 times for Covid, all negative. 

I got the vaccine. Brave or fool hardy?  Slight fever, sore arm, little clumsy little forgetful..I just moved and put things away (my reason for not remembering where I put things), better widen the path I am using so I don't bump into that piece of furniture there,  got my grandboys names mixed up..ha everyone does that!

Second immunization (whew good thing going to FL in two weeks), cases are increasing in my county(soon we would be highest County in US!) Was grocery shopping a few hours later:chills, fever, so tired..

During night102 fever, muscle pain, headache, eye pain...ibuprofen.

Next I am clumsy, fever, so tired, fell out of bed, hit my head. Dropped 2 glasses and they  broke all over the floor, hard time seeing to vacuum them up.. couldn't figure out how to fit the tray back under the ice dispenser on the outside of my fridge. Letting my dog out, I bumped into a piece of furniture, couldn't work the latch on my dogs leash.. tunnel vision, listing to the right, ears ringing, typing on my phone was awful I kept double hitting the same letter.. my finger was jerking... rash and itching itching. (Benadryl and Atarax alternated). My eyelid drooped,my eyeball sore,my bp all over the place. 

Called my Dr first thing.. steroids and a taper, Benadryl for four days.. scared yes.. hoping my life would not be like before.. just had to wait it out. It's been five weeks since last immunization. Still fatigue, and ringing ears.. sore eye.

I will not be getting the booster,I will not be getting anymore influenza vaccines..period I was a trooper.i tried for myself my family, my community, the first time for my patients.. but no more. No one listened before. They didn't care now, not sure they are listening even now.. They are pushing the vaccine for elderly, immune compromised, children and pregnant women... Usually,there are safety committees set up to look for and look into reactions, side effects, adverse reactions and deaths.. Since the vaccines were rushed into use, these committees were passed over.

The vaccine companies have no legal responsibility to provide safe vaccines. They don't have to pay you anything for medicines,Dr visits, tests,lab work, hospitalizations or missed work.. or damages to your lost income, your family's trauma or yours. Why? The federal government excused them from it.. because it cost so much to develop a vaccine; they dont want the"good" it does for the majority to be disrupted or interrupted because of the few.The money paid to the injured would take away from the profits they have earned.  Hey, your rare, unheard reaction is just a number on VAERS. Who looks at that, who can find numbers on the CDC site? All persons who die with Covid, regardless of death cause are considered Covid deaths (car accidents,cancer deaths,sepsis pnuemonia,trauma)

Dr Fauci and his team funded the research in Wuhan. How do I know? Because I read an article in a health magazine in November before Covid even got to the US... which has been squished,I assure you,even now..WHO, also funded the research. They told us in the news they were going to be looking into how medicine responded to a world wide event. Check out NY Times,Bill Gates Foundation. WHO for search parameters. 

So, I do wish you the best in getting your reactions to stop. I am praying, not in a bad way, that there will be enough for someone to care, someone to listen and do the research it takes to find out what really causes these reactions.. it would save so much pain, suffering, and destruction of lives and families. It is worth it to know! We might just learn something new! Please don't give up... be patient with yourselves, but do strive to move forward. When you can get up, get out, find something to be thankful for today, even if it brushing your teeth or not throwing up when you turn over. Try heat, cold, touch,massage, music, or just covering your ears to hear you breathe... concentrate on that... and pray that someone is reading these, someone is listening...


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@twitch im 24, and for your previous question about it potentially being lyme disease, I've kinda been doom scrolling through the internet since i've been having a hard time seeing doctors to help with my situation. I kept thinking some of my stretch marks are from bartonella which is a lyme disease co infection but then I remembered I had these stretch marks for like months-years some have faded and some are still red. I recently got a couple of new ones which scared me but idk I haven't been really gaining weight so idk why I would have them. Some other people said that bartonella can also cause aging/wrinkles and I noticed my skin is kinda going that way. I just need to stop looking at the internet and get more sleep. I realized why I've been relapsing and its been my diet. 

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@charsen if you get tested for lyme let me know your results


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Did anyone have their pots return after two months? Today mine came back but the intensity is less 

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University of Ottawa Heart Institute Retrospective Study Finds 1 in 1,000 mRNA Vaccinations Leads to Myopericarditis

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@jacquelynsauriol Thank you so much for your kind words and support, it means a lot. I have not heard of FLCC so I appreciate the information, I’ll definitely check it out. Anything that can help with healing is greatly appreciated. 🙏✨

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@cloudy this is my 8th day and I got panic attacks and fog.   Help me

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@isismadec @pfizervictim @romaina

Thank you for your concern and positive wishes, it is highly appreciated.

I refrained from using antidepressants for 2 months, then I've realised that unchecked anxiety/panic disorder is wreaking havoc on my body, because of which the lesser of two evils was chosen.

If they use SSRIs to alleviate long-COVID-19 symptoms, I thought that maybe it might help me as well. It's not a miracle drug, but it lessens the intensity of most neurological vaccine side effects, enabling me to at least cope. 

Jen, Opheas, dragonlover and 7 people reacted
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