@sfbayareavaccine subbreddit is in quarantine, right? I can't access it for two weeks
Anyone had short term memory issues recently?
@ohjason yes like all the time exceot for a few days since furst week of august. I cannot remember names whre i put the keys did i put the laundry? Short term stuff that i used to be not good at is now times 1000. Yoy're not alone.
@romaina i feel you. Did you use eye drops? When is this going to end? Something different rises up every day. I wake up abd be like what is it that i canNOT do today. Darn! Doesnt help my anxiety.
@ohjason I am not sure if I understand your question. If this started after the Vaccine then I would think LD is unlikely. Unless you had a tick bite I would think it’s the vaccine.
Went to the store today, not sure if the symptoms I experienced where vaccine related or anxiety or both. Felt as being slightly intoxicated.
Just wanted to add to this page with my own experience. Seeing as this info seems to be absent from main stream news. 48/M healthy active no health issues ever. Got the Johnson and Johnson shot as it was mandated at my job. Couple hours after shot I felt "out of it" light headed a little dizzy with hot flashes. Days after I have this feeling not like others where the room is spnning but the feeling you get standing on a boat slowly rocking. I'm just off balance slightly dizzy. I also have had a moderate headache and stuffy feeling since day of shot. I never have headaches. I've had this one for five days. It's awful. I am on day six post shot and it's worse. Like I said just adding to the "data base" here in case anyone who can actually do something about finding the reasons and cures is ever interested in doing so. Instead of telling us all it's "unrelated to the vaccine".
Wondering if anyone had bloodwork after vaccine? After 1st Vaxx I had routine bloodwork & WBC-white blood count was off the chart! Could be a coincidence & something else going on but have always been normal. I know they say vaxx can cause inflammation but I have never seen anyone report high bloodwork levels after.
@ttoth0210 you kidding I didn’t even get my second shot of Moderna got my first July 28th been sick with the dizziness panic attack shakes and a host of other symptoms no way no how am I putting more poison into my body. Already afraid of what one shot did!
@mtokla hey! Are you feeling better these days? My symptoms are very similar to yours. Any updates with something that helped?
@pfizervictim It is exceptionally nice that you've remembered to check up on me. I've decided to step down from frequent posting as it only increased my anxiety, which peaked around 10 days ago. Consequently, I've started taking sertraline - of course, after consulting both my PCP and psychiatrist -, which actually might be doing something good. Don't misunderstand, getting used to antidepressants is exactly how it is described on numerous forums: before you get any better, you get much worse. Tomorrow, I have a scheduled neurologist appointment, psychotherapy and acupuncture. I'm doing to the vaccine precisely what it is doing to me, battling it on several fronts.
After discussing matters with my SO and parents, we've decided to confront this with everything we've got, meaning I'm currently at the hands of Western medicine, traditional Chinese acupuncture, homeopathic remedies, talk therapy, cognitive-behavioural theory, vitamins and supplements!
Also, people, stop googling symptoms if you can manage. My incessant worrying led to health anxiety and borderline cardiophobia (which I really didn't need).