@larag That's great to hear that it's been acknowledged by someone in the medical profession. You're very fortunate to have a doctor who listens and understands. Thank you for posting this, I'm sure if will give us all hope. I too was prescribed prochlorperazine but was told to take it for a few days. I can't remember how I felt on it but your post has encouraged me to try it again. I hope it helps you. Best wishes.
@myadan thank you so much, i appreciate
@larag hi Lara, that's some great news! I'm glad you finally got some answers and acknowledgement. It sounds like your doctor is right about this one, maybe that explains why our symptoms lessen over time? But your doctor's answer gives me hope that most of us will be back to normal by the end of the year.
@larag did you have both shots or only one that caused your symptoms?? And how long ago has it been since your last shot? That is good news from your Doc that he feels this is a short term reaction!🙏🏻
@a1oner how are you now? My doctor prescribed ivermectin and I’m a little hesitant to take it.
@tabby Did you try ivermectin and did it give you any side effects? Did it help?
@sfbayareavaccine My doctor just prescribed ivermectin. Did you have any side effects with it and has it helped? Or are you better now
@heybro are you doing any better? My doctor prescribed ivermectin have you had any side effects from it? I have tingling and twitching in my legs twitching in my eye a little bird vision and some tinnitus none of which was before the vaccine
@coco How are you doing now? Do you think ivermectin helps permanently or only while you’re on it? My doctor just prescribed it.
@amtheman I was just prescribed ivermectin I’m 24 days out from my shot. I have tingling and twitching tonight us trouble sleeping among other issues. Have you tried the ivermectin I’m a little nervous to try it