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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@terese87 how has it been going now?

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It's so weird that your last relapse has lasted so long. If I remember correctly you were back to 100% for some time? And then you had a major relapse. 

I also passed 4 months this week and I have done mostly near to 90-95% this last month, but this week has been weird. I have dizziness again (I haven't had this for 3 months), thankfully it's mild. Also, the new thing is little nausea and today I have light joint pain again. I took 600mg of Ibuprofen and thankfully it has helped. But the vicious cycle is again bringing back the anxiety. Anxiety is one of the worst symptoms because it's making all the rest of the symptoms much worse. 

Pearl444, LadyD, Pearl444 and 1 people reacted
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This is my story on getting the vaccine...

Aug 4, 2021 received the first dose of Pfizer.  Other than fatigue, no other side effects for the first few days.

Aug 11, 2021 start feeling dizzy.  This was a new feeling that I've never felt in my life.  I remember laying in lounge chair outside looking up at the sky and my vision spinning (my view was rotating).  Getting up every morning since I have about 30 seconds worth of bad vertigo that I must adjust to before standing.

Aug 17, 2021.  Went to see a doctor regarding my symptoms.  He told me the "may or may not be a side effect" of the vaccine.   He prescribe HCI 25mg for the dizziness and gave me a couple of exercises to do help my inner ear recalibrate. 

Aug 24, 2021.  I ended up pretty sick with a sore throat and bad cough.  Pressure and ringing in the ears were major symptoms.  I had an event I needed to go to on the 28th.  As a precaution I got a Covid test.  It was negative.

Sep 8, 2021.  I had my annual physical with my regular doctor.  Aside from slight vertigo and ringing in my ears I was having a good day.  He asked me if I wanted to get my second dose of the vaccine.  Due to my work requiring vaccine or weekly testing (once back to office) I reluctantly agreed to get the shot.  The doctor told me the nurse would be back in a bit to administer the shot.  

While left alone in the room I said a prayer to God.  I said God if it is your will for me to get the vaccine please let me know.  I remember thinking is God going to magically put the right answer in my mind?  I sat there for a few minutes after the prayer.  First my decision was no I won't get it.  Then I changed my mind and thought let's just get it done and over with.

About 10 minutes later the nurse comes back in the room.  She tells me that she's sorry but the Vaccine doses they had on hand expired yesterday.  My prayer was answered and my decision to get the 2nd shot is now a concrete NO.  


Sep 15, 2021.  My wife tested positive for Covid on the 14th.  I was also feeling ill so I got tested the next day.  I too tested positive.  

The sickness lasted about a week for both of us.  I work remotely and was able to work through it.  My boss did give me two days off but I could've worked through them if needed.  I'm not going to say Covid was fun to have.  I can tell you I have been sicker in the past with the Flu or Strep throat but we both fully recovered in a week.  I would say fatigue was the symptom that stuck out to me.  We both felt very tired while we had it.


Oct 6, 2021.  I still wake up with vertigo and have random bouts of it through the day.  It doesn't seem as bad as when I first got it over two months ago so maybe this symptom is slowly waning.   Same is true of the ringing in the ears.  I still have it but it's better than it was at its worst.


I'm thankful for this forum that let me know I was not alone with this reaction to the vaccine.


gingerj and gingerj reacted
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@estonia I was up to 90% better for one week in mid July then I over exerted myself, had an anxiety attack and it began again. I’m glad yours is mostly under control now but this is the thing it seems it’s always simmering just under the surface all the time waiting for us to stress out and then it’s back! Isn’t it just awful! Xx

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@charsen Thankyou ! I’m just starting them now ! Il keep at it x 

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@adelaide ok we are very similar but my issue is stillness, I feel dizziness more when I’m sat or stood still. I’ve only just started the VT so I can’t tell you yet whether it’s of benefit. The thing I’m trying to do most is to train my brain not to be scared of the dizziness because it’s safe and can’t hurt me. It’s difficult though because sometimes even meditating and deep breathing seems to trigger my fight or flight off when it’s meant to do the opposite! I know I have severe anxiety and that needs to be managed somehow. I’ve tried all the holistic methods and it’s still there so I’m leaning towards considering SSRI’s because that alongside VT and CBT is recommended therapy for PPPD. I’m scared to take them though! It’s a bloody nightmare! 

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@quail444 I feel for you that’s horrible. I am also dizzy 24/7 with rocking sway with anxiety and bilateral tinnitus but to have RA on top of that must be awful! I hope you have good support around you and that your treatment starts working very soon. 🙏🏼

Quail444 and Quail444 reacted
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@cherry101 How are you feeling on all the supplements? I swear the quercetin zinc combo was a life saver, but I realized that I didn’t like the way zinc made me feel, so I took it for a few days, stopped, took it a day, stopped.  I also didn’t like the way curcumin made me feel.  This was a lot of trial and error, but I already had a ton of anxiety without supplement related symptoms, so I had to get clear on how I felt and why.

I don’t know if it’s too much. Sorry.  I called a Dr. and they wouldn’t offer any advice, and naturopaths were booked too far out.  But I literally thought I was going to die, so what did I have to loose?

I can’t offer any advice or answer your question, but listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

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@imcanad11 hi there, I’m exactly the same as you with the constant heart problems I’ve had it quite severe don’t get any sleep as when my body relaxes it starts with constant heart palpitations especially all through the night. it’s been not a great 3 months for me, a heart specialist has said that’s it’s a autonomic nervous dysfunction which could possible if been caused by vaccine causing my issues. 
I’m holding on hope that he said it will most likely work itself out just takes months. 
im only 27 and I’m finding it very hard to come to terms with, does the heart problems lessen over time? 

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@nath7 I know how you feel. Up until a couple weeks ago I was waking up in a crazy startle and my heart rate was like 140-160 according to my Apple Watch. I had a legit fear is night time and going to sleep because of this. I was so scared my friend… but I think (a lot of hope here) I am finally turning a corner here. I haven’t been startled in the middle of the night and have slept through the nights for about 2-3 weeks now. I’m telling myself that I have to ride it out… and yep, it’s gonna suck. I still have no energy, I can feel my heart doing weird things (still wearing a 2 week CardioStat monitor that comes off Thursday), but I’ve had some decent days lately. Not a lot, but more than none. My suggestion is still hitting the ER when you feel like this. Who knows how detrimental this is. I know I felt like I was having a heart attack so many times…. But I’m in Canada and I just show my health card and get seen. Hope you have the option to go get checked out for some relief when the EKG comes back clean (I had an inverted T Wave once tho). When they tell you it’s all in your head and it’s a panic attack, well at least you know the source. Unreal to be told over and over that it’s all in your head and to go see a shrink. Did you see that short 3 page PDF on the FLCCC page?? I almost hit all the symptoms. I’ll see if I can reply with a link and a pic of my symptoms highlighted… the document has really given me some hope because it extinguishes all the notions that this is all made up in my head. Hope you get some relief soon. I wouldn’t wish what I went through on anyone. 

Nath7 and Nath7 reacted
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@nath7 Here’s the link:


Scroll to the bottom and download that file. Page 2 has the symptoms in the right column…. I hit about 70% of them. 

Nath7 and Nath7 reacted
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Hello all..

So although I'm still suffering with mild dizziness and twitches I'm pleased to say I'm starting to feel like I'm on the way to finding my old self again. I'm only taking turmeric each morning but trying to let my body just ride this out now and take one day at a time. Now my mind believes I will get better I think my body has to follow. 

I was near suicidal at one point. If it wasn't for my son I don't know where I'd be. I never thought I'd feel this way again. So hang in there... we will get through this.. I'm 16.5 weeks post 1st vax. I won't be having anymore. 


Sassafras, PfizerVictim, BgreeCgree and 9 people reacted
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@spacecadet I’m starting the zinc n quercetin in the morn so I’m praying it will help me even if a little. I will keep takin it as long as it takes but I will let you know, how much did you take per day ? I’ve already got bad anxiety anyway so using the headspace app for meditation too which is helping me and I’m goin to start acupuncture in two weeks too ! I had a good morning this morning and felt really well.. and this afternoon I just dipped in and out of head fog and off balance as always. I think I need to up my water! I just hate plain water. X lol how are you feeling now x 

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@cherry101 I felt better in mornings for a while too.  I would get up and be like- I think I feel good- then a few hours later I would be in bed. I felt like this several days before feeling like myself all day. I slowly started walking and driving short distances.  I have been 100% for a few months now.

I took 500mg quercetin, 50mg zinc. But stopped the zinc after a few days.  I think it made my fingers and toes tingle, but it could have been the vaccine, idk.

The anxiety and panic are real, and in hindsight are 100% vaccine induced.  I bought a book on CBT, but after my symptoms ceased, my anxiety decreased a lot!  I would wake up from a dead sleep panicked and I would wiggle my toes and be glad I was alive.  All that stopped.  The anxiety was not a response to symptoms for me (like every told me it was), but was in fact a symptom.

Instead of water drink tea.  I drank detox, turmeric, reishi mushroom, and chamomile tea.  I also lived on kale, avocados and almonds.  

Hang in there and take care of yourself like you never have before!

LadyT, BgreeCgree, Kenny920 and 11 people reacted
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@kenny sorry you are experiencing these things too. I have all of your symptoms (and more), but I too am improving over time. I know what you mean about sleep. My hands also go to sleep or get sore in the night and it wakes me. I had an emg today actually, and it was all clear (of course like everyone else here suggested).
I have found taking Advil helps a lot! It takes the “edge off” for me. My neurologist suggested it helps others too. Doesn’t get rid of things, but helps. I found taking multivitamins, an Advil and an antihistamine made the most difference for me (aside from time!). 

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