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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@quail444 I know.. this why im struggling to believe we will even heal because nobody seems to have had time to fully heal yet. I hate to be pessimistic and want to believe we will heal. And some days we do. But I haven't had one day of feeling myself in 3.5 months and it's taking its toll now 😔

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Not to mention my workplace think I'm majorly exaggerating as Dr's tests are all coming back clear but I keep getting signed off because of symptoms 'under investigation'

I swear people think I'm insane.

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Posted by: @larag

So 5 days ago I posted how I was doing much better..  and now..  I'm beyond fed up again. I feel off. My body hurts. My muscles ache like I'm coming down with flu but I'm not. I just hurt. And my foot felt wierd today and I looked down and the side of my foot was twitching and my little toe was moving on its own!! My twitches have massively reduced in the last 8 weeks but it's just such a kick in the teeth when this happens. 

I'm yet to hear from anyone that's 100% recovered and although everyone says it's just time how do we know this if nobody has 100% recovered? I hate to be negative. But my balance is still off. I have to roll over in bed so slowly. I'm still obv twitching and my neck and  backache seems to now be everywhere too.

When will this end? I hate how much I regret that jab. I'm so angry at myself. I've been signed off work for 8 weeks now but due back in a week and no idea how I will manage.

Good news stories please 🙏

I've had a horrible strange backache since 1.5 weeks after my Pfizer vaccine. Thought at first it was period pains but it hasn't really gone away. I can't figure out if it's muscular or skeletal. Never had a back problem in my life before this. GP said that it could be spinal inflammation causing my pins and needles which could explain the backache?

I just posted elsewhere on this forum about how it took me 6-8 months to recover from a bad bout of glandular fever twenty years ago. Took nearly two years to get back to how my health was previously. I felt so tired that trying to read the paper had me knocked out for half a day. I remember drinking dozens of bottles of lucozade to try and get through the day at uni. I once collapsed on the northern line train due to severe fatigue. 

I have lots  joint pain now and a feeling of heat in my joints that I'm putting down to reactive arthritis.

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@nehru1 hi the combination of the Prilosec and the probiotics helped tremendously. I’ve read Prilosec and others are one type of antihistamine that helps relieve side effects. I’d definitely give the probiotics a try and she recommended Florajen. They are refrigerated and you can ask the pharmacist in a grocery store if they have them. Let me know if you try it!

Nehru and Nehru reacted
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@lmkk hi this is starting in the US, too. My boyfriend is not vaccinated and he gets calls daily. Scary how they know he’s not been vaccinated. I got the J&J so no calls for me but I suspect the booster calls are next. This is absolute insanity.

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@lmkk me too. I've had this neck and backache constantly but it has got worse and now all my muscles ache like I've done a massive gym workout or something. It also feels like its my bones but they say its muscular. I did think spinal inflammation and mentioned this to the neuro but he palmed me off and said I will see you in 6 months but it should all pass.

So I'm kind of left just getting by day by day. I have a new irrational fear of taking any medication I'm prescribed and I just want to leave my body to do its own thing now really.

I hope this doesn't take years 😔💔

AT and AT reacted
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@larag If it helps I had a really bad relapse in 3 months mark also. The worst from the beginning. With all-new symptoms. For me, it lasted about 1,5 weeks. And then I have recovered back to my baseline, which is about 90-95%. Now I am at 4 months and 1-week mark and most of the time I feel back to myself again. 

This last month I have had 1 little relapse, with mild symptoms and this gives me hope that with time the relapses become less severe and last for a short time.  

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@estonia that does help to hear. Thank you. This is just unbareable isn't it. I also get a wierd pressure pain at the base of my skull and my neck feels as though it can't hold the weight of my head. It's hard to explain. I just feel weak. I am coming to the end of my menstrual cycle so maybe that hasn't helped but I can't go through this every 4 weeks surely!!

I just want it to end. I'm a single mum to a 4 year old and trying sooooo hard to keep life normal for him but today I could barely move without hurting.

I'm only 31. I was fit and healthy before this. 😔

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@larag what issues are you dealing with? I know it’s very hard to stay positive and I’ve fallen into a trap of keep googling everything wrong with me. But I think the best advice I saw was that our bodies will heal over time just got to stick with it, it’s really tough I’ve struggled loads but maybe staying in a positive mind will help us heal faster. Our bodies have amazing potential to recover so let’s hold out hope that inside our bodies are doing loads of work that’s why we are having our symptoms because our bodies are fighting and fixing what has gone on. Hang in there we are in the same boat, I'm here with you, you will get better and slowly get back to a place where we will be happy.I would say I’ve have quite a severe time it’s hit me all over with the heart, breathing and brain, and people on here have been very nice in keeping me reminded that this is just a set back and it won’t be forever. I feel the same with you about the doctors I think you just have to be persistent and keep going let them know that you know your body and it’s not right. Stay with it ❤️

LaraG and LaraG reacted
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I experience shaking hands, legs and head, I am a waiter and I cannot work because my hands are shaking! Who has these symptoms, write to me! how to live with it? is it going away?

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@nath7 thank you Nath. Sounds like you have had it bad too 💔

I've had full body muscle spasms and twitching. Neck and back pain. Joint aches. Migraines. Vertigo. Daily dizzy spells. Palpatations. Crazy anxiety. It's just one thing after another. I've had numerous bloods. All clear but there was one that showed abnormal inflammation!! Clean ecg, head mri and ct scan. Neuro said should go away in time and to see him again in 6 months. I'm much more positive than I was but it's when I feel so unwell like today that I struggle to see the light. This forum has been my godsend and I talk to people on here more than my family and friends as nobody else understands me. Nobody else I know has suffered in this way and whilst I'm glad of that I also think why me. 😔

I only had one pfizer shot and was advised by neuro to not have any more. Are you UK based? X

Jolie Molie, Nath7, Jolie Molie and 1 people reacted
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@elena1690 I had the shakes initially too. Sometimes full body. I still get head tics now. This specific symptom did ease off for me over time thankfully but I still have other symptoms. I am 17 weeks post 1st pfizer x

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@lau01 I feel like it has caused pots with me, there was a person on here a couple pages back where his doctors said his pots symptoms was caused by the vaccine and a over reactive immune response to it, he stated that after 8 months he’s almost back to 100 percent so fingers crossed that’s a time frame to hold out till, I’m 3 and a half months in. How long your symptoms been? 

Quail444, Patience, LaraG and 3 people reacted
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@larag yes, my abdominal muscles, head (neck), arms and legs are shaking). I am 3 months after the vaccine.

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@nath7 I'm at six months, my doctor say it's a bad immune response to the vaccine, but it's very long... hope it will pass

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