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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Great, I just read something on my news feed today which really upset me. Covid infections are on the rise again in my country, how is that possible when 80% is fully vaccinated? Wasn't this wonder drug supposed to protect us?

I'm just so angry and frustrated that I chose to inject this poison into my body, which took away my hopes and dreams, my life.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@tarx tell me about it I think we’ve had it bad, I’m completely in the same boat haven’t left the house only for doctors visits 👎 I’ve been through so many emotions with this that I think I’ve just come to terms with It. I think it will take a long time to get back better but we will! Young and healthy prior to this so there’s no reason why we should give up, it’s so hard mentally but when I crossed a point like 2 weeks ago I’ve started to see improvements in my mood and my symptoms aren’t as severe still there though but I think all the worrying seems to feed it more! I’m here with you let’s keep focusing on slow gradual healing. Improvements will follow 

Tabby, Jolie Molie, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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@nath7 yeah that’s true and what I’m holding on too! I have days I’m ok and I accept it and others where I’m so down and just feel like my life is getting taken away and I just feel so sorry for my children! I am trying to stay so positive because I know my symptoms are worse when I’m feeling anxious and down.. I hope we get better too!! Surely these can’t last forever that’s what I keep thinking surely there will be a time where our bodies will heal and get back to our old selfs! 

Tabby, Sassafras, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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@pfizervictim it won’t be forever, try keep you head up, seems like forever doesn’t it feeling well I think I just took it for granted. I’ve started to see some improvements in my mood as of lately which is stopping me having so severe symptoms, try not to let all the emotions bring you down as it will just keep you there. You will be surprised what the body is capable of and repair is certainly one! If not our body’s will adapt and we will see gradual improvement! I’m Here if you need a a bit of a mood lift from time to time. Stay strong 

jacquelyn sauriol, Tabby, Sassafras and 9 people reacted
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I am just over 6mos from the shot and I have seen improvements.  Stay strong. 

ABBY6, Gloria M, Opheas and 11 people reacted
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@tarx there will be a time when we look back on this and think my god we were so ill all those many years back! And it will be in the past, we will heal over this or at least our bodies will adapt and make it easier for us! Stay strong for you children, focus on healing and we will come back here and give hope to everyone else. It’s going to take time and it will probably be very slow, here if you need!  

Covid vaccine, KitKat, Tabby and 7 people reacted
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@bmango I have the same but they tested me for Lyme and it showed above normal. I’m on antibiotics. But it’s confusing because within three hours of the shot I got tingling in my feet, then it moved up my legs, had tremors (gone now), heart issues, insomnia, headaches (gone now) tinnitus, eye twitch. I was fine before the shot. I’m in prayer a lot. I had Lyme many years ago but was cured. I got my shot 9/3. The twitching/tingling in my legs and feet and the tinnitus are my consistent issues now. Since I got on antibiotics the tingling and twitching are more often. But my heart is better. It’s all scary and I am praying God heals us. My symptoms came on suddenly over a weeks time after the Moderna shot. Not getting the next one. Look up PEG it’s in the shots and can be a neurotoxin. Maybe she can test you for Lyme disease? Coffee makes it all worse for me. I haven’t been drinking it. Lord, please heal us. You are faithful. Amen. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by TC

Gloria M, Covid vaccine, Mango and 7 people reacted
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@tennyson77 how are you now? 

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@s-m-a how are you now? 

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@mexvaxed how are you now? Do you have it have you had any tingling or twitching? 

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@west1979 how are you now? Did you have tingling or twitching? 

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Posted by: @kenny

I am wondering if anyone tested for inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis)? I saw that covid and vaccine with spike proteins might also cause that.

I was tested by Dr. Patterson's team and the findings are I have inflammation of the blood vessels.  The physician I spoke with told me that eventually our symptoms will go away...some folks within 3-4 months.  But unfortunately, some will have symptoms for many months...I have hope that we ALL will get through this...

ABBY6, Kenny920, Gloria M and 13 people reacted
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@west1979 any update? 

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@gingerjones are you better now? 

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@nick have you been tested for Lyme disease? 

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