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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @tarx

Anyone had lightheadedness when there walking? And anyone know how to help it? Just feel really lightheaded if I walk anywhere!!

I have been getting the floating head sensation. Doctor told me to go to the NHS website and follow the videos on vertigo and vestibular self help. I haven't actually tried them myself yet I've been worried I do them wrong.

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Posted by: @nick


I think the truth about these vaccines causing issues for folks like us will come out eventually. It will take time, but its going to happen. I think once they figure out whatever happened to us the medical community will be more accepting and probably more likely to back us. I am hoping that with a little time a lot of these mandates and restrictions will fall away because people will just stop listening and it will take pressure off the medical community and businesses. Censoring and gaslighting victims of an experimental drug that is being forced on people is beyond wrong its a crime against humanity. These people are going to find themselves on the wrong side of history.


I hope you are right about this.  This whole situation is becoming uglier by the day.  I can see violence eventually erupting the way things are going.  Things will not change unless and until people in large numbers start pushing back. 

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Posted by: @mountainmama

Hi everyone, I wanted to give an update on trying the Long-Covid protocol.  Specifically, I’m in the middle of a 2-week round of Fluvoxamine (doctor prescribed) for the neurological symptoms (internal vibrations/buzzing, tingling in hands and feet, etc).  I have to say, I was shocked at how much those symptoms reduced in 24 hours and then have almost completely gone away after several days of taking the drug.  Also, for whatever reason, I also noticed a vast improvement in my dizziness the first few days.  Unfortunately, I caught a cold and so my dizziness is back (I had an inner ear infection 5 days after my second Moderna dose that left me deaf in one ear and persistently dizzy).  So I can’t tell if the dizziness is just connected to the cold and whether it will go away again, but the Fluvoxamine sure has helped with the scary neurological symptoms and possibly the dizziness when I’m not sick.  Not sure if that means the neuro-symptoms are caused by anxiety (Fluvoxamine is an SSRI regularly used to treat OCD) or whether it’s the anti-inflammatory nature of the Fluvoxamine or both or whether its just a coincidence, but I am glad I gave it a try.  I will report back after I complete my 2 week dosage and give it some time to see if things come back or not.  I hope this gives people some hope!  Obviously, I’m not a doctor and each case is different, but I’m glad my doc was willing to give the protocol a try with me.

This is really encouraging news. Please do keep us updated on your progress. 🙏

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Posted by: @chelsun

@jaydev55 I'm 8 months post Pfizer vaccine and have improved to 90%. I was diagnoised with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) 6 weeks after my second vaccine, I spent a week in the hospital with extreme tachycardia. I had balance issues, shortness of breath, numbness in my legs, pressure in my head. Only felt okay when I was laying down. After my hospital stay, I increased my hydration, increased my sodium intake, restarted my vitamin regime, which included a multivitamin with Zinc, B12 and D3. I also drink half a bottle Pedalyte a day and  I also bought a rowing machine and started with 5 minutes a day and increased over time. 

I'm now back to walking 4-5 miles a day, heart rate is normal, no more numbness or head pressure. I do some morning have a small flair up, but it subsides fairly quickly.  

My doctors think I had an over-reactive immune response to the vaccine that set this all off and now that the antibodies are weaning, so are the symptoms. 

My advice to you is read through all these post and find out what has work for others and see if something works for you. 

Sending you much positive healing energy. 



Hiya so comforting to read your post. I'm just curious if you had the pins and needles with your numbness and how long they took to subside?

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Posted by: @tarx

Anyone had lightheadedness when there walking? And anyone know how to help it? Just feel really lightheaded if I walk anywhere!!

Every single day. Walking then bending over does me in. As of right now dealing with dizziness. Had a bout of vertigo at 9:30am and took my Zofran which usually works. Today it’s bad and making it hard to cope.  What’s weird is driving a vehicle makes it all go away. Maybe the single focus on the road. 

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@aurelia Yes I have also been having these issues for 5 months now. I'm feeling better than in the beginning of course but still very tired, blurry vision, ear pressure and tinnitus. Sometimes still headaches and difficulty to focus as well, and arms and legs weakness/numbness.

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Posted by: @seemamkhrj


I got my first shot of Pfizer on June 3rd, 2021. Two days after the shot, I had terrible neck pain followed by sinus pressure. I started to take steam, thinking that it was a mild sinus infection. It helped me to some extent but did not resolve the problem. A few days later, the neck pain came back. My GP prescribed me Diazepam, which I took for a week. I felt 100% while on Diazepam. Then I met my Neurologist, who suggested that I must stop Diazepam. After a week, my symptoms came back. This time it was worse.

The list of symptoms is below.

Dizziness, Head/Ear Pressure, burning sensation on face and feet, weaknesses in arms, Ear fullness, Anxiety attacks, depression, clicking/clenching sound when yawning/swallowing, tinnitus, sound sensitivity, and visual disturbance- I wasn't able to focus, everything looked dark, floaters, dry eyes, light sensitivity, I wasn't able to focus on moving objects and some weird transparent circles in the site of my vision. I started physiotherapy in the last week of June. I did some vestibular exercises, which were helpful. My neck and shoulder pain was gone. Some of my visual symptoms also improved. If you are having neck/back/shoulder pain- ask your physiotherapist to put the tape. You can do it at home as well- here is the link for a Youtube video Rocktape - Posture Taping for shoulder blade(s)- 

JULY- In June, my symptoms were not that bad. It progressed in the month of July. ANXIETY ATTACKS were so common in July. I was very teary for no reason, depressed, and this attack would stay for almost two-three hours, and after that, I was okay. This would come in bouts. CRYING HELPED ME WHEN I HAD ANXIETY ATTACKS. SO DONT FEEL BAD - JUST LET IT ALL OUT. .. I had 10-12 days in the month of June when I was walking 5000-8000 steps. In July, I had 7-8 good days. I also got a viral infection which again flared up my symptoms.


On my good days, I used to walk 5000-7000 steps. I met a new Neurologist on July 25 and started Lamotrigine 10mg. I started getting better in the last week of July. My Neurologist also added Vitamin B2. I asked him if I can take magnesium but he advised me not to take it as it excites the nerves more.

AUGUST- I was feeling back to normal in early August. I also started an anti-histamine diet strictly. I had another viral infection from my daughter, which again flared up my symptoms.  I also stopped taking lamotrigine as I got side effects. Post-infection, my symptoms were terrible again. I had head pressure, ear fullness, sinus pressure, and headache. I had awful light and sound sensitivity. Mid-August, I revisited my neurologist, who prescribed me topiramate which I did not take as I was worried about the side effects. 

SEPTEMBER-   I STARTED TO FEEL BETTER AND HAD MORE GOOD DAYS 🙂 🙂 . I revisited my Neurologist and asked him to prescribe me a mild drug. I started taking Amitriptyline (10 mg for 10 days and 25 mg for 4 weeks).  I am now feeling much better. All my symptoms have gone except tinnitus, floaters, and slightly off vision. But, I can function normally and work for 8 hours, play with my daughter, back to a regular diet but still mindful of sugary foods, and have started drinking coffee again. In 3.5 months, I was 90% back to normal.


FOR ANXIETY- please get some meds to help you cross the rough patch; meditation and ashwagandha have also helped me deal with anxiety. Cry if you want to, don't think about why you are so teary. 



 I live in the UK, and it is possible to get an exemption here. The govt has posted it up on their website for all exemptions-  

My Neurologist has exempted me. His suggestion is- based on my age and medical history, it's more likely that I will get a mild reaction if I get COVID.

One of my friends in the USA has got an exemption too. His PCP mentioned that one vaccine is enough for protection. You can check antibodies level if in doubt. But again, immunity is not only calculated from the number of antibodies but also memory T cells that contribute to immunity equally. 

I am not getting the second vaccine as I can't deal with these symptoms for another 3-4 months, and I am unsure how my body will respond to the second shot. It's on hold until there is more research on these vaccines, and there is a mandate from the govt instructing doctors to take us seriously-OUR SYMPTOMS ARE NOT FIGMENT OF OUR IMAGINATION.

Thank you so much for posting the exemption link. And thanks for your positive up date. 

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@andrewdb You need to get checked for POTS, that's what I was diagnosed with after experiencing the same symptoms plus some. 

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@lmkk I did not have pins and needles, but numbness that was uncomfortable. It would be more intense if I was sitting a certain way or sometimes after laying in bed. I think the numbness subsided early in my recover. I was at my worse in early May, when I was hosptialized and for a few weeks afterwards. I started seeing some improvement in June by end of August/early September I was able to do my walks and mostly better. Now October I'm feeling 95% better. When I do have a small flair-up, I can get it under control with electrolytes and sometimes if needed I will take an Ativan. 

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Decided to call the docs today with the pains in my back as they're getting too much,had them for 4 weeks now! He wanted to see me in person after he spoke to me on the phone.He checked my wee and I have now got blood in it and I've to go into hospital tomorrow morning at 10 am for full kidney analysis and scans 😞 never had anything wrong previously, I'm truly devasted at what it could be and so regretful,I've just sat and cried all day 😪😪

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I am truly sorry to hear about your kidney issue, I know this is frightening. I hope it wont be anything serious. I can relate to your mental state in general. I have apparently relapsed this week and every time its devastating. I'm a grown man, and Ive cried more than I care to admit since this started- honestly it helps. There are so many unknowns, its hard to feel confidant about anything. I have regretted my decision since the first week, but there is no undoing it. Now we must move forward, enjoy the small victories until they are big victories! I know its hard but have faith, time seems to be healing us- we are going to get better. In the mean time you have us =). Keep us posted, and Ill keep you in my prayers!

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@heatherxxo I’m so scared of dying 😭😭😭do you feel your ear full? Like water or wind? What the doctors says about this? Can we create a group to chat?

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@kenny  Any suggestion on treatments or diet for blood vessel inflammation? Yes, we will get through this together for sure! Thank you for your encouragement!

I am working with a Dr. at this moment...going to try the statin, prednisone, aspirin treatment...I will keep you posted

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@larag I can't be like this forever. Its killing me mentally. I miss the old me so so much it hurts 

I'm with you on that one!!!  But you will get through this.  We all will...

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@nick Ahhh thank you for your kind and positive words it means a lot, I'm pleased I found this site we're all in this together ❤️

Oh its awful isn't it the anxiety and low mood is just ridiculous,it's the unknown.Honestly I'm so mad with myself for caving in! I thought I was getting a little better but guess I spoke too soon,I'm terrified now! 😞

When did you have your jab and how long have you been feeling off for? X


This post was modified 3 years ago by Heatherxxo

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