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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@romaina that's amazing news, I'm so happy for you! Please let us know if you relapse. 

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@hopetofeelbetter my second Pfizer was early June, and I was feeling like myself again by early July, but I have had consistently heavy periods since then.  I did not make the connection at first.  I have never kept track of my cycles, but they feel a bit longer.  I read a theory that inflammation might cause hormone imbalance which causes heavy periods, but like everything else, more research is needed.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hey guys, I just wanted to share my experience and see if anybody has had the same issues as me. I had the vaccine on 3rd Sept and 3 days later tried to do a workout, didn’t feel right and thought I started feeling dizzy. That week I took my contacts out and put my glasses on and realised it was actually a vision issue as I could balance okay. But I almost feel like I’m lightheaded with constant blurred vision issues or something. My visual acuity is fine but it’s more focusing issues with depth perception maybe. It’s hard to explain but I’m having trouble focusing on anything really at all - kinda feels like I’ve been drinking but haven’t. It’s hard focusing on my phone/computer and outside is even worse I think because there’s so much detail that it’s hard to focus and I feel quite spaced out or dazed. Faces and images up close seem to be a little better but it’s been very strange. I’ve seen ophthalmologists and a neurologist and no one seems to know anything which is frustrating and disheartening. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this too? I’m in week 6 now. 

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@romaina I’m so glad you have recovered and are doing well. Thanks for your update because it helps so many of use still struggling with bad symptoms remain hopeful. Like you said sometimes it’s hard to even know what we have and it’s always human nature to think the worst. I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever go back to being the old me …and be able to do all the things I loved. Even walking down the block is such a challenge nowadays. But I’m determined to keep trying to feel better even when it feels so hard. Wishing you the best of health and keep enjoying life to the fullest 💕💕💕

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So I thought I would give everyone some encouraging hopeful news. I took my first Pfizer shot back on 8/9. I had a pretty robust reaction for the first few days. It settled down for about a week and then I got hit with head pressure, ear fullness, brain fog, dry blurry eyes and the worst symptom was dizziness mostly when I was driving. Now 2 1/2 months later I can say that I am mostly better. For about 2 months I didn’t drive more then about 10 minutes to the local grocery store because I was so dizzy. This last week I made two long distance drives and seemed to do fine. I might get a little off feeling now and then but mostly feel back to normal. To be honest I really didn’t do anything special as far as taking extra supplements and I definitely stayed away from any prescription meds. I learned from a very severe cipro (antibiotic) reaction which created a lot of cellular damage, inflammation and toxic damage to me and took me 3 plus years to recover to stay away from prescription meds and drugs for best results. I also learned that time is the biggest healer when your body functions are turned upside down. I had tremendous neurological and autonomic nervous system damage from cipro and it takes months to repair. You can’t compare the damage that the vaccine does neurologically to cipro damage as cipro is many times more toxic and destructive. What I do know is that I had total faith that time would heal my vaccine injury. My Doc tested my inflammation and it was higher then my usual number so the vaccine did increase my inflammation. I will be retested when I am 3 months post vax to see if it has returned to normal. My Doc did not want me to take shot #2 while my inflammation was high but we will discuss getting it if my inflammation markers return to normal. At this point in time I am not too fired up to take shot #2. I will continue to check in and also let you know if I have any relapses or setbacks but hopefully I am finally in the clear!!  I would be glad to answer any questions and please feel encouraged that time will heal you!!!

KitKat, gingerj, Heatherxxo and 15 people reacted
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@deedee would you mind me asking which inflammations factors came back higher for you? I have been struggling with this for months and it’s hard to have the doctors believe it might be the vaccine. It’s been so increasingly hard.. specially the last four weeks I have mostly been in bed 🥺

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My mom had her first Moderna shot in January and two weeks later she got Vertigo and it hasn't gone away 9 months later. Anyone else with it lasting that long?

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Well, remember I am not a doctor and just taking a guess at connecting the dots. But, there could be several explanations as to why there are such mood swings. It could really depend on what specifically was damaged or inflamed in your brain. Both the hypothalamus and Pituitary gland (the master gland of the endocrine system) control hormones and are in the brain/brain stem, the pituitary gland is only the size of a pea (fun fact). Secondly, its fairly common for head injuries to have all sorts of goofy side effects and recovery patterns- Thirdly, It could be something else you (we) are taking- Alpha lipoic acid for example, is great for healing nerves, can cause mood swings and makes your urine smell funny (works great for my muscle twitches I must say). Finally, this whole experience has been really and truly miserable. This just be plain old anxiety. Which inst to say you have no reason to be anxious, quite contrary, we were all injected with an experimental drug that did not work the way we were told it would. Then we all got symptoms that seem to mimic autoimmune, and degenerative neurological diseases. The symptoms last for weeks/months, and are debilitating. We are being ignored by the medical system, get noor slow answers from the scientific community, have no voice in the media, and with the exception of this one forum on the whole internet have been censored from even communicating with each other. There are plenty of reasons to be legitimately anxious, God knows Ive had some major melt downs in the past 2 months and I am historically very steady. All of this is compounded by all the other symptoms also like, difficulty sleeping, eating ect. Not to mention increased normal stress from life which has been compounded by the fact that we all took a shot one day and and became infirm the next.


One of the things clinicians do is form a differential diagnosis. This is basically a fancy way of saying process of elimination. If you do  bloodwork and rule out auto immune markers, get an EMG to rule out ALS, get an MRI to rule out MS, and appear to be improving (however slowly) overtime w/o any particular therapeutic intervention medical/surgical, then by default whatever caused the injury appears to no longer be happening and your body is healing. Meaning is it likely not a chronic condition like autoimmune disease or something horrible like that. That isnt to say it couldn't still be some new terrible thing, its just unlikely. It is possible that some of the damage may ultimately be permanent, but we likely wont know until some time has past to see where the healing stops. My guess is after ruling out everything else, we're probably all gonna be in considerably better shape in a few weeks/months.


I am still getting tests, waiting for results ect. But I was consistently sick for the first 3 weeks- so bad I was basically bed ridden, had a day and a half in week 4 that I felt a little better, was very sick for the rest of week 4 and 5, and 6, got better for 4 days with almost no symptoms towards the end of week 6 and just starting week 7, then have been sick again 5 days this week, woke up this morning twitching in my arms and legs and tingling in my feet with a little bit of dizziness that cleared up by 11am and have had a fabulous afternoon with only minor tingling in my feet this evening (which always seems to be worse at night). I am not convinced I am out of the woods. I will probably relapse again, but I haven't taken any antihistamines or "masking" meds in well over 24 hours and was fairly active yesterday. Maybe im wrong and ill crash again. I hope not, and it may be a bit premature but I believe I am slowly trending towards "better". My relapse the last 5 days has not been pleasant but also was not as bad as the previous weeks, and only lasted 5 days instead of several weeks like before. This Tuesday will officially mark 2 months for me.


One of the benefits of combing these forums is the ability to step back and look at patterns. I think almost every person Ive seen who has had these various symptoms has said their tests came back normal, they ruled out all the big scary stuff. I have also seen people from different forums recover from almost every symptom. They also all relate a non linear healing path with relapses (both long haulers and vax LH) with times ranging from weeks to months (which is coincidentally the same kind of time frames for recovery from TBI, vestibular neuritis, and peripheral nerve damage), and eventually recovering with no specific or intrusive therapeutic intervention. All of this points to a good outcome. The anxiety of worrying about all of this has absolutely made this exponentially worse for me. My hope in sharing this lengthy post is to offer some rational comfort and a less scary, but also plausible reason for our constellation of symptoms.

Jessiekhri, KitKat, gingerj and 15 people reacted
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I did find out today that my friend who had digestive and balance issues after vaccine is now settled in a care situation where they have meals and have acclimated that is good.....I think this person may have ended up in the same place, but I think that would have taken a few more years...the vaccine seem to speed up their debilitation some...but of course that is just my opinion.  best jackie


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@hopetofeelbetter I did reply to this, but just so you see, she is settled in a care facility with meals provided, and a person is advocating for them generally so the best case scenario in some respects.  Still, I feel that this person would have had a few more years to adjust to this 'care provided' life prior to the Covid epidemic and seems it really took them down a the person literally picking them up and cleaning up after their condition I can say that they seemed much worse after their Covid vaccine. 

LadyT and LadyT reacted
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@maisamy are you feeling better now?

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@lau01 yes. I was diagnosed with POTS after my second Pfizer vaccine. It’s has been almost 4 months and while symptoms are better I’m still not how I was before all of this started. I’m scared I will never be the same. 

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I feel like I’m starting to feel better after 5 weeks but VERY, VERY slowly. I believe we all are going to heal because All the people I know that have similar symptoms have been recovering.

I think my anxiety and hypervigilance make my symptoms worse. my panic attacks have always been here before the vaccine. But now they are stronger, I think because I have a real reason that terrifies me.

I hope I recover 100% from this because Is the worst thing I have experienced in my life.


has anyone started to feeling better after 5 weeks? Omg I pray I do.

Heatherxxo, PfizerVictim, Nick and 3 people reacted
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I think that an important part of the healing is to stop looking for symptoms and things on the internet. Keep looking for symptoms can makes us start to feel things that we didn't have.

Sam, PfizerVictim, LaraG and 5 people reacted
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@lukenick My daughter lost 12lbs and I am down 10lbs as of today and am still losing

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