Thought I was slowly getting better, walked too much yesterday and now I’m feeling crap today 😢 please someone tell me it will get better my head can’t take this anymore 😢
@glenb that sounds exactly like my neurology appointment/Neurologist’s answers after I saw mine in August. Like, a mirror image of my experience.
Curious if you’re in Delaware lol.
Hey everyone,
Sorry, my native language is not English
After my first vaccination I had some symptoms like dizziness, ear pressure, gastrointestinal problems etc. 8 weeks later I am now feeling the same as before the vaccination. I have read a book by Anthony William, the Medical Medium. At first I was really skeptical but now I am sure that his information helped me to heal from the side effects. I would really recommend anyone with side effects to buy the books and acquire the information. I got better step by step and now I have no side effects at all.
Hi, I've had the sinus/head/nose pressure and clicking sounds for years. I was told to take Antihistamines and nasal sprays.
My friends symptoms have also picked up, she is on approx 9 weeks so far, her last results from ENT was that everything was fine, she has had an MRI scan and is waiting for the results. She is about 60 percent herself and is smiling again.
Hang in there people X
@cathymason hi, Im 100% cured. I will tell you tho, I had no idea back in April that I would be saying this. I suffered from Jan-April with extreme dizziness, nausea. What helped me was the vestibular physical therapy.I visited doctors, allergist etc… I was so desperate and didn’t think that it would help me but after the third time going and religiously doing the exercises, I started to get better. I only needed to go 4 times. Please hang in there and try the vestibular exercises, they do work!
@trawii I get this way when I get a sinus allergy cold. How long does it take you when you have a relapse? How do you feel now?
@twitch It seems like it's getting a little better every day. It's worse in the mornings, but starts to fade by the afternoon. By 6pm, I can barley feel it.