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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@cathymason I feel much better. No more head fullness or dizzy spells. Not since around the start of August. I still have occasional headaches and difficulty finding words, but I have since I had Covid. I can't blame that entirely on the vaccine. I may still have that even if I didn't get the shot. I had a few relapses in the beginning. After my first day of not being dizzy. I would get a headache and relapse into dizzy spells, Then I had what I would call the worst migraine I have ever had. It lasted a whole day and was still aching the whole next day. But, no dizzy spells after. I would say that's the point where I felt better. I still get stiff muscles from time to time, especially the neck and upper back. That's absolutely because of the shot. But the inflammation body wide is under control and I don't have dizzy spells. Those were the main things. I wouldn't consider the occasional reminder that I had the shot and it felt like I was going to die a relapse of the time where I really did feel like I was going to die. And I did feel that way. But I made it through. About two and a half months now without a major symptom that I could absolutely blame on the vaccine. You can get there. 

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Posted by: @myadan

@jkalber87 I am sorry you are going through this. I have the same issue with my eyes. I have seen 6 ophthalmologists and one neuropathologist . The eyes are fine but inflammation from the vaccine damaged the nerve that controls the eye muscle and they are now not working properly together. You should ask your doctor about that. I wish that I never took that poison. I hope that we all recover from this one day. Very sad 

I saw an ophthalmologist (Eye Specialist) on Tuesday morning.  He took a bunch of pictures of my eyes and found that I have fluid buildup behind my retina.  I believe the medical condition/term is called "Macular Edema".  He stated this condition usually goes away within a few weeks but can take months and in some cases it never goes away and laser surgery is required to remove the fluid.  I am very worried and I am extremely upset with myself for getting the vaccine. 

LadyT and LadyT reacted
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Posted by: @vida30

Hi everyone, 

did any of you struggled with eating and not having appetite And being nauseous all the time? 
I was 140 pound before I get the vaccine and know I’m 117 don’t know what to do I feel like I’m dying every single day😭😭😭 


I have been struggling with gut issues for about 6 weeks now...I lost a total of 35lbs...I do feel it is getting a little better as I type this

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Hi everyone,


I last posted here about a ~1.5 months ago, and I thought I'd give another update:

- I first developed symptoms in mid-June, about 2 weeks after my first Pfizer vaccine (dizziness, shakiness, imbalance, no classic vertigo spells)

- They first got really really bad and then started to wear off about 2 months later

- I had another resurgence after my second vaccine at the end of July, this time about 5-7 days after.

- Same experience, though the symptoms were definitely a little worse than before.

- I got an MRI which was clear and blood tests indicating I had a pretty bad allergic reaction (high Ige antibodies)

- I did vestibular rehab, took supplements like turmeric, coenzyme 10 which were moderately helpful

- I got better as time passed, though it took several weeks (8-10) for the really bad symptoms to wear off

- I can now work daily and exercise (with some difficulty) at 3 months post vaccine, I still feel dizzy every day, but only in short spells which quickly wear off. In short, life is somewhat livable again after months of intense suffering.


I really hope you all feel better soon- I found that time was one of the only things to heal all wounds, but doing vestibular rehab and taking supplements could certainly help. If you haven't gotten tests yet, I suggest you do (if you can) since it gave me a LOT of peace of mind to know I didn't have some terrible neurological condition.


Sending good wishes and prayers your way!!




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@spacecadet How long did it take you to get better?

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Posted by: @spooky

Hey everyone, I'm a long time lurker of this particular forum post. This was actually the first place that I found that validated the fact that what I was going through was real. I'm almost 4 months post-vaccine and have experienced a pretty wide set of the symptoms noted here including the classic dizziness, brain fog, anxiety, and burning under the skin. Lately, I've been feeling a bit better, but still have the occasional flare-ups. I'm hopeful that in a few more months everything will be back to normal.
I wanted to post here to provide a resource that I've been working on to share with people who are going through these same struggles. It's a small, crowd-sourced wiki with an encapsulation of info from a variety of forums, communities, and researchers. The link is and I'd appreciate any comments or feedback you have. I understand how easy it can be to succumb to despair through all of this and my wish is that this brings even a little hope to others. Thanks!

Just checked your website out it is really informative. I can see this being a really useful resource for anyone googling their vaccine side effects.

Thanks for your effort in creating this. 

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Posted by: @jacquelynsauriol

@opheas I read somewhere that this is a known phenomenon, transferennce of arm pain to opposite arm....from vaccine, you can look up SIRVA or HIGH INCIDENCE OF SIRVA which is Shoulder Injury Resulting from Vaccine Administration. I also have a friend who experienced exactly that as you describe, pain in the other arm than the vaccinated one. They were unable to lift anything for weeks.  I also noticed their coloring was very grey in the skin about 2 weeks after the Covid mNRA vax. Both things improved slowly, 6 weeks.

I've read pretty much all the posts on this thread over the last month and I have noticed a few people who have experienced this strange phenomenon. I also did have a bit of pain in my right arm for a few days after my vaccine in the left arm. 

Opheas, jacquelyn sauriol, Opheas and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @jkalber87
Hello everyone! Just wanted to share my story as I am very worried and curious if anyone else has had similar issues. I was very hesitant to get the vaccine - I held off for many many months. Most of my friends that were unvaccinated and got COVID were better within 3-5 days. Just recently, a good buddy of mine that is young (33yrs old), healthy and unvaccinated contracted COVID and was hospitalized due to low oxygen levels and issues breathing. This was a "wake-up call" for me - so I went ahead and got my Pfizer vaccine. I am a healthy 33yr old male, no past medical issues, no past vision issues. I exercise 3-5 times a week riding my mountain bike. I received my second Pfizer dose on Monday October 11 at 1:15pm CST. Monday evening I had the typical sore spot at the injection point which then turned into chills, body aches and low fevers throughout Tuesday. Thursday morning I started to notice vision issues in my right eye - my vision was a tad bit blurry/hazy. Conditions with my eye worsened over the weekend and my vision has deteriorated in my right eye. Far sight vision in my right eye is extremely bad - I am having an extremely hard time trying to read street signs or even look at my computer monitors at work etc. Vision in my right eye has this yellowish tint compared to my left eye - I always have these random black spots (I've now found out that they are called "floaters").
I had an appointment with my physician yesterday and she said my eyes looked normal to her so she recommended me to an eye specialist. My appointment with the eye specialist is this morning at 9:00am. I am extremely worried and stressed out - I was just trying to do the right thing and got vaccinated, now I am wishing I didn't.

Try to reduce inflammation in your body. Many people on here have felt ibuprofen helps. Make sure you avoid inflammatory foods. Also turmeric is good for reducing inflammation.

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Posted by: @gingerjones
Posted by: @vida30

Hi everyone, 

did any of you struggled with eating and not having appetite And being nauseous all the time? 
I was 140 pound before I get the vaccine and know I’m 117 don’t know what to do I feel like I’m dying every single day😭😭😭 


I have been struggling with gut issues for about 6 weeks now...I lost a total of 35lbs...I do feel it is getting a little better as I type this

Have you tried drinking a Complan Shake or something similar just to keep your nutrition levels up? You could make one up with water or skimmed milk and sip throughout the day.

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@twitch - June 3rd.

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @jkalber87
Hello everyone! Just wanted to share my story as I am very worried and curious if anyone else has had similar issues. I was very hesitant to get the vaccine - I held off for many many months. Most of my friends that were unvaccinated and got COVID were better within 3-5 days. Just recently, a good buddy of mine that is young (33yrs old), healthy and unvaccinated contracted COVID and was hospitalized due to low oxygen levels and issues breathing. This was a "wake-up call" for me - so I went ahead and got my Pfizer vaccine. I am a healthy 33yr old male, no past medical issues, no past vision issues. I exercise 3-5 times a week riding my mountain bike. I received my second Pfizer dose on Monday October 11 at 1:15pm CST. Monday evening I had the typical sore spot at the injection point which then turned into chills, body aches and low fevers throughout Tuesday. Thursday morning I started to notice vision issues in my right eye - my vision was a tad bit blurry/hazy. Conditions with my eye worsened over the weekend and my vision has deteriorated in my right eye. Far sight vision in my right eye is extremely bad - I am having an extremely hard time trying to read street signs or even look at my computer monitors at work etc. Vision in my right eye has this yellowish tint compared to my left eye - I always have these random black spots (I've now found out that they are called "floaters").
I had an appointment with my physician yesterday and she said my eyes looked normal to her so she recommended me to an eye specialist. My appointment with the eye specialist is this morning at 9:00am. I am extremely worried and stressed out - I was just trying to do the right thing and got vaccinated, now I am wishing I didn't.

Try to reduce inflammation in your body. Many people on here have felt ibuprofen helps. Make sure you avoid inflammatory foods. Also turmeric is good for reducing inflammation.

So I have tried ibuprofen but it was of no help - I will definitely look into turmeric but I've always thought that helps with joint inflammation and not all type of inflammation.

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Posted by: @nawpan

Hi, I have been posting some questions here and there but today I went to see my doctor and I got a diagnostic (kind of) so I'd like to share what my symptoms are after the first short of Pfizer and what the doctor said.

May 21 - Pfizer shot, has some itchiness all over body but subsided after an hour or two, then pain in the injection site for 2 days.  Four days later I started to develop a headache that lasted for 3 days.  From Day 6 to today this is what I'm having. 

- Numbness/tingling/vibrations are on both legs and feet (worse when I got up from sitting).  Sometimes after I just woke up.

- Numbness on my fingers (more left hand) and sometimes hands, and (rarely) forearms.

- My legs (thighs) feel burn and tired after walking up stairs (basement to main floor).

- Dizziness (start about Day 10), more like disequilibrium to the right side especially when sitting down working or playing piano.   

- left eye twitching

- I used to have a lot of pin and needles and now it's subsided.

Finally got to see my doctor in person today (had a phone call before and he was not worried).  He said the result of my blood work is great.  He did some physical testing and he thinks I have carpal tunnel syndrome on my left hand and slightly on my right.  Which I kind of agreed on that.  The strength of my legs feet hands arms are fine. However, when he tested dragging his finger under my feet, he knew something was not right on my right foot.  He think it has something to do with spinal cord or brain (this totally scared me).  So he refers me to a neurologist to have EMG test and he wants me to have CT scan for my brain (because of dizziness).  He's also confused why I got hyperreflexic on right foot when most of my symptoms are on left side.  He called "odd neurological symptoms to bilat legs, right clonus?  hyperreflexic?"

So I guess it's not all from anxiety like many people trying to tell me.  I was very healthy before and have no major health issue. I'm stress about what's happening and I'm glad to find this site.  I'm taking Vit D, C, and B-12.  Today I start taking Liposomal Glutathione and Quercetin (as some members have success in treating their dizziness).  I hope it will help with any inflammation (I hope it's temporary inflamed and will go away with time), fingers crossed.



Hi there. Just was curious how you are getting on? As you haven't posted anything Inna while Im hoping that means you are now recovered. Just wondering if all your symptoms particularly the buzzing, dizziness and pins and needles finally went away completely? Reading your post your symptoms are so much like mine. I'm nearly 3 months out from my first Pfizer vaccine. Symptoms are very very gradually easing off.

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@kaykay praise God! Did you have any tingling or twitching with your side effects?

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I just talked to my eye specialist and I was wrong about Macular Edema - I have a condition called central serous chorioretinopathy also known as CSC.

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@rachie Did you try ivermectin? I just took half of my photos this morning I’ll take the other half tonight. Did it work for you?

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