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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@kenny yep my d dimer was negative and also had a ctpa after that which is a ct scan of the lungs to check for pulmonary embolism also didn’t show up. 

Kenny920 and Kenny920 reacted
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@nath7 that’s good. I am just wondering what is causing all these. Hmm..

Nath7 and Nath7 reacted
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Anyone recovered recently? I'm 4 months out and still dealing with anxiety, depression, fatigue, eye strain, increased tinnitus, occasional ear and head pressure, headaches and dizziness which all flare up get worse with physical or mental stimulation. 

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@kenny my doctors was worried that was there first thought. It was 2 months ago now I had the tests I presume it would of showed up if it was causing it. 

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Hello All,

I have received my 2nd Pfizer jab on 21th June and everything was fine for 6 weeks. Then it all started... Dizziness, nausea for weeks, swollen lymph nodes... nothing helped unfortunately. Then new symptoms appeared: headache, extreme anxiety, high blood pressure, very high heartrate, panic attacks and serious stomach problems for weeks again (strong bloating, stomach ache, diarrhea, even worse nausea), I also lost my appetite, got rashes, joint pain as well, lots of ulcers in my mouth. This has been the case so far, I am ~4 months after the 2nd vaccination. Fortunately, ~two week ago almost all symptoms ceased/lessened, though an upset stomach remains still. I have been taking Querzitin, Omega 3 tablets, D3, C vitamins, NAC tablets, antihistamins - probably they have helped a lot. It also seems that this stuff comes in flares, and I have swollen lymph node in my armpit before symptoms start again/come back. The good news is the flare ups are much shorter and symptoms are vaining, lymph nodes are not that much swollen and just for a short time 🙂 My doctors said that this is definitely from the vaccine and they have lots of patients coming to them with those symptoms... (from all kinds of vaccines). Wish recovery to all of you as soon as possible!

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by FiLa85

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Has anyone been able to get their sleep patterns back to normal?  If so, how long did it take?

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@june42 sorry I didn’t get the mention in my email ! But to answer your questions ! Yes I would have crazy heart rate spikes , it would lead to anxiety and panic attacks for me , I did run and workout when I felt decent , but the only thing that really helped me was TIME

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@junior1087 did you have any sleep issues?  If so, did it go back to normal?

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@jaydev55 tbh I still have the sleep issues today , I have cognitive therapy for the sleep , 6 months later 

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@junior1087 did you lack the ability to fall asleep, or did you wake up at early hours and not get back to sleep?

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@jaydev55 falling asleep , still have the issue , 

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@nath7 Check out @doctorasadkhan on Twitter.  He tested negative d.dimmer.  Went to Germany for HELP apheresis, and they pulled a large clot out of his arm.  Possible that covid (and vaccine gone wrong) could be causing issues that d.dimmer isn’t picking up.  I’ve started taking Nattikinase just in case.  My symptoms seem to have settled to fatigue and heart issues (magnesium helped as well I think).  Tingling etc seems to have resolved.  But fingers are like prunes all the time and Touch ID has stopped working on phone as fingers are so cracked.  Apparently that can be a sign of all the capillaries getting blocked. I don’t know how true any of this is though.  My Doctors won’t engage on anything other than anxiety so I’m kind of on my own trying to sort it out.  Lots in common with ME/CFS.  

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Posted by: @pfizervictim

Anyone recovered recently? I'm 4 months out and still dealing with anxiety, depression, fatigue, eye strain, increased tinnitus, occasional ear and head pressure, headaches and dizziness which all flare up get worse with physical or mental stimulation. 

Hi, I too have all the above, 5 months from my second AZ jab and like you, flares with physical and mental stimuli. Going through a rough patch at the mo. Sorry it's not good news. Hopefully time will heal. Best wishes all.😊🙏

Sassafras, PfizerVictim, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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@junior1087  try 5htp 200mg 1 tablet by mouth every 2 days. It's the precursor to seratonin required for proper brain function. Lack of it seratonin leads to brain fog and sleep disturbances. Just dont become too dependent on it. Try to discontinue its use after 10 days. Drink 1 electrolyte drink once daily with 0 sugar (0 sugar poweraid, smart water, or electrolyte infused drink). Let me know of this helps. 

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@rainyday hey.  I felt this... I am also a single mum to a 4 year old. I am 31 years old and had my 1st and only pfizer shot on June 12th. I have suffered the same symptoms as yourself..  widespread twitching, vertigo, head fog, migraines and brain zaps, heightened anxiety, gastro issues. You name it I've had it. I was signed off work for 2 months. I had ct scans, mri, bloodwork, xray, physio etc. All clear bar one abnormal bloods for heightened level of inflammation throughout my body.

2 months ago I was so low I was near suicidal. The ONLY thing keeping me going was my son. I was convinced I was dying. It was hell.

4 months out and I'm on the up. I can feel my old self coming back. I'm 90% there but do relapse now and then. Mainly if I have a cold or lower immune system etc. I am convinced now it is time. You have to ride it out. After trying every vitamin etc I decided to stop it all and let my body do what if needed. I take a daily probiotic Yoghurt drink which seems to have helped actually. Other than that I'm just riding it out. I still get twitches daily but nothing near to what it was. All my systems are there but on a lower level to which I can function day to day now. It's more of a nuisance than anything. I'm still hoping to improve further.. and I hate to be too positive as much as I want to be... because relapses do happen.. but you WILL get better. The inflammation will reduce over time. 

I won't be having any further jabs either. 

Drink water, rest where possible. I know how hard that is as a single parent trust me. But trust your body. You will get through this x

NatalieT, LadyT, jacquelyn sauriol and 17 people reacted
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