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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@saba I haven’t dealt with them in a while. I basically just had black spots showing up in my vision, especially when I would exercise. Haven’t noticed them in probably about a month and a half 

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Has anyone seen this article? It looks like AstraZeneca and Pfizer are causing nerve disorders in some people. The truth is slowly starting to come out.

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31M, was healthy and incredibly active.

Took my first and only Pfizer vaccine dose eight weeks ago. Starting 24-48 hours later, I got the symptoms people in this thread describe. These persist.

Multiple Infectious Diseases and Neurology specialists have evaluated me and said my condition to be a result of the vaccine and that I would get better with time, but how much time they could not say. I was strongly advised not to get the second shot at least for now.

MRI, lumbar puncture and extensive blood and respiratory viral tests turned up nothing much, except I had the raised liver function at one point. I've read this entire thread (closing in on 9,400 posts) over the past few weeks and there was one other person that reported a similar pattern… my transaminases (ALT/AST) were in the 'normal' range 2 weeks in, but elevated 5 weeks in and when last checked 7 weeks in had halved but not back to 'normal' levels.

I hope we all get better soon.

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@thenystagmus hi...this is me.. im 4weeks post 2nd vaccine. I have tachycardia and am 3months post adrenolectomy. Following 2nd vaccine, developed vertigo like symptoms, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, heart fluttering, bp drops, anxiety, leg pain, headache. Comes and goes in waves. Most mornings it hits me then good during the day then hits me again in the evening around dinner time. Knocks me for six. Unable to take my tachycardia meds even though heart is racing as my bp is usually really low. I'm in unfamiliar territory and its affecting my day to day. 😔

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@heybro Yes, I've had calf tightness both sides ever since I went for a run about a week after my first jab (didn't get the second). Ever since, I've had multiple symptoms, mainly headaches (now gone), fatigue, and sometimes a racing heart, shortness of breath, and always exercise intolerance since then. The calf tightness is a head-stratcher, as no doubt you'll appreciate if you have it too, it's nothing like that which one gets from a hard workout or indeed anything else I've ever experienced. Feels like when the tightness in the calves goes the rest of everything will be on it's way out too. 

Josephine, Opheas, Josephine and 1 people reacted
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Who has had a booster?

Which vaccine(s) did you get originally, and which booster did you get?


I had horrific vertigo, dizziness, and neurological symptoms following my Moderna vaccines-  the last one was end of March- for 2 months afterward. My doctor has no advice re: getting a booster or not, given severe reaction.

I am interested in others' experiences. Thanks!

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Hey all!


Just an update, I got my second dose of Moderna on July 24. After that first dose and into the second, I had two or three months of pretty awful side effects. Brain fog, lightheadedness, general malaise and nausea on and off. It has gradually gone away and I have to say I’m feeling closer to normal by the day. I sort of forgot about it as time went on, so I just want to let you know there is hope. It’s a scary thing at first especially when you’re not getting answers, but this forum gave me comfort and resilience. I hope you find comfort in knowing that it will eventually pass. Hang tight y’all! And don’t take the booster.

Tom Germana, Heatherxxo, PfizerVictim and 9 people reacted
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I saw a neurologist for the first time today and he said that the symptoms are indicative of an adverse immune response to the vaccine. Specifically, CNS demyelination - please look that up. Here is an article that details a few cases of CNS demyelination post COVID vaccine. He ordered an MRI for me, but we might not see anything since my symptoms have faded. One thing he said that I did not find intuitive is that our immune system can react differently to the different vaccines. So, just because you had an immune response to Pfizer doesn't mean you're going to have a reaction to Moderna. I assumed the overactive immune system is responding to the presence of spike proteins but apparently how you are exposed to it matters too. He said we can discuss risks/rewards of not getting the second shot entirely vs trying another manufacturer the next time. One important question I forgot to ask is how much long term damage this is causing (does the myelin grow back?). To be continued. Hopefully that gives you something to inquire with your doctor or the internet about.

MsMar, Rainyday, MsMar and 1 people reacted
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Hello Everyone!

I am glad to have stumbled upon this forum. I too have been having such bizarre and terrible symptoms the past couple of months. Trouble with my breathing, racing/ skipping/ burning heart and the most concerning is the brain fog. Episodes of feeling like my brain is burning and having extreme cognitive impairment and numbness in my body. These symptoms all started to die down after a month and I actually had a few days where I felt normal and back to myself when all of the sudden I stopped sleeping. I have now gone through two weeks of not being able to sleep at all. I even got ambien and am not sleeping with it. All of my medical tests are coming back normal and I cannot find any doctors willing to help me. They all either think I'm making it up or just try to push me off onto someone else since they don't know what is going on. 

I wanted to come on here to try and see if anyone else has been having these problems sleeping? It's not as though my mind is racing, it just feels off and will not turn off to go to sleep. I am just miserable all day every day because of it and don't know how long someone can go without sleep. I am 26 yrs old and a professional athlete. I have never had health problems before and am suddenly completely debilitated. Please if anyone has experienced anything similar to reach out and share how you have coped?

Nath7 and Nath7 reacted
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@swtammie78 what were your symptoms and how long ago did you have the vaccine? Did you have any autoimmune conditions? I’m surprised the doctor even admitted to the vaccine being the cause in my experience they don’t even consider it 😬

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@simplicity2378 I was surprised myself by the level of support I received. I was convinced that the appointment would be a waste of time. I had debilitating brain fog and head pressure. I was dizzy, had trouble walking straight, trouble getting words out. Brain zaps on occasion. Those symptoms started 5/6 days post jab and lasted for about a month before going the other direction of getting better. It's been about three months and I'm mostly better. If I had an autoimmune disease I certainly had no knowledge of it. No history of vestibular or neurological concerns. I try to work out around 3x/week. 35 years. Female. 

LadyT and LadyT reacted
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Asking for support: I went to see an ENT today at a local hospital about my ever growing tinnitus and had a full blown anxiety/panic attack to be at the hospital and about having to take my mask off to and seeing and hearing other people cough, sneeze. This is not me! My tinnitus gotten worse after i left the hospital and now I cannot sleep and stop thinking that I might have contracted the virus (again or not who knows what?) and that I would have to live thru whatever I lived through since 8/5 first shot of P. I cannot believe what my mind is continuously making me think and obssess about this thing. I have been taking mild herbal pills for anxiety but they aint doing it for me anymore I guess. I want my old self back! This is unbearable! 

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@swtammie78 so interesting. I’m glad you found a supportive doctor my experience has been difficult and frustration. Which vaccine did you get? I wish I would have had more information before getting the Moderna vaccine. 

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@charsen I'm up at 3:45am unable to sleep on my end. I just can't bear with the anxiety. I feel like I'm trapped in and endless loop and I'm sat here thinking about suicide. I don't know what to do. I'm calling Samaritans and they won't pick up, nor will my friends.

Feel like I've hit my breaking point.

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@charsen I’m so sorry you had such a hard day. I too have been struggling with tinnitus, ear fullness, headaches, vision strain, and a feeling of constant swaying. Sometimes it’s so hard to remain positive and hopeful. But I take comfort on all the stories people post here of recovery even if for some of us recovery may take longer. Some things I have found to be helpful are keeping a journal with my feelings and symptoms, sometimes playing background music on days when my tinnitus seems unbearable, grounding exercises, or meditation 3-5 minute sessions on YouTube and cognitive therapy. I haven’t been able to do very much lately but a couple of weeks ago I started physical therapy and hope it will help. I know some days are so so hard, be kind to yourself praise yourself for your accomplishments even the smallest things take a lot of courage for us trying to recover. You were strong today!  Going to see a specialist wasn’t an easy choice but you needed to find answers and advocate for yourself. Hopefully today puts you a step closer to your recovery. Stay strong. You got this 💕

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