@llinuxx I regret getting the second dose, but not the first.
I got the first dose of Moderna in mid-August during a fairly severe wave of the Delta variant in my area. I had chest pressure for eight days afterwards, but was otherwise fine, and resumed feeling normal less than ten days afterwards.
I'd decided not to get the second dose until my state put a vaccine mandate in place. It was either get vaccinated or lose my job. I felt I had no choice.
It's 26 days later and I am still not "myself." I regret it horribly. I wish I had quit. It was not worth my health.
I've started to wonder why we need two doses, anyways. The Moderna has 100 micrograms of mRNA. That's almost two times as much as two doses of Pfizer. I think two doses of the vaccines is WAY too much for our bodies to handle.
Someone I know experienced vertigo/continued dizziness/sharp pain in injection site shoulder/neck pain and stiffness etc... that came on 16 days after COVID-19 vaccination. As a researcher, I have read all posts on this forum, submitted a report to VAERS, called the vaccine manufacturer, and have been trying to spread the word about these side effects to relevant federal agencies and news outlets. It seems important to get the word out about these side effects so that those who experience them can be acknowledged by the medical community and receive proper medical treatment. (Might include early administration of prednisone?).
Please see the response below from NIH/NINDS:
Thank you for your email, and for drawing attention to this issue.
It is always helpful to report symptoms that occur post vaccination on CDC monitoring sites.
In addition, the NIH is interested in reports of symptoms post vaccine or post COVID, and patients are encouraged to email us at: [email protected]
@delainekylynn I had severe insomnia since day 2 of one and only insomnia. Vax on 3/19. Well, I still have it but it has improved. I went through hell for 5 months, first 3 being the worst. Noting would work, even rx sleep meds, just like you experienced. I only started to see slow improvement after 5 months. I am over 7 months out and I can sleep 5 to 5.5 hours at a stretch and not trouble falling asleep. So I am still not pre-vax with my sleep but hoping that the improvement continues. Do you what you can to get sleep, sleep aids/meds until you get through the initial and worst phase. It won't be easy but it will get better. I may have been the worst case and hope yours isn't as bad and goes away quickly. Hang in there!
Hello. I have not been vaccinated.
I want to ask those of you who have been vaccinated:
Why did you get vaccinated?
Are you sorry you got vaccinated?
Do you know of young people who died after being vaccinated and the cause was a blood clot? People you knew. (I sincerely hope you don't have any, but I decided to ask)
I do not want to die from covid. I do not want people close to me die from covid. I have asthma and some lung fibrosis. I think I will not make it if I catch covid.
no, not sorry at all. Actually, very relieved with added protection. So far three pfizers now. First no problem, second one caused minor and short term dizziness, ear ringing, fatigue and brain fog. Third one was just fatigue and sore arm for two days.
People I know who are vaccinated did not have any problems. Just me with the second one.
@junior1087 Hello Again I have 2 more questions for you (Since you answered earlier no good deed goes unpunished haha). First, have you tried 3-6mg of Melatonin for your sleep issue? I take it because it is an anti-inflammatory recommended by the FLCCC and I sleep deeply now. And for your dizziness did U ever see a Chiropractor or Therapist to rule out cervical neck or or migraine or vestibular issues? For myself I wonder if there are multiple things going on and maybe posture head neck posture is the cause of my dizziness. Thanks again.
Hello everyone. Happy to have found this blog few days ago and read a lot of similar symptoms that i had/having.
Got my 1st pfizer shot on th 30th August. First 3 days i was absolutely fine, bit tired but nothing bad.
On my 4th i start having sore throat and left ear pain , but still wasn't bad . Around 6pm i went out to buy groceries and while i was in the car i start feeling weird , feeling like i was fainting. Therefore i back home , thought that i was just feeling a bit tired, and by the evening a start having this tremor with dizziness , and last for more than half an hour. That night i went to the ER because couldn't understand what was happening. After few tests they find out that i could have labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis ( pretty similar). They gave some stemetil and told me that i ll get better in 1 week or 2. After 2 weeks i kept having this vertigo which didn't stop unless i was taking stemetil. Therefore, doctor recommended me to go see a physio.
Went to physio and exactly the day after my vertigo was gone. After 3 days it came back and for about the next 5 weeks i had persistent vertigo but little by little it was getting less with the proper exercise.
At some point physio also recommend to start doing acupuncture. I wish i would have done earlier, it helped me so much. More than any medicine. In the meanwhile i have also done a brain MRI and hearing test , which both were fine.
After i was starting to feel better i asked my doctor if i should wait for the 2nd shot, but she neglected and said that i will be fine.
Got my 2nd pfizer dose on the 24th of october.
A bit of fever and tiredness for couple of day but nothing special.
On the 3rd i started having ringing on my right here, and the following day ( yesterday) a really bad ear pain, but this time no sign of vertigo yet.
Went to GP on the 5th day of the vaccine (exactly today) and found out that i have an ear infection on my right ear, and now will start taking some antibiotics.
Now my GP has started taking this situation more seriously, also because some people have already complain about it and because there is an infection.
As i spoke to my physio and ENT, If you had the 1st and had vestibular neuritis/labyrinthitis, don't worry about it, once you had , it cannot came back , but if there's an infection going it has to be take more seriously.
Therefore , i do believe that some people have a reaction of this pfizer (moderna also very similar) which cause problem with you ears , because mostly comes from and ear infection ( viral or bacterial).
Also as i spoke to my specialist, he believes that if i had covid without being vaccinated, i might have feel very bad.
I strongly recommend to do a 2nd shot , but maybe change the vaccine. Talk to your doctor or specialist about it, because now we all know that vestibular neuritis is part of the si effects( mostly moderna and pfizer).
Also Physio and acupuncture helped me a lot during the process. They are working , but for vestibular rehabilitation , you need to be consistent , otherwise it wont do much.
If you need any advice feel free to ask!
Thanks everyone and i will update next on my situation.
@s-m-a Hello your posts are excellent! My issues post Pfizer vaccine are basically exactly how you described yours. Two questions please 1) Fluvoxamine, what was the dosage? Did you have a tapering off/ween off phase? I hear you need to wean down slowly. How did you do it? And it has side effects like Insomina. What did you experience on it? I have a prescription for 50mg for 7 days and 100mg for 7 days. I took 1 pill for first day and felt "happy" but the dizziness still there. I am hesitant to continue due to fear of side effects from an SSRI. I just got a prescription via a tele-health service (Dr Syed Hadier) who I found via Dr Mobeen.
And secondly, did you drink caffeine during your recovery process or avoid it? Can you drink caffeine now? I stopped drinking coffee, greentea as my heart started racing within 30mins. So I avoid it. Thank you for your insight.
@rainyday I only had one dose of the Moderna and I’m still feeling awful. 🥺 and it’s been 3 months. I wondered about the dozing as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated..having the toughest time of my life. 7.5 months post Moderna vaccine now. 25 year old male, previously very healthy and havent been to the hospital in 4 years prior to this year. To start I would like to say that I have NOT had dizziness and brain fog which seems to be very common here. I started with mouth sores on day 4. Two weeks later i felt like I had a double ear infection. Pressure in both ears and back of my jaw/jaw pops still. Second month my abdomen swelled up and had sharp pains and also had sharp chest pain when going on short walks (I previously walked 5-7 miles a day). 3rd month I started to have a sharp pain in my mid back. I couldnt tell if it was my spine or my muscles or my nerves. This sharp pain turned into a constant ache in my lower to upper back that is constant and now its easily my biggest issue and prevents me from doing almost anything..around the same time I started having twitching everywhere in my body even in my temples and my pinky and ring finger on my left hand started to go numb. month 4 and my calves felt like there's something crawling inside of them, especially noticeable when laying down. Ive seen an Internal medicine doctor, Neurologist, and GI. Ive had an echocardiogram, EKG, EMG, MRI's, CT scan, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, and soooo much blood work.. so far the only thing that came back positive was an ANA Panel signaling autoimmune so now I will see a rheumatologist although I have done more specific autoimmune blood tests since the positive ANA panel and theyve all came back fine. This has all been so disheartening. Will I ever get better?? I am losing hope quickly now. Just last week, the back of my neck started to have a shooting pain that came in waves, and now it has the same achy feeling that my back has constantly. Although all of those symptoms still exist 7.5 months in now (besides chest pain which has gone mostly away) the back and new neck pain make me worry the most. I'm so jealous (but happy for) everyone getting better only 3 or 4 months after their shots. Im scared i will never get my life back now and its irreversible. Has anyone experienced anything close?? please help
Does anyone notice when they eat their symptoms flare up a bit? Almost as if it’s an allergic reaction.
Really sweet foods used to set me off. Then again maybe it was just a sugar rush.
@yoki I’m not sure what does it for me. Really tough trying to keep track of what I eat and the effect it has.
@rainyday what symptoms do you have? I’m still suffering after one Moderna shot 9/3