@tabby I'm not on any medication and my therapist kindly said that I'm the worst person he knows this could've happened to, so I dumped him.
I'm living with my parents and both have told me to get back to work, find my feet and that there's nothing wrong with me and it's all in my head. They've told me to go lock myself away somewhere to deal with my mental issues and are accusing me just saying I'm unwell so I can avoid work. I've brought up my doctor's diagnosis and have even shown them this thread, but they don't believe my doctor and think this forum is full of Russian bots. Can only laugh at this stage.
Apologies for venting and getting so personal/oversharing.
There's no need to apologise. It's so easy for people to say it's all in your head when they've never experienced anxiety. It's horrible, I had to take 11 weeks off from work once because of it, all because a doctor gave me an incorrect diagnosis. If I were you I would speak again with your doctor, maybe ask for help with your sleep issues because sleep deprivation causes all sorts of anxiety symptoms. No need to preach to you about the do's and don'ts, no doubt you know all about these. I used to watch Dr Alan Mandell videos on youtube when I was low, still do, he's a chiropractor and he has a good following. He gives good practical advice on many topics including anxiety. There are many books out there, Dr Claire Weekes especially I found good. The problem with anxiety is that it can stress you out, if you let it, and stress intensifies inflammation which I think is what we here are all fighting. Try to stay strong, you will beat this, we will all beat this. Just one more thing that helped me, Mel Robbins gave a lecture on YouTube, she said there is a 5 second window between the moment you feel the anxiety instinct coming on and the time it takes over. As soon as you feel that instinct, count 5,4,3,2,1 and take your mind off it. Catch it before it takes over. It will go away. Apparently you're activating the part of your prefrontal cortex to get out of the cycle and this rule shuts it down. Helped me when I was badly troubled.😊🙏
@delainekylynn going through the same sort of things, I’m only 27 and normally really healthy, very much struggling to sleep I’ve been taking zopiclone which seems to get me like 5 hours sleep hope that helps. It’s very tough physically and mentally I wish I can give you a good story I’m just over 4 months now and still feeling very much bad 👎 hold in there I’m hoping 6-8 months 🙏
Hello. I have not been vaccinated.
I want to ask those of you who have been vaccinated:
Why did you get vaccinated?
Are you sorry you got vaccinated?
Do you know of young people who died after being vaccinated and the cause was a blood clot? People you knew. (I sincerely hope you don't have any, but I decided to ask)
Anyone having Low heart rate (less than 50) during sleep and in the 50s resting heart rate before sleep time? I am not sure if I am having these before vaccine or now. Basically related to POTS as well and feeling bloated and shortness of breath after meal due to POTS?
Hello all.
For anyone as yet unaware, a good resource is being created here...
@lukenick Yes, I had my first dose three weeks ago and I've lost weight and had nausea, I was starting to regain my weight until I got the 2nd dose now I'm starting to lose weight again, no more nausea though.
@andrew40 I experienced the same thing with calf tightness. Really weird. I am exactly 2 months post vax and I am much, much better. Agree that when the calf tightness started to dissipate, the rest followed. SO WEIRD.
Hello everyone I went to see my GP again today, she still couldn't do much for me other than check my heart and lungs which were okay. She thinks I might have had Covid without knowing and the vaccine triggered a long Covid response, not sure if I believe that but she was still positive that this will go away by itself eventually.
I’m so relieved to have found this forum.
I had my second Moderna vaccine in July, 4 weeks after and I was hit with extreme mental fog/fatigue. I feel like I can’t keep my eyes open but I’m not physically tired. Also aching joints.
since then I’ve had really bad health anxiety, and have been convinced I have a brain tumour.
8 weeks on and I’m still really suffering, am trying all sorts of supplements and vitamins and meditation etc.
I get so overwhelmed thinking this may never go. It’s ruining my life, I can’t enjoy my two young children, can’t concentrate on work. It’s horrendous
@pfizervictim Glad your tests are all okay. My bloods and heart tests came back okay too. So the whole thing is hard to get one's head around. I'm 99% sure I had Covid in January 2020 (with 2 days in bed, but otherwise fine). I was then in excellent health until I had the AZ shot in April 2021. The way I find it best to think about it is I have symptoms that all allign with Long Covid, which beyond reasonable doubt were triggered by the shot. It's hard to get my head around that sometimes.
Wishing everyone well; it's a bumpy ride to put it mildly but we can do this.
I should also let everybody know. That I will be getting the Johnson and Johnson shot not Pfizer. That is what my immunologist is recommending. I will post back once it’s done and how I am doing. For now I just wanna focus on myself and get myself healthy and my mindset in the right place. I’ll be back in a few weeks.
I hope they let you do this. I tried a few months ago to get the J and J vaccine and they refused because there was already a record of me having received an initial Pfizer vaccine. They said that this was "off" label and not following the CDC protocol. Now I'm seeing that the CDC is changing their protocol which is infuriating as other countries were allowing mix and match for some time.
I don't know why my previous posts have not yet been "AUTHORIZED". But here goes, again:
I received 2 Moderna shots, the last being the end of March. For 2 months afterward, I experienced vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, and headache. I always felt as if I was wearing someone else's presciption glasses. I was hanging onto walls and lampposts, hoping I wouldn't faint constantly.
Symptoms subsided during June. I have been OK since. I am considering booster. My doctor has no advice either way.
I am interested in others" experiences of receiving the booster. Which initial companies' vax did you take? Which booster? Symptoms?
The case study presented is extreme but I can't help but see the same symptoms being reported by folks on this forum. If you haven't reported your symptoms to VAERS https://vaers.hhs.gov/, please do. This is the only way the CDC will see that this is happening and it's significant.
@yoki I was approved to get the J and J. My 3 immunologist were in a agreement with it. I started pre medication, it’s not bad so far. Will report back once I get the shot and let everyone know how I’m doing. I definitely won’t sugar coat anything and give facts.