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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Thanks everyone for sharing so far. It has helped a lot with my anxiety.

I'm 38, M, no previous medical history of any kind of chronic illness at all or unexplained headaches or dizziness, generally healthy. I received first dose of Pfizer end of May and second dose mid July. The problems started 2-3 weeks later - dizziness of a kind I've not experienced before, pressure headaches, headaches with a sharp tingling type sensation across the top of my head, pain in the forehead area, sides of my head, back of my head, sharp pains, dull pains. Every day a different location, coupled with especially evil vertigo. At times while sitting at my desk I felt like my head was going to uncontrollably smash forward into the desk. I had problems with memory, concentration and thinking clearly. I've suffered from tinnitus for a while, but it was amplified significantly. Work was very tough. What appeared to help was lying down and wearing an eye mask for an hour. Sleep at night was a reset. I couldn't find any pattern to when the problems would start, when they were worse, or any kind of a pattern as to where the pain would be.

I went to the ER and I had extremely high blood pressure (no history of this) and they ordered a CT scan. I spent two months thinking I had a brain tumor - I only took minor comfort from the fact I wasn't vomiting and I was generally sleeping fine - no thunderclap headaches and such. Doctor just told me the usual life style stuff to try and get better, but for the most part I'm fit and do not live a sedentary life style, eat well etc. I got a full eye exam to make sure that wasn't to blame (all clear).

CT scan came back fine. I've only started to feel almost normal the past 3 days or so, nearly 4 months after the second dose. My diastolic blood pressure was very high a few months ago, but erratic when I was monitoring almost daily since. It was also a very sudden return to normal BP along with my overall feeling better - It was a big drop out of nowhere. I am hoping it is plain sailing from here, but I fear a relapse. I thought I was getting better before.

Even before things were getting better I was questioning whether it was worth bothering with the medical system given the dead ends others have experienced if I should just wait it out. The doctor I spoke to wasn't really interested.

Anyway, I am not sure at all about any booster shot now - I'll have to balance the risks on a decision on that, or perhaps I will be forced (but I'll leave it until I absolutely have to). I can't imagine getting a booster every 6-8 months and living through this hell half of the time in-between. I trusted in the public health measures through the pandemic, got the vax as soon as I could and I do not consider myself anti-vax at all - but I would like to see some kind of explanation or least validation that long term side effects are a thing and what can be done to counter the side effects other than sitting around for months on end hoping it will go away. 

Anyway, hope this helps someone and that better days are around the corner.

DrL, Patboe, DrL and 1 people reacted
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@tabby try Magnesium and Vitamin C it can help with dizziness /vertigo sometimes for some people 

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@glenb There is a FB group "Homeopathy For Post Cookie Syndrome" with homeopaths offering their 2 cents.

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@judis There is a Fb group "Homeopathy For Post-Cookie Syndrome" with homeopaths offering their 2 cents.

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@karin Thanks for your response, Karin.  So happy you made out so well.  Take care!

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@jacquelynsauriol I don't know how else to explain the blood supply we are dealing with in this country , maybe this article will explain it better. Over 90% of donated blood has covid antibodies and this hasn't caused problems.

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google “real not rare rally” I saw an article about a gathering for vaccine choice. Imo theirs to many mandates going on.

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@glenb You could not be a pawn in their game. That is impossible.

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this doctor I’ve been talking to recommended a no carb diet with just meat and protein plus water and beef bone broth to drink also started taking vitamin C, zinc, NAC, fish oil, quercetin, and a multivitamin. Not sure if it’s helping yet. 

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@jacquelynsauriol Not sure what you are saying unless you are implying some kind of conspiracy.

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There are so many different people responding to so many different posts.  It would be really helpful if people quoted the post or part of post to which they are responding.  It would make things a lot easier as far as following along.  Thanks!

KitKat, Tom Germana, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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@medee I have received my second jab on 21st June, so it is a bit more than 4 month now… I am 80-90% fine I would say, the last 3-4 days were almost totally normal, with just a little anxiety wave and a little upset stomach in the evenings. However, it is very hard not to be depressed… I have a little daughter to look after, and my wife has started to have similar symptoms (her hormones have gone nuts…), so we have very little energy by the end of the day… I do not know anybody else who has recovered 100%, but I think it is mainly because the first 2nd jabs have been given around June here in Hungary, so most of the cases are ‘in progress’ I suppose… Not to mention that the doctors are just starting to realize that that the vaccines are not that safe/reliable as they have been told and it was not easy to find docs who were open for discussion without telling me that all those crazy symptoms were impossible to be caused by the ‘safe’ vaccines…

This post was modified 3 years ago by FiLa85

KitKat, Dee, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@tabby Purgenex Vertigo Relief has helped and the epiley manuever (YouTube) has helped. 

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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@glenb You inquired where hospitals are going to get the blood donations they and their patients so desperately need. The answer: They are going to get the blood from people like you, who are doing something useful to solve the critical problem of blood shortages for people in need of blood donations. 🙂 People in need of blood can make their own decisions, in consultation with their own physicians, about whether they want to consent to a blood donation or not. 

LorraineB, gingerj, Glen and 3 people reacted
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Hi, I still take them as needed...usually once daily is all I need when I feel the symptoms

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