@medee Yep. Got both vaccine shots and experienced extreme vertigo after the second. Took a couple months to fully recover from it. Fingers crossed the spins stay at bay when I get the booster.
@medee I have had chest pain, random pains in limbs, headaches, digestion issues, head pressure, ear pressure, tinnitus, imbalance, twitching in calves, heart palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks. I had the shot on 4/6 but all the symptoms mentioned didn't start until 8/4. I am much better now. Still have some imbalance/walking on a boat sensations and minor ear fullness that comes and goes. I also have a fluttering noise in my ear sometimes when I put my tongue a certain way in my mouth.
How have you been feeling now? Did you symptoms go off completely when it comes to chest pain and nerves?
How long did it take to cure? Anything you did that could help me and others?
I want to get rid of the chest and nerve pain. I don't know what to do!
Apr 6th you took the jab right?
@medee I am much better, 95% myself pre vaccine. I have tried multiple things but time was the only thing that I feel helped. I am taking 500mg of vitamin C and Fish Oil.
@medee Yep. Got both vaccine shots and experienced extreme vertigo after the second. Took a couple months to fully recover from it. Fingers crossed the spins stay at bay when I get the booster.
Did you have any chest pain? If yes, has it completely cured? What did you do for the chest and nerves pain?
@medee Hi.
So I am feeling much better but still not 100%. I'm at say 90-95% back but I have occassional anxiety and panic attacks .
If you struggling from side effects consider this as a motivation to change your lifestyle. A good lifestyle is good no matter what even if you don't have any side effects. Try eating healthy/organic foods, drinking plenty of fluids, proper sleep, daily exercise, drop alcohol, drop fried foods and red meats, eat more veggies.
So a bit of a lengty ranty section following:
So I think there's much more going on than everyone is willing to admit.
Vaccines DO have side effects but medical establishment is downplaying it probably because it makes money, can save money on hospitalization and possibly under misguided belief that is okay to hurt a few to save many.
Which brings me to my main point. I think that people are overreacting both pro and anti vaccine. I don't think a vaccine is neccessarily a bad idea in theory but was rushed to production with little testing and is being used for profit/politics and people who really need help get caught in the middle and used as pawns.
Once vaccinated if you're part of the unlucky few with severe side effects then good luck with that because unless you're dying you not gonna get any help. You signed a waver and you're on your own. They deny any responsibility save for anaphylaxis and myocarditis and a very select few side effects.
I went to ER 4 times with severe anxiety and visibily swollen lymph nodes and they said I'm imagining things. I mean you can clearly see the swolen lymph nodes but unless is on the list of "acceptable" side effects you get zero help. Extremely distressing situation to need help and not be able to get it from anywhere.
Even worse. Talking about side effects with anyone gonna brand you as an anti vaxxer and friends and family will stop talkig to you.
Things might change though because the vaccine is losing effectiveness. They might push yearly boosters but I doubt people gonna get a 3rd or 4th or 5th shot. I think they might start to push therapeutics next.
The issue with vaccine is also been propped as some kind of panacea that will fix all problems. It makes people very risky. They go out as if nothing happened. I think everyone is hoping this vaccine will return life back to normal and are angry at everyone that doesn't want life to return to normal by "lessening" everyone's rights. But the majority of new covid cases are vaccinated people because vaccines supposedly can help you get sick. So one side effect is it helps you be more infected. How ironic. In some situations vaccine does absolutely nothing and no antibodies are created but those studies are not published. They were leaked recently. So is a shit show and people gonna get hurt and who's responsible? Not them.
@medee I am much better, 95% myself pre vaccine. I have tried multiple things but time was the only thing that I feel helped. I am taking 500mg of vitamin C and Fish Oil.
So you took only these 2 supplements and it cured your nerves and chest pain issue?
How long did it take for total recovery?
@medee Hi.
So I am feeling much better but still not 100%. I'm at say 90-95% back but I have occassional anxiety and panic attacks .
If you struggling from side effects consider this as a motivation to change your lifestyle. A good lifestyle is good no matter what even if you don't have any side effects. Try eating healthy/organic foods, drinking plenty of fluids, proper sleep, daily exercise, drop alcohol, drop fried foods and red meats, eat more veggies.
So a bit of a lengty ranty section following:
So I think there's much more going on than everyone is willing to admit.
Vaccines DO have side effects but medical establishment is downplaying it probably because it makes money, can save money on hospitalization and possibly under misguided belief that is okay to hurt a few to save many.
Which brings me to my main point. I think that people are overreacting both pro and anti vaccine. I don't think a vaccine is neccessarily a bad idea in theory but was rushed to production with little testing and is being used for profit/politics and people who really need help get caught in the middle and used as pawns.
Once vaccinated if you're part of the unlucky few with severe side effects then good luck with that because unless you're dying you not gonna get any help. You signed a waver and you're on your own. They deny any responsibility save for anaphylaxis and myocarditis and a very select few side effects.
I went to ER 4 times with severe anxiety and visibily swollen lymph nodes and they said I'm imagining things. I mean you can clearly see the swolen lymph nodes but unless is on the list of "acceptable" side effects you get zero help. Extremely distressing situation to need help and not be able to get it from anywhere.
Even worse. Talking about side effects with anyone gonna brand you as an anti vaxxer and friends and family will stop talkig to you.
Things might change though because the vaccine is losing effectiveness. They might push yearly boosters but I doubt people gonna get a 3rd or 4th or 5th shot. I think they might start to push therapeutics next.
The issue with vaccine is also been propped as some kind of panacea that will fix all problems. It makes people very risky. They go out as if nothing happened. I think everyone is hoping this vaccine will return life back to normal and are angry at everyone that doesn't want life to return to normal by "lessening" everyone's rights. But the majority of new covid cases are vaccinated people because vaccines supposedly can help you get sick. So one side effect is it helps you be more infected. How ironic. In some situations vaccine does absolutely nothing and no antibodies are created but those studies are not published. They were leaked recently. So is a shit show and people gonna get hurt and who's responsible? Not them.
I completely get what you're saying but it doesn't help at this time as it only increased my anxiety. This is on the rant part.
Thanks for yh1 1st galp of the message. I'm trying to incorporate that.
I have been through the same and I'm mad at myself for getting the jab as I was against it but then got brainwashed by family and friends. I thought I'm over reacting and too scared and then went and got it. But you know what, none of the people who had got the vax and pushed me to take it had any major side effects. It was only me who's been suffering from last one month. I was all okay before injecting this.
I have a family dependent on me. I feel so helpless! My symptoms have flared up and I don't know how to cure it since doctors think I'm crazy and this is purely panic. No it isn't.
Could you pls tell me if you had chest and nerve pain and what did you do to cure it? How long did it take to get completely cured?
Hi everyone. Feeling discouraged today. Had a rough afternoon yesterday after the bathroom mirror and lights set of more dizziness. Feeling completely off today, my vision is off 🥺 and I keep getting dizzy not spinning just dizzy. I think my peripheral vision is super sensitive and it’s causing me all these visual symptoms and making my balance worse. Went to see a different ENT doctor last week he said it’s PPPD. I don’t know what to think anymore. I’m trying to continue w my physical therapy and go on walks up and down the street. Most days no matter how crappy I feel I push through but today I feel so defeated. Does anyone else feel this way? Like this will never end and we will keep getting stranger and stranger symptoms. I don’t understand what’s going on with my eyes and I’m so scared. I wish I would have found a doctor I could trust and who would really listen to me. I feel like if they can’t explain ur symptoms they say PPPD.
@maianixon Other issue is insomnia. It only started a month or so ago so I’m hoping it’s not directly related to the vaccine but rather the stress I’ve been going through. Apparently it’s not actually possible to lose ability to sleep so telling myself this has helped me keep me sane though. I’ve been trying to avoid sleep aids as I’ve been told they can make insomnia worse in the long run. I have an odd good night here and there so I’m trying to tell myself clearly I still have ability to sleep but the vast majority of nights are a struggle.
Have you tried melatonin for sleep...
Melatonin is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant chemical our bodies produce to help regulate the sleep–wake cycle. It also supports the gut lining, which promotes healthy immune function.
Supplementing with 1 mg of melatonin at bedtime might benefit those whose sleep–wake cycles have become dysregulated with long COVID.
Hey! I’m now nearly 10 months post first vaccine and still none the wiser as to why I’m dizzy (and I still am, daily).
Cardio couldn’t find a reason why, ENT told me it’s just “something that will pass” and neuro refused my referral.
I only found out about Neuro refusing my referral last week so I’ve demanded another appointment with the doctor which I have on Thursday.
Some days I’m really bad and can barely stand to cook/clean etc, others I’m okay but it’s always there lingering.
The doctors really have tried to palm it off as anxiety yet I’ve been anxious most my adult life. Not one day was I dizzy before the vaccine.
So in summary (10 months on)… Still dizzy, still not being listened to or taken seriously, still mithering doctors for answers which I’m scared I’m never going to get.
I was a perfectly healthy 26 year old woman before all this. I’ve spent most the year on the couch or in bed. I’ve had probably 2 months total off work and even my house is becoming a mess. I just want to feel normal again or at the very least, get some answers.
Sorry for the pity party… I hope your journey is better than mine!
I'm not a medical expert but even then seems medical experts are not doing much anyway .
So I can only tell you about my personal experience plus my own research based on what I can understand.
I didn't have any nerve damage. I mostly have anxiety which feels like a chest pain, inability to breathe, tension on one side of my head same as he injection side. I do have ocassional muscle twitching but I've had that for ever. I probably have some kind of nervous system damage due to all my art days hanging around chemicals. I think the vaccine makes all your pre-exiting problems more apparent.
Is strange that vaccine is somewhat opposite of the virus in that vaccine seems to mostly affect younger people and covid mostly affects older people. I think is something to do with how your body reacts. Covid ramps up over time and takes higher endurance to survive where as vaccine is a shock to the body and you get a severe reaction that ramps down over time. Both covid and vaccine seem to last 2 months. At least that was the case for me. After 2 months I was good. If you're not good in 2 months you probably got some long term damage which may be fixed over time depending on how severe the damage is. Some people get permanet damage.
Now from what I read the anxiety is caused by spike protein infecting an immune cell. All cells can signal for help, food etc. Immune cells seem to also signal warnings to the body. The spike protein seems to cause constant singnalling so if enough immune cells have been infected then you get a constant anxiety . But doesn't feel real. Anywa that's based on my limited understanding . Disclaimed im not a scientist.
@medee So for the chest pain and anxiety I kinda had to struggle. I found eating really well maded me drowsy and calmed me down. But started to get really fat really fast. So I stuffed myself with lots of veggies to make myself feel full.
I also drink dandelion tea which supposedly prevents spike protein for fully attaching.
I found green tea and chocolate to cause more anxiety.
I found turmeric, vitamin C to be essential. The moment I pop 2 vit C i'm good for a few hours. You can feel right right away.
I also ate lots of organic (non chinese) garlic , red onions to reduce the chance of blood clots and improve circulation and some spicy organic cayanne pepper on anything (supposed to calm down anxiety).
The thing that worked the absolute best was hot bath before going to sleep and melatonin and physical exercise. In fact whenevr I skip physical exercise boom anxiety comes back full force. I need to do at least 10 min of cardio daily. I think anxiety is made worse by a sedentary lifestyle. When the blood moves though your body you feel more revitalized. Also exercise gives a natural high.
I have tried many other things as well spent so much money and time researching all this stuff but is hard to verify how well they worked or not.
I had my first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine Feb 14th. A few weeks later I developed severe vertigo. Rocking/swaying sensation. Feeling like I’m o a Canoe on water when walking or walking on a mattress feeling. Very off balance. I also had headaches here and there. I got referred to a Rheumatologist as I also developed RAynauds after the jab along with intermittent numbness in hands, arms, face, tongue and muscle twitches. My main problem though is the vertigo. Anyway, he tested me for something called Antiphospholipid syndrome (a blood clotting disorder) which came back positive. I am fairly certain I did not have this before the jab or it may have been laying dormant and the jab has exasperated it or the Cardiolipin IGG is just raised from the jab, who knows. All I know is I felt fine before it and terrible after it. They point blank refuse to blame the jab even though AZ is not even used anymore!) I had it before the blood clotting warnings came out. I’m now on daily asprin but this does not help the vertigo/off balance issues. I just ad a clear brain CT thankfully. Honestly, this year has been awful, I’m about to lose my job as I have been off sick for so long. My marriage is falling apart. MY life is falling apart. It’s been 9 months of this everyday with no end in sight?! Anyone suffered as long as me? Also, anyone with balance/vertigo issues headaches and memory issues. Get tested for APS. I fear this could be a side effects the vaccine 🙁
anyone suffered as long as me? Or anyone recovered from long term vertigo got any tips?
I will pray for all of our recoveries xxx
If you read my posts, yes, what you said and more! I'm not being lazy, I am literally unable to type or read for any length of time. I've had severe vertigo, headaches, two eye bleeds, vision and eye problems....I felt it within an hour of my 1st jab in April but was gone the next morning. A bit more severe with 2nd jab in June and then very severe and still ongoing after my 3rd jab on Oct 7. I felt the tinnitus and vertigo/imbalance IMMEDIATELY, as I stood after the jab.
Hang in there. I am feeling slightly better after a very tough month but any exertion sets me back.