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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Has anyone experienced a fluttering sound in their ear?

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Posted by: @judes


Hi Tabby - Aspirin is well known to be neuro-toxic and to cause tinnitus. Until the Covid vaccines, I'd had over 20 years remission from Meniere's and I know ENTs always say: Do not take aspirin! (You can google "aspirin neurotoxicity" for further info).

Hope this helps someone!

Hi, yes I am aware of it, thankyou. The problem I have is everything else disagrees with me. Paracetamol gives me nausea and doesn't do much for my headaches but I am gradually introducing it. Ibuprofen makes me dizzy, co-codomol knocks me out.  I've tried just about all otc meds. 😏

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Hi there,

I’ve been experiencing the same side effects as most of you after the second shot of the Pfizer vaccine (migraines, dizziness, nausea , inner ear pain, inner ear fullness , tinnitus, panic attacks, internal tremors). But at month 4 post vaccine I developed esophageal dysmotility, gerd like symptoms , increased eye floaters, joint pain, pins and needles like feeling on my face. I was directed by the GI who performed my esophageal manometry that I am having an autoimmune reaction to the vaccine and I should see a rheumatologist. The rheumatologists blood work confirmed I am having an autoimmune reaction and I have high inflammation markers and my liver is having issues. But both the rheumatologist and GI have stated that since the vaccine is new they don’t really fully understand it and are not sure how to treat my symptoms. I am now at the 6 month mark post vaccine. I am scheduled to meet with a homeopath and wanted to ask if anyone else is experiencing this type of issue with the esophagus and if there are any remedies that seem to working for some of you ?


thank you ! 

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Posted by: @ldcorum

@medee Unfortunately I know EXACTLY what they are and how they got there.  The "adjuvants" included in the Pfizer vaccine form spidery webs that show up in histological slides of the blood of the vaccinated.  The floaters in my eyes do not float, so much as swim around, AND "find" one another and string together, AND they look EXACTLY like the "adjuvants" seen in those histological slides. How else to explain the NUMEROUS people, myself included, who find floaters impeding their vision AFTER VACCINATION?  I am 66, in good health, with no need to take daily medication, with strong bones, normal cholesterol (115), normal blood sugar (right smack in the middle of the range), fit from working out regularly with weights/zumba/line dancing, I neither smoke nor drink, and this is the very first time in my life that I find floaters in my eye -- just one eye, thank God.

Hope you and all of us recover soon! Keep faith!🤍

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Posted by: @divaeyez37

@pfizervictim What type of head pressure are you experiencing. I feel electrical shots and my head feels wet.

I have the same feeling. How are you feeling now? Did you get it checked?

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Posted by: @divaeyez37

@simplicity2378 I feel like brain has liquid on it. I can't describe this wet feeling but it's scary and some of the nerve ending feeling is on my forehead

Same 😒

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Posted by: @shannief

I am not posting this to deter anyone from getting the vaccine. We are all individuals. Make a decision based on YOU!

Now, I got the Moderna shot three weeks ago and I can strongly say I am not going back for the second dose! My anxiety has increased every since I got the shot. I can’t focus, my hands shake and palms become sweaty. My head always feels like it’s under water, balance sucks. The doctors all say the same that they don’t know what caused it. I’m very in tune with body and meditate everyday for hours to combat my anxiety. But every since this vaccine, which I was mandated to take for my job, I can’t even focus to do the darn job. I rather get fired, lose my home, everything than to go and get the second dose. My mental health is way more important than a job. Hopefully my anxiety stabilizes soon but this is a very scary feeling. I don’t feel in control of my mind every since the shot. 

How are you feeling now? 

Gloria M, Arica30, Gloria M and 1 people reacted
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Checking back in here. Got my first Pfizer shot March 25th and suffered from dizziness, nystagmus, blurred vision etc. 

That lasted for about a month and all symptoms went away for almost 3 months. I relapsed mid July and have not returned to normal since. The symptoms are not as intense but are still noticeable.

I have been going to vestibular rehab for the last month and I’m not sure if I am seeing any improvement. I have also tried acupuncture. (Seemed to help all symptoms when I got acupuncture for tinnitus back in March). 

At this point, I have to get my second dose or try J&J to travel, go to restaurants, bars etc., and eventually back to work in San Francisco. I am going to schedule an appointment with an immunologist and see if I can pre-treat before getting another dose. 

I am a former Division I athlete, but had a vertigo spell 10 years ago after I quit playing sports and working out. I feel like athletes have stronger vestibular systems and also work out rigorously which can help with inflammation so I will be getting back on a regimen as well. 

Best of luck to everyone. 

Gloria M, DrL, KitKat and 3 people reacted
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@elena1690 Hello, I had pain at the injection site for several months and also a lot of gastro problems (bloating, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite...etc.) for almost 1,5 months besides a lot of other symptoms... I am more than 4,5 months from the second jab, it seems that almost all symptoms are gone fortunately - only small cramps/muscle tremors are with me in the abdomen... I hope they will vanish as well soon!

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Why does this not surprise me.... whistleblower reports Pfizer for  not following up on patients with severe side effects.

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Posted by: @hurleyr

@b333 my 2nd shot was February 25th. I was really sick after and I am still very dizzy and fatigued. My doctor diagnosed me with vestibular neuritis today and also said that both of my eyes are twitching back and forth.  You may want to go to the doctor and get looked at.  I have never had any issues with any of this before the vaccine 

Its a long time since you posted here...just wondering how are your eyes these days, did the twitching resolve? 


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Posted by: @nath7

@gingerjones it’s just scary what has happened to our bodies. I do truly wonder if we will get back to full health 🙏. I’ve been hit really hard with the vaccine and it’s completely destroyed my body 

I bet you start feeling better in another month...

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Posted by: @nath7

Anyone here managed to have msa or als ruled out? As a lot of the symptoms are so similar I think I’m freaking out abit now I’m getting more of these symptoms would love to know how they rule it out. 

Stop googling your symptoms...that is the worst thing you can do...You are going to beat this, I just know it

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Update: If you search my name you’ll see everything I went through. I got the first Pfizer shot back in May. I’ve had symptoms ever sense. Some days I’m 90 to 100% better other days I fall it’s about 80-85%. I was mandated by my work to be fully vaccinated. So my immunologists decided they would do Johnson and Johnson and premedicate me. I said I would report back in a few weeks. I definitely had side effects from the medication. And I had a normal sickness for two days with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. But otherwise it went fine. I still have my pfizer symptoms. Those did not go away, they did not lessen or get worse. They are just the same. So the JNJ vaccine did not affect them at all. Or the medication that I was on. Prednisone, baby aspirin, Zyrtec.  Hopefully the Pfizer symptoms go away 100 percent at some point. 

KitKat, ichi, vaxdJJ4-21 and 3 people reacted
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@jennscout1 hi Jenn. Glad it's going well for you. Curious, do still have floaters and tinnitus from the Pfizee shot, or did they subside?

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