I'm wondering what tests I can ask my provider for to see what's happening with me. Is there a test for autoimmune disorders, inflammation, immune function, etc.? I am continuing to experience muscle twitching, head and ear pressure, a burning sensation in my temples and back of my head, dehydration, fatigue, and my cycle is eight days late (and counting.) I'm miserable, I'm terrified, and I'm tired of trying to figure this out on my own. My provider doesn't seem to know what's going on and doesn't seem to have any clue of what tests to order, so I'm hoping someone who has had a better experience with a provider could give me an idea of what I should ask for. I'm taking anti-inflammatory supplements and trying to eat a an anti-inflammatory diet, and while it's helped, all of the symptoms are still there.
Please forgive my rant, but. . .
I am so angry and saddened that I was forced to take this vaccine to keep my job. I was against the second dose 100%. What I'm angriest about is that no one can be held accountable. Not my place of work, not the governor who put the mandate in place, not the maker of the vaccine itself. I'm having to white-knuckle my way through every day at work to provide for my family when all I really feel like doing is laying in bed. I feel everyone who was injured by the vaccine (which is all of us here) should be compensated for their suffering - and compensated enough to receive quality care for their injuries. How many people are going to have to cry out for help before we are heard, believed, and treated? The vaccine has been out for eleven months and I know there has to have been thousands upon thousands of people who have complained to their providers about symptoms similar to ours. What on earth will it take to be heard? It makes me wonder if there's an agenda at play.
@jelori2003 My entire life has been mostly dealing with homeopaths (my uncle is one). Tinnitus hit yesterday in my right ear for the first time. Insanely loud, sharp, scary and constant. The remedy China Officinalis (Chin.) helped within a minute. It toned it down to a much more bearable ring.
To everyone that has ever received an MRI - did you have a headache or burning sensation afterwards? Maybe 75% of the way through my MRI my head started to hurt a little, but not much. I'm not claustrophobic and found the rhythmic sounds/sensations to be quite soothing so I don't think anxiety is at play. Once I was out, I noticed that my head burned a little and that feeling hasn't gone away. Now I just have a headache...a headache that burns. Most of the issues I read about online relate to the contrast agent, but my MRI was without contrast. Any experiences you can share? Thank you 🙂
A hopeful story,
Dear community,
I (26M) want to share my story with you, because I feel that I owe it to you, after reading many other stories here for the past 3 months.
After the first Pfizer shot, within a few hours the skin on my left upper body became red, but this quickly subsided again (within an hour). This might have been a warning of what was to come. I carried on with my life as usual, though a little bit stressed because my girlfriend has a severe throat infection following her first shot (we got vaccinated on the same day). So I had to care for her, but I mostly felt very tired, nothing serious. However - this changed quickly after the second shot, which I had already 3 weeks later. Within a few days of my 2nd shot, i started to feel even worse, just feeling overall terrible, tired and really just struggling to get through the day. After 5 days, i went to bed feeling really ill. Then the next morning i woke up, a little bit better, until i got out of bed. Suddenly, the floor was moving beneath my feet (or so was the feeling). A dizziness that only occured when walking, not sitting or laying down, and no feeling of rotation. Just a weird sensation of very unsteady balance and dizziness when walking. Of course I still felt terrible as well. However I thought it would resolve on its own. At this point I had not contacted a doctor, and didn’t think to do so - I thought it would pass on it’s own, and I didn’t really connect my symptoms to the vaccine at this point, being told it’s very safe etc.
However, day after day, the dizziness wasn’t any better. Every time I would walk i would feel off balance. This was when I started to become (very) worried that it could be something serious. The next two weeks was hell, and I had the following symptoms:
- dizziness when walking as described
- Heart racing, high pulse
- Chest tightness
- Difficulty breathing
- Pins and needles in face, lips and other parts of the body (very severe at times)
- Waking up at night feeling very ill, in a state of vertigo (also rotating feeling), barely able to stand.
- “Chock” adrenaline spikes just before falling asleep
- Insomnia some nights
- High blood pressure spikes (up to 180 / 110)
- Muscle twitching (much more than the normal occasional twitch)
- Swollen lymph node in neck
- Tinnitus
- Pressure in head and temples (however no pain, just pressure)
Long story short, I first of all had to find a new doctor because i had moved and hadn’t seen my doctor in years. Anyway the first doctor I talked to sent me to the ER to get my heart checked.
ECG was all OK. Blood tests showed elevated neutrophilocytes (and a high neutrophilocyte to lymphocyte ratio) but otherwise everything was OK - however in the ER they didn’t take D-Dimer (which actually surprises me) or Ferritin (which was later shown to be elevated for me).
I left the ER feeling happy I was not immediately dying, however worried I was slowly dying.
It’s almost to long a story to tell in details, but my first new doctor (a “student” doctor), was not super worried. He didn’t even do a full blood panel.
A little bit unsatisfied feeling, I over the coming weeks arranged the following through private hospitals and connections:
Heart ultrasound imaging (all OK)
Brain MRI (one unspecified white matter lesion and one side of mastoid cells more developed than other, both of which doctors said is completely normal)
Neck, spine and full body MRI:
Some places in spine visible central canal, and two small syrinx, which is unusual but not to worry about according to doctor. All was also deemed okay here.
I also got a full blood test finally from a doctor I know, only thing out of the ordinary is ferritin was high (about 1.5x higher than threshold). This was consistently high even after month, and probably still is - however - doctor is not to worried, says it needs time to settle.
Now comes the positive: I have, after 3.5 months, come to peace with the situation. Some doctors have agreed it could be vaccine related (which I’m 75% sure it is), some thinks it’s stress (which of course also plays a part, it is in itself a stressful situation, stress alone i give 20% chance), it could of course also be something else entirely (which I give a 5% chance, and the if, I would say 4,99% it is something that will resolve on its own).
I’m still experiencing some symptoms like the tingling, dizziness and shortness of breath, but less severe. Also my lymph node on side of neck is still swollen. Now even though I don’t feel 100% back, I’m confident this is not something that is gonna kill me. And who cares if i struggle to breathe a little bit and feel a little dizzy, as long as it’s not something serious.
I will keep taking it easy for a while, but I have stopped worrying - there is no point in it, as tests have confirmed.
To all you struggling out there, keep fighting, and you will be fine!
Actually just during the last couple of days, I have had almost symptom free episodes, even when walking where dizziness has previously been very severe, now only very faint.
If you feel worried, do the medical testing you need to do or can afford to do of course.
On a final note however, I’m not really satisfied with the medical community’s response to both my own situation and all of the other people who have posted on this forum. Nobody seems to take any responsibility under these circumstances. However I don’t know if pursuing recognition will do any good.
One thing though: if you have experienced the same symptoms as me, and especially the dizziness that only appears when walking, I’m interested in hearing from you in some way, for instance a reply here. I think it is a lot more common and unrecognized than doctors will admit.
Hello everyone! Thank you everyone posting what you have experienced so far. Iv been finding comfort on this pages for months now. Here is my story. I am 30y old male in good health. I have received 1 dose of Pfizer here in Pittsburgh on May 11. I have not experienced anxiety while getting this vaccine or ever before. Exactly Two weeks after getting this Pfizer shot I was in my car and my heart started to pound, vision became blurry, light became very bright it was very scary I thought I was going to die. First two months after it started I could not go to work or simply anywhere. Then I slowly started to leave my house in moments when I feel semi ok…. This comes and goes in waves- I have good weeks then bad weeks…. What I experience is feeling of pressure in my head, dizziness, blurred vision in my left eye (that comes and goes) indigestion, and I have so called PANIC ATTACKS out of nowhere triggered by I don’t know what (I have never experienced anything like it prior to this vaccination)
I feel defeated, nobody understands me, I don’t have health insurance or paid leave, I go to work when I can ( I deliver food) - and yeah it’s not comfortable at all to drive… it’s been so many times when I sat down in my car and my heart would start to race - resulting in me going back to my apartment. It’s been 6 months already…. I am soo exhausted…….. and yeah people like me are screwed while Pfizer CEO makes over 20 million dollars per year… it is messed up - no wonder they installing bullet proof windows on their sky scrapers. Hell where this world is heading………..
To everyone that has ever received an MRI - did you have a headache or burning sensation afterwards? Maybe 75% of the way through my MRI my head started to hurt a little, but not much. I'm not claustrophobic and found the rhythmic sounds/sensations to be quite soothing so I don't think anxiety is at play. Once I was out, I noticed that my head burned a little and that feeling hasn't gone away. Now I just have a headache...a headache that burns. Most of the issues I read about online relate to the contrast agent, but my MRI was without contrast. Any experiences you can share? Thank you 🙂
I had an MRI on my neck in August. During the first pass my left eye (which is the one I’ve been having most blurry vision and pressure around) was flickering like mad and I couldn’t control it at all. It settled down for subsequent passes. When I had my mri most of the neck pain I’d been having had subsided (I had stiff neck, shooting pains up the side of neck, and pain at base of skull. As well as swollen tonsil). When I got home my neck was hot, felt like sunburn, deep sunburn. Over the next 3 days all my neck pain came back, stiff neck, headaches, shooting pains etc. Now that aspect of my symptoms is resolved. Just cardiac, mast cell and pins and needles all over now.
Hi all,
Just saw that this helped someone with his twitching. I think others have posted that fasting and strict diets could help. I know that different things work for different people. Wishing you all well.
HOWEVER some positive news; my twitching was very powerful and severe, throughout my body. It has now 90% resolved. I followed a very strict diet, fresh fruit, veg NO processed foods, NO sugar, NO alcohol/caffeine. Intermittent fasting. Took magnesium powder twice a day 200mg, zinc, fish oil and a broad supplement blend. The fasciculations seemed to flare up every 5-7 days and each time it was less severe. Now almost 3 months post shot and all I have is very low level twitches, I daresay almost back to normal. I haven't returned to exercising as before and have slowly been increasing work out intensity. No intention of getting another mRNA vaccine EVER again, regardless of whether a cardiologist signs me off or not
To everyone that has ever received an MRI - did you have a headache or burning sensation afterwards? Maybe 75% of the way through my MRI my head started to hurt a little, but not much. I'm not claustrophobic and found the rhythmic sounds/sensations to be quite soothing so I don't think anxiety is at play. Once I was out, I noticed that my head burned a little and that feeling hasn't gone away. Now I just have a headache...a headache that burns. Most of the issues I read about online relate to the contrast agent, but my MRI was without contrast. Any experiences you can share? Thank you 🙂
MRI heats you up because of the radiofrequency energy that your body absorbs. When my head was imaged for the dizzy spells I was having, I did heat up but it didn't continue after the imaging was done. Of note, I was having right earaches that would come and go. When I had the contrast agent injected and they started imaging, I really got a nasty earache. It went away after the imaging though. BTW, the imaging report didn't find anything abnormal.
@nicp605 Sorry to hear you’re still in the struggle. I feel GREAT after my two week course of Fluvoxamine. I noticed a big difference in the neurological symptoms on day 2/3 of my 2 week course. The dizziness also improved, but it wasn’t this huge noticeable shift. I did start to see improvement on the dizziness front though and it got better and better. I was so afraid that going off of the medication would cause a relapse. I did notice a bit more dizziness and vibration/muscle twitching a day or two after my last dose, but then from there, it has been just steady improvement. I’ve been discharged from vestibular rehab as I now haven’t had any major dizziness in weeks. Neurological symptoms are 99% gone — I just get some random muscle twitches still under my eye and in my right hand. So my doctor and I don’t *know* with any scientific certainty if it was the Fluvoxamine that helped or if it was just time, but personally, the difference I noticed was significant and really started me on this upswing. I’ve been virtually symptom-free since I finished my course. It’s only been a few weeks, so who knows if I’ll have a relapse, but I’m at least optimistic that even if there is a relapse, I know I can get better. I hope this helps. I encourage you to seek a second opinion if your doc won’t give you this SSRI, which is fairly innocuous for 2 weeks anyway. I had no noticeable side effects. The only thing you have to be careful of is caffeine. I was fine with the trace amounts in decaf coffee but one day, I decided to drink a soda and I couldn’t sleep at all that night. It prolongs the half-life of caffeine and amplifies it. But otherwise, no side effects. I was so glad my doc doesn’t need 20 double-blind studies to try something. For me, it was a huge turning point in my recovery for whatever reason.
Would you mind sharing how long after your vaccine you started the Fluxomine? Still having mild dizziness 6 months out (although I did get covid in August and then a cold just a couple of weeks ago that brought it back a bit mote) and I'm wondering if that's something that would help me at this point.
Hey, I started Fluvoxamine about 5 months out from when my symptoms started (which was 5 days post second jab).
@jaydev55 yes I had the floaters but they are gone now. I do still have the tinnitus. I would have to say that’s my “worse” symptom. It comes and goes and some days are better then others. I have just learned to live with it.
@nath7 I’be been losing my mind over this in the last few days. I had MRI and waiting for the results But I am so convinced that I have MS that I’ve already accepted it lol. My anxiety has been uncontrollable lately.
Like everyone else here I’ve been having dizziness, lightheadedness, baring fog and I think vertigo which started around 9-10 days after my second Pfeizer shot (28/08). Today marks 2 months since my symptoms started. Important thing to mention is that I’ve been having anxiety issues since March 2020 - it started with covid anxiety, then I had other health anxiety where doctors didn’t find anything. I’ve had health anxiety before - around 7 years ago which I overcame at the time and hadn’t experienced since. I had finally gotten over my last anxiety symptoms when the dizziness started and I’m just desperate now.
This started with swollen lymph nodes which I know is common, but tell this to someone who has suffered from health anxiety since December 2020. It totally freaked me out. Then I started having a “lump in my throat” which recently an ENT confirmed to be globus sensation. My blood tests were also fine. After reading this forum I told myself it’s just the vaccine so I have to go through it. I noticed people mention MS though so I decided to Google it and I totally lost the plot at that point. Since reading about some of the symptoms such as pins and needles in the legs/arms I started having that as well. My vision hasn’t been perfect and I have noticeable floaters as well. Going to check my eyes today.
im just so tired and anxious about MS or another illness which is never going to go away that I realise I’m making myself feel worse but can’t control it at this point.
my dizziness has improved though, I’ve never stopped working or exercising although some times I felt a bit too tired. My globus sensation had gone away too until I freaked out about MS and now it’s back. I wonder how much our anxiety affect the recovery process and I just hope that this whole thing will go away since I sort out my anxiety & with time. There’s hardly been any Covid where I live (Perth Australia) so I’m pretty sure no one will listen to me if I mention the vax as a possible cause (unless the MRI comes back positive tomorrow). The neurologist I was referred to is booked until June next year so I can just laugh it out I guess.
Today is 3 weeks since my first moderna shot as a 20 year old male. I have experienced a CONTINUAL dizziness / vertigoey sensation which has no sign of leaving. I’ve been to the doctors twice which have suggested to give it time. It is possibly labyrinthitis/ vestibular neuritis.
This has completely messed up the past 3 weeks of my life. I am truly upset by all of this.