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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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2 months after my Pfizer, i feel light nights sweats, sometimes hot flashes during the day, neck pain … this symptoms apeared one month after second dose on 23-01-2021. maybe someone feels the same way?

br2021 and br2021 reacted
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Figured I'd chime in as well as I've found it so helpful to read others' posts. I'm a relatively healthy 44-year-old. Got my first Pfizer shot back in early March. No side effects really from that one. Then got my second dose last Saturday, March 27th and 14 hours after my jab, I started feeling crappy...chills, aches, etc. But no dizziness. Lymph nodes were swollen in my arm pits and aches eventually went away by Tuesday. Felt completely fine the rest of the week until this past Saturday - 7 days after my 2nd Pfizer shot - and had a couple dizzy spells. I've never had vertigo in my life. So I brushed the small episodes off. Drank some water and thought all would be fine. But then as the day went on I started to feel more and more dizzy. Room was spinning. Had trouble walking straight. Then I couldn't keep anything down. The vomiting and dizziness was so bad it landed me in the ER (wish I had known these were almost "normal" side effects for some)... anyway...they gave me Meclizine (only really just makes me tired so stopped taking it). I've tried doing the Epley and Foster maneuvers repeatedly to try to "re-align" the crystals in my ear but still spinning today (albeit much less so than I was on the weekend.)

So, I'm going on Day 3 of vertigo and I'm now 10 days out from my second Pfizer dose. My PCP thinks this should "blow over" in a few days and I hope he's right. I will continue to update here on my progress to hopefully give others a sense of what might happen. I, like many other here, am glad I got my second COVID vaccine dose. I'd rather have dizziness than be worse off with COVID. Just sucks that this is a surprise side effect it seems for some of us. 

Hang in there all!

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VAERS is the national reporting system for vaccine injuries.  Only about 1% of side effects and injuries are reported despite it being mandatory by medical staff.  Most are not even aware of the requirement.  Fortunately the general public can report their own side effects and side effects of others.  Please everyone on this thread, report your side effects even if you are unsure they were caused buy the vaccine.  This is the only way a wider audience will be made aware and potentially spare others from the same effects.  Please share the web page information also as the general population is still widely unaware of its existence.   https : // vaers.hhs. gov  <-spaces added.  copy, paste, and remove spaces to visit the page.  

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after 4-5 days from taking my 1st shot Pfizer  =   severe Dizziness - headache -  nausea - mild fever - Tinnitus - Neck pain - back pain
i hope it will go away !

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I'm 6 days out and still suffering with debilitating ringing and brain fog from my 2nd Moderna dose. I sense my immune system is overestimated.   I so appreciate everyone's feedback here.  PLEASE POST if you get better, as it is critical for us to understand this.  I need some hope.  

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That is basically what my second ENT said - said that steroid could have been beneficial when it first started. Unfortunately, I did not see the new ENT until after first hospital visit, regular GP visit, other ENT visit.. and by then 6 weeks had passed.
I have had practically no hearing in my left ear with some pressure and really loud ringing for weeks. The hearing comes in and out in cycles along with extreme bouts of dizziness. On week 10 now.. dizziness is getting better but tinnitus is terrible with my hearing going from none to about half or more in just the left ear.
I have reported on the VAERS site. Wish more doctors were aware of the relationship between these symptoms and the vaccine! I have found one who is at least not ruling that out and more leaning that it was vaccine related but being so new they have no idea why or how the vaccine has caused this.
I am hoping it is temporary and just a bad inflammatory response to the vaccine that will eventually go away!

vibirdlady, dragonlover, vibirdlady and 1 people reacted
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There is a whole fb page devoted to Tinnitus post Covid vaccine. You might want to check it out. I am there too.

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There is a whole fb page devoted to tinnitus post vaccine. Lots of ideas. And yes - inflammatory response.

Holly D and Holly D reacted
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@hollyd Hi Holly, My PCP and ENT both decided against steroids at the onset due to concerns it would interfere with my body’s immune response being created against COVID, and since they have recommended against the second Pfizer at this time.

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Yes, I received my first shot last tuesday.  sore arm wednesday a little fatigue but that was it.  Thursday worse fatigue and aches and pains. Friday afternoon a little dizziness but saturday increased to real wishy washy, bouncing around. Sunday the same.  I started taking a liver detox I think Saturday as I read that vaccines and medicine hault in the liver... started feeling better yesterday and this morning decided to try one of the procedures for vertigo and made it worse!!  I should have left things be!!  

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I received my 1st shot 2/3/21. I woke up with extreme vertigo on 2/14. I could not even move my head in bed. The room was spinning. I have not had problems with inner ear vertigo before. I had to go to PT to get balance improved and I started to return to normal activities. Then I got the 2nd shot and a little after a week I had the vertigo with vomiting again. None of my Doctors think it is related to the Phizer shots but I am very suspect. I have had a headache and dizziness ever since the vaccines. I can now shower and take care of myself but still have a headache and slight dizziness. I go back to PT on Friday to check status. I had an MRI today that was normal. My ears had terrible tinnitus and both ears were involved for the balance when I went to Physical Therapy.  The left more so. It felt full just like my head. It's been 2 months now.

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@mcross How bad were your symptoms when the ENT decided against the steroids?

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I have decided against my 2nd shot as my symptoms are a bit better but definitely not 100%. Just curious have most filled out a VAERS report?

Sarap and Sarap reacted
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I filled it out.  Everyone needs to.  This is ridiculous.

kris and kris reacted
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@kimberlyloomis I just submitted mine!  Also, I went to my PCP yesterday and she prescribed a Scopolamine transdermal patch.  I put it on last night and it made me feel very drugged and did not improve by balance yet.

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