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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@medee 3 to 4 months would be a rough estimate. Still some ups and downs, but these last less than they did before. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @centralx
Posted by: @smileyoer

Hey there,

I am back after a big break to inform you. I am post 8 months about my first Sputnik vaccine. My symptoms were what everyone here have mentioned.

I had approximately 3 months that were terrible. Then a slow improvement shown. Today I feel 80% recovered. My anxiety has gone, panic attacks gone too, brain fog, lightheadedness gone.

Dizziness, headaches, sleep disturbances remained. It flares up sometimes than go for weeks again. 

With my panic and anxiety meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy helped a lot.

And maybe because my anxiety also eased my dizziness is also softer than before.

A good amount of sleep is really important to me too, and stress triggers the dizziness too.

I am considering to take another jab but now Pfizer, or Moderna. 

Had anyone any experience after the booster? 

And yeah none of you was diagnosed with depression? Because depression has totally the same symptoms which we experience...

Those who tried antidepressants. Is it a short term treatment, or you need to take it for months?

Get better everyone, and be patient! ✌️

Why anyone would consider taking another jab after such hell is beyond me.

Actually I don't want the vaccine. But our government force us to get it. It is mandatory for some working places...

I asked for a prescribe from my doctor to relief me from further vaccines. But all the doctors said it is not caused from vaccines, it came from anxiety... But it's quite funny that none of us have issue with such a strong anxiety before.

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @nant


I have been feeling the exact same as you! My vision has been kind of blurry the past 3 months, where it is difficult to focus on things. It is like the sharpness of my vision is not there anymore, and it is definitely worse when I step out of the house. It feels like I am not present at all and that I am tipsy or something. It also seems to be worse when I am on the time of the month.

I am planning to book a VEPs test to check the nerves behind the eyes, has anyone else tried that?

Same situation here. Eyes giving me so much grief right now. Initially started having problems around four weeks after my first Pfizer vaccine. Issues included some mild pins and needles feeling around eyes. Occasional sharp stabbing pain in back of eyes. Occasional flashes of light in my vision field. Floaters I have had for years suddenly very prominent in my vision.

After a few weeks these symptoms settled down for about 3 weeks before flaring up again really badly. Along with the previous symptoms I am now having blurry patches in my vision (not floaters) and bouts of vision wobbling as if what I'm looking at is slightly vibrating or pulsing.

My eyes are also feeling so achy like they are straining. I noticed when using a flannel to wash my face that my eyes feel tender when I press them gently. Never had these issues prior to the vaccine.

I've been to an optician twice now and had two OCT scans. Both times nothing could be found and eyes are in good health apparently. I'm now waiting to see a neurologist. Doctor said some symptoms sound like occular migraine but I don't fit all the symptoms. I have a pretty much constant low grade headache in my right temple since vision problems started up again.

With both episodes of vision problems I have had a head cold and was wondering if somehow this is causing extra inflammation in my head? Also this second episode Im going through started just before that time of the month. Could it be hormone related? 🤔

I am interested to hear from anyone who has had these or similar stuff and been given a satisfactory explanation for what is going on. 🙏


My symptoms were really bad when I had an awful cold as well. I think that might be because the nerve and immune systems are very connected. It is quite strange about the time of the month, I've had it twice now where the blurry vision/tipsy feeling has got worse during that week. I also have loads more eye floaters than I used to, which are difficult to not notice when I am looking at white walls etc.

I've also seen an optometrist and went to the Eye Casualty dep. of my local hospital and my eyes are apparently healthy and my vision is 20-20 (I have had the eye drops that dilute the eyes in order to scan the back of them and I was fine afterwards for the people who are worried about doing this!). 

I have just seen a neurologist who wants me to do a MRI scan to check the brain, and see another opthalmologist to confirm that the eyes themselves are healthy. He has also requested me to do a Visual Evoked Potentials test to check that the information from my eyes to my brain travels in the correct duration - apparently that might show whether the optic nerve (behind the eyes) has been inflamed or damaged. I am hoping that this might give me some answers!

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @nant
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @nant


I have been feeling the exact same as you! My vision has been kind of blurry the past 3 months, where it is difficult to focus on things. It is like the sharpness of my vision is not there anymore, and it is definitely worse when I step out of the house. It feels like I am not present at all and that I am tipsy or something. It also seems to be worse when I am on the time of the month.

I am planning to book a VEPs test to check the nerves behind the eyes, has anyone else tried that?

Same situation here. Eyes giving me so much grief right now. Initially started having problems around four weeks after my first Pfizer vaccine. Issues included some mild pins and needles feeling around eyes. Occasional sharp stabbing pain in back of eyes. Occasional flashes of light in my vision field. Floaters I have had for years suddenly very prominent in my vision.

After a few weeks these symptoms settled down for about 3 weeks before flaring up again really badly. Along with the previous symptoms I am now having blurry patches in my vision (not floaters) and bouts of vision wobbling as if what I'm looking at is slightly vibrating or pulsing.

My eyes are also feeling so achy like they are straining. I noticed when using a flannel to wash my face that my eyes feel tender when I press them gently. Never had these issues prior to the vaccine.

I've been to an optician twice now and had two OCT scans. Both times nothing could be found and eyes are in good health apparently. I'm now waiting to see a neurologist. Doctor said some symptoms sound like occular migraine but I don't fit all the symptoms. I have a pretty much constant low grade headache in my right temple since vision problems started up again.

With both episodes of vision problems I have had a head cold and was wondering if somehow this is causing extra inflammation in my head? Also this second episode Im going through started just before that time of the month. Could it be hormone related? 🤔

I am interested to hear from anyone who has had these or similar stuff and been given a satisfactory explanation for what is going on. 🙏


My symptoms were really bad when I had an awful cold as well. I think that might be because the nerve and immune systems are very connected. It is quite strange about the time of the month, I've had it twice now where the blurry vision/tipsy feeling has got worse during that week. I also have loads more eye floaters than I used to, which are difficult to not notice when I am looking at white walls etc.

I've also seen an optometrist and went to the Eye Casualty dep. of my local hospital and my eyes are apparently healthy and my vision is 20-20 (I have had the eye drops that dilute the eyes in order to scan the back of them and I was fine afterwards for the people who are worried about doing this!). 

I have just seen a neurologist who wants me to do a MRI scan to check the brain, and see another opthalmologist to confirm that the eyes themselves are healthy. He has also requested me to do a Visual Evoked Potentials test to check that the information from my eyes to my brain travels in the correct duration - apparently that might show whether the optic nerve (behind the eyes) has been inflamed or damaged. I am hoping that this might give me some answers!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I will definitely speak to my neurologist when I finally see them about VEP testing. It's a small comfort to know I'm not alone in this and that I'm not imagining that it gets worse when I'm sick or run down. My OCT scan showed my optic nerve was fine with no inflammation, I feel it's more my brain is not getting the signal from my eyes quickly enough which is why I'm seeing wobbly images. Like there is a second delay or something. It's hard to describe. I will update about any news I have when I finally get seen by a professional which given current waiting times looks like it could be next year some time.

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Posted by: @yoki
Posted by: @jaydev55

How did those that recovered experience their recovery. Did you just wake up one morning and everything subsided? Did it gradually get less intense until it didn't come back?  Was there a remaining symptom that was felt last before you recovered? 

For me, it was gradual. I had side effects for 6 months. The dizzy spells, headaches etc. started to occur less frequently to the point where I didn't notice them anymore. I still have tinnitus and my vision is not the same anymore. 

@yoki how is your tinnitus and vision now? Any improvement? Glad to hear people are recovering! And thank you for your weekly posts!

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Posted by: @sahmed

Hello. I am new here. I came across this by googling my symptoms plus vaccination. Really only place I have come across both virtually and in real life where people are going through the same things I am. 

I got my moderna first dose on 24 Aug 2021. Around the same time I came off propranolol and xanax for my anxiety so I thought I was going through withdrawal symptoms. But it was right after my 1st dose when I felt a spell of "vertigo" where I felt like I was walking on a plane. After that I felt intense weakness and dizziness and ended up going to ER. I felt like I was going to die. They told me these were withdrawal symptoms from my anxiety meds. Following the few weeks I kept on feeling extreme weakness and lightheadedness, but not any vertigo. 

Right before my second vaccine on 21 Sept 2021, I felt completely fine. In fact I remember saying my family members that I no longer felt weak and felt like I was getting back to normal. Got my second dose, and started feeling the worst vertigo and dizziness and imbalance and equilibrium issues. I was still thinking it was withdrawal but doctors and therapists said it had been too many weeks to be withdrawal effects. I was worried so went to my PCP who suggest BPV. Been doing Epley's and having meclizine as needed. Feel like intensity of vertigo has reduced but not frequency. Got an audiology test it came out perfect. Doctor suggested to now get a VNG test.


Why is this happening? I feel so miserable and abnormal. But I feel better knowing I am not alone. Thanks for sharing your experiences and how its getting better for you. Praying for all of us.

Hi everyone. This forum has been very helpful to me in dealing with my situation so I thought I will provide an update so it can help others.

Today marks 8 weeks since my 2nd dose of moderna. I can say for sure that I am better than I was a month ago. I no longer have feelings of "vertigo" or "spinning", but I do feel off balance and disequilibrium. Behind my nose and inside my ears I feel some sort of pressure and some tight pressure close to my left ear. My feelings of weakness and fatigue are also better than they were last month. Nausea is also rare. I do get tinnitus everyday though but its not uncomfortable. I also feel some sort of vibration in my left ear only sometimes when I am listening to somebody talk. I am having meclizine less frequently, earlier I needed at least 1 once a day...sometimes 2.. these days I can go 2-3 days without needing to have it. I also do see blurrier than I used to since I got my vaccine.

My PCP had diagnosed me with BPV last month on my left ear but I am not so sure its the case (I did Epley's for sometime and felt like it helped reduce the intensity of vertigo but did not cure my off balance and dizziness completely). I have been on meclizine as needed for the last month. My ENT had me get a VNG/ENG test and called me today - the results are normal and according to him there is no inner ear problem that is causing my dizziness and that I can go to a neurologist for further evaluation. PCP thinks I am getting better and that Epleys has helped (still, not sure - I think its time that has helped). He wants me to do some bloodwork and physical to check B12, etc to see if those things have caused my dizziness in the first place.

In between I have also been to some urgent cares when I found myself freaking out with my symptoms, most have acknowledged that it can be the vaccine and that "people are reporting such symptoms". One of them said maybe its a nerve inflammation. I told them about this forum and how so many people are going through the same things as me.

I will provide updates as I go and I keep checking back for everyone else's updates and it is like therapy for me because I feel like I am not alone. I have been having terrible thoughts like I have some brain tumor or something like that - my PCP assures me I don't. I still don't understand the role of the neurologist for these issues that we are having. Anybody?

Get better soon, everyone. <3




This post was modified 3 years ago by Sabby

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@lmkk my symptoms also flare before my period. My symptoms are more cardiovascular and muscular. I have tachycardia, fatigue, muscle pain. All my tests have been normal so far. My PCP suggested to see an endocrinologist. I told her that my symptoms get worse before my period.

Has anyone checked their cortisol level?

During my second hospital visit, they diagnosed me with POTS. My symptoms started an hour after my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine. My life has not been the same since. I will write more about my story at a later time. 

Helloemma, Chomer86, KitKat and 3 people reacted
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@yoki @jennscout1 Do you know whether taking prendisone affected your level of antibodies? My doctor is open to prescribing it for me for my second shot but is worried that it might mean the vaccine is ineffective. Did your doctors discuss this with you?

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@asimps any better?

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@swtammie78 how long did it take? 

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Posted by: @rainyday

I also saw an article from the Washington Post that over 10,000 Australians are suing for compensation over adverse side effects from the vaccine. That's a start. I wonder if the U.S. will be next? And I wonder how you can prove that your symptoms are from the vaccine? That's probably a major reason as to why the FDA and CDC won't come forward with the truth. 

It's sad to read the comments on these articles, though. It's full of people saying things like, "You're suing over a sore arm and a headache? Get a grip." They have no idea. No idea. 

People should definitely be able to sue over the fact that side effects were not adequately disclosed, so people took the shot without being adequately informed of what they might be in for. 

People who took the shot because they were forced to should be able to sue whoever forced them to take shot for damages if they suffer a bad reaction.

I don't know if it's ignorance or denial--but there are still to many people who insist the side effects aren't real just because it didn't happen to them or anyone they know.

KitKat, Rainyday, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@spacecadet When did you get your shot and how long did it take to get better did you get Moderna or Pfizer? I’m glad you’re feeling better that’s awesome

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@rbhubbard how are you now?

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@thenystagmus Check out Cooksey/Cawthorn link below. It helped me tremendously with all my symptoms 22 years ago. These are for vestibular rehab so if that's your issue, they will help retrain your brain.

A Warning (and I'm not a medical professional of any kind, just someone with a history and diagnosis of Meniere's Disease): Doing these will trigger symptoms, so beware, don't start on these if you're weak (I overdid it last week, so had to take break) or too shaky. These have been around a LONG time and helped me when literally nothing else did. No, I don't know if you have Meniere's, but it does sound like you are having vestibular issues and these will help.

Wishing you the best!

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