@tabby ASPRIN IS KNOW TO CAUSE TINNITUS!! It's "ototoxic" and many people get tinnitus from just 1 aspirin (like me!). Read about it...definitely do NOT take aspirin if you ave tinnitus!
@yoki @jennscout1 Do you know whether taking prendisone affected your level of antibodies? My doctor is open to prescribing it for me for my second shot but is worried that it might mean the vaccine is ineffective. Did your doctors discuss this with you?
I did discuss this with my doctor and my brother who's also a doctor. They both stated that the prednisolone would suppress my immune system. I knew full well that this was going to happen and was counting on it. I didn't want my immune system to go nuclear like it did last time. I did have the typical side effects this time around and NOT the debilitating dizziness, headaches etc which was a relief. I still believe that I've been afforded some immunity and the second shot was not completely ineffective.
I did discuss this with my doctor and my brother who's also a doctor. They both stated that the prednisolone would suppress my immune system. I knew full well that this was going to happen and was counting on it. I didn't want my immune system to go nuclear like it did last time. I did have the typical side effects this time around and NOT the debilitating dizziness, headaches etc which was a relief. I still believe that I've been afforded some immunity and the second shot was not completely ineffective.
If nothing else, you at least have proof that you took this second shot, should you need that proof.
I did discuss this with my doctor and my brother who's also a doctor. They both stated that the prednisolone would suppress my immune system. I knew full well that this was going to happen and was counting on it. I didn't want my immune system to go nuclear like it did last time. I did have the typical side effects this time around and NOT the debilitating dizziness, headaches etc which was a relief. I still believe that I've been afforded some immunity and the second shot was not completely ineffective.
If nothing else, you at least have proof that you took this second shot, should you need that proof.
Exactly that too. My company is considered a government contractor so we all had to be vaccinated.
I also saw an article from the Washington Post that over 10,000 Australians are suing for compensation over adverse side effects from the vaccine. That's a start. I wonder if the U.S. will be next? And I wonder how you can prove that your symptoms are from the vaccine? That's probably a major reason as to why the FDA and CDC won't come forward with the truth.
It's sad to read the comments on these articles, though. It's full of people saying things like, "You're suing over a sore arm and a headache? Get a grip." They have no idea. No idea.
People should definitely be able to sue over the fact that side effects were not adequately disclosed, so people took the shot without being adequately informed of what they might be in for.
People who took the shot because they were forced to should be able to sue whoever forced them to take shot for damages if they suffer a bad reaction.
I don't know if it's ignorance or denial--but there are still to many people who insist the side effects aren't real just because it didn't happen to them or anyone they know.
I agree. When I received the Moderna, I was under the impression from the FDA and CDC that my greatest (and only) risk was developing myocarditis or pericarditis - but that this risk was low, and even if I did get it, it would be treatable. There was nothing listed on the insert about muscle twitching, head and ear pressure, extreme brain fog, dehydration, late menstrual cycles, etc. that would persist for months after the vaccine. These side effects were not adequately disclosed - in fact, they were not disclosed, period. I'm hoping the U.S. (where I'm located) will follow suit. But it's going to require a total shift in the public's opinion on COVID vaccinations - e.g. those who continue to believe people who suffer side effects are "antivaxxers" will have to come to terms with the fact that this vaccine was neither safe nor effective.
@twitch I was really feeling better about 3 mo after the onset of symptoms, but things did start to get better after about 2 mo. Although, this MRI that I had recently triggered something bc my brain started to burn all over again, but not nearly as bad. So that's discouraging. I really thought I was out of the woods.
@twitch no, I'm still not 100%. I haven't had a moment where I felt like I did pre-V. I have days where symptoms are definitely lower. My nausea, fatigue, anxiety, and rapid heartbeat have improved. But, I am still on the boat and brain foggy all the time.
I have been feeling the exact same as you! My vision has been kind of blurry the past 3 months, where it is difficult to focus on things. It is like the sharpness of my vision is not there anymore, and it is definitely worse when I step out of the house. It feels like I am not present at all and that I am tipsy or something. It also seems to be worse when I am on the time of the month.
I am planning to book a VEPs test to check the nerves behind the eyes, has anyone else tried that?
Same situation here. Eyes giving me so much grief right now. Initially started having problems around four weeks after my first Pfizer vaccine. Issues included some mild pins and needles feeling around eyes. Occasional sharp stabbing pain in back of eyes. Occasional flashes of light in my vision field. Floaters I have had for years suddenly very prominent in my vision.
After a few weeks these symptoms settled down for about 3 weeks before flaring up again really badly. Along with the previous symptoms I am now having blurry patches in my vision (not floaters) and bouts of vision wobbling as if what I'm looking at is slightly vibrating or pulsing.
My eyes are also feeling so achy like they are straining. I noticed when using a flannel to wash my face that my eyes feel tender when I press them gently. Never had these issues prior to the vaccine.
I've been to an optician twice now and had two OCT scans. Both times nothing could be found and eyes are in good health apparently. I'm now waiting to see a neurologist. Doctor said some symptoms sound like occular migraine but I don't fit all the symptoms. I have a pretty much constant low grade headache in my right temple since vision problems started up again.
With both episodes of vision problems I have had a head cold and was wondering if somehow this is causing extra inflammation in my head? Also this second episode Im going through started just before that time of the month. Could it be hormone related? 🤔
I am interested to hear from anyone who has had these or similar stuff and been given a satisfactory explanation for what is going on. 🙏
My symptoms were really bad when I had an awful cold as well. I think that might be because the nerve and immune systems are very connected. It is quite strange about the time of the month, I've had it twice now where the blurry vision/tipsy feeling has got worse during that week. I also have loads more eye floaters than I used to, which are difficult to not notice when I am looking at white walls etc.
I've also seen an optometrist and went to the Eye Casualty dep. of my local hospital and my eyes are apparently healthy and my vision is 20-20 (I have had the eye drops that dilute the eyes in order to scan the back of them and I was fine afterwards for the people who are worried about doing this!).
I have just seen a neurologist who wants me to do a MRI scan to check the brain, and see another opthalmologist to confirm that the eyes themselves are healthy. He has also requested me to do a Visual Evoked Potentials test to check that the information from my eyes to my brain travels in the correct duration - apparently that might show whether the optic nerve (behind the eyes) has been inflamed or damaged. I am hoping that this might give me some answers!
Thanks for sharing your experience. I will definitely speak to my neurologist when I finally see them about VEP testing. It's a small comfort to know I'm not alone in this and that I'm not imagining that it gets worse when I'm sick or run down. My OCT scan showed my optic nerve was fine with no inflammation, I feel it's more my brain is not getting the signal from my eyes quickly enough which is why I'm seeing wobbly images. Like there is a second delay or something. It's hard to describe. I will update about any news I have when I finally get seen by a professional which given current waiting times looks like it could be next year some time.
Hey guys, I’m sorry you have both been going through this. I get how you’re saying it’s hard to focus on things, things aren’t as sharp and that typsy sort of feeling. I somehow feel like my vision is misaligned as I’ve still got 20/20 vision with my visual acuity with my glasses on still. But my vision feels off and very out of whack, almost like it’s not aligning properly to make a clear image. Did either of you have vision issues before this? I have moderate-severe myopia but obviously it’s corrected with glasses/contacts - nothing like this before though.
I’ve had the VEP tests already and everything came back normal. I would advise you having that though just to rule everything out. I’ve seen 3 ophthalmologists now and a neurologist and everything came back normal. One of the neuro-ophthalmologist said I have mild convergence insufficiency but it’s much more than that as my problems are near, far and always constant. So now I’ve decided to see a behavioural optometrist - someone who is a bit more alternative but does way more testing and looks at everything holistically. I really advise you both to potentially see somebody like that. This guy had done more testing than anyone else and has picked up that my vertical and horizontal alignment is off - which means my visual system is out of whack at the moment. I’m seeing him again next week and might be staring some kind of vision therapy. I’ll let you know how it goes, hang in there!
@tabby ASPRIN IS KNOW TO CAUSE TINNITUS!! It's "ototoxic" and many people get tinnitus from just 1 aspirin (like me!). Read about it...definitely do NOT take aspirin if you ave tinnitus!
Thanks, yes I am aware of that. Unfortunately many other drugs cause tinnitus too such as NSAIDS (ibuprofen, aleve), some antibiotics, some diuretics, some anxiety meds like ssri's. Even some foods aggravate tinnitus like coffee, sodium, sugars, saturated fats, alcohol. Vitamin deficiency can also cause tinnitus. It's a minefield out there.👍
@tabby I know...it's so difficult! I'm eating the anti-migraine, anti-inflammatory, no wheat, no gluten....you get the drill! It is so tough to eliminate all the potential offenders...
I take acetaminophen or sometimes Dilaudid for head pain because I can't take any NSAID's, not just because of the tinnitus but because they're tough on the tummy (I've had gastric bleeding from them before...(yes, what a mess 🙄 !).
Hope you feel better soon. I do find when I push myself too much, I trigger the head pain, vertigo and photophobia. It's like they're all tied together...so I'm just doing short walks to the store, wearing sunglasses inside when there and taking my cane, just in case.
Hang in there!!
@nath7 When the vertigo is particularly bad, I get out of breath when I'm talking. Even my BF has noticed. It happens on the phone, too. I end up panting and drenched in sweat just from a conversation.
AWFUL! I remember this from Meniere's, as well as forgetting my words and having momentary confusion during bad spells. I used to get this in my 20's with Meniere's episodes and I was always relieved when I'd "get my brain back" after I'd recovered. Now that I'm older, I do hope it comes back....!!! 😎
@isismadec I literally haven't been able to work since my 3rd jab Oct 7. No matter what has ailed me, I have always been able to work...until now. It wasn't just the severe headaches, or the vertigo, or photophobia, but the imbalance causes such severe brain fog and confusion! I forget my words, often have moments of confusion that I am aware of and then it goes away after my symptoms are gone.
But this is scary. I am an editor and writer and one client was on vacation for a month, the other thinks Ive been busy. I told them I'd be available this week, but I seriously don't trust my brain right now. Yet, I don't want to lose clients - One of these I've had for years...that's what scares me most. Losing biz. not getting my brain back....
Anyone found anything helpful to help with the chest tightness?