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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @judes

@tabby I's so difficult! I'm eating the anti-migraine, anti-inflammatory, no wheat, no get the drill! It is so tough to eliminate all the potential offenders...

I take acetaminophen or sometimes Dilaudid for head pain because I can't take any NSAID's, not just because of the tinnitus but because they're tough on the tummy (I've had gastric bleeding from them before...(yes, what a mess 🙄 !).

Hope you feel better soon. I do find when I push myself too much, I trigger the head pain, vertigo and photophobia. It's like they're all tied I'm just doing short walks to the store, wearing sunglasses inside when there and taking my cane, just in case.

Hang in there!!

Hi, sounds like you've been through a lot, so sorry. I went through a phase of eating anti-inflammatory foods, nuts, seeds etc, eating oranges for vit c, bananas for potassium, to try rid myself of this vaccine poison, trouble was they were all migraine triggers. 

I agree about pushing yourself too hard causing the symptoms you mention, happens to me too except I don't get vertigo (room spinning), I get dizziness. I wear sunglasses if it's raining, if I have to go out that is. My neighbours must think I'm barmey. Take care.👍😊


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@jess7 If you look at my other posts, I have had a LOT pf visin issues, since May, about a month after my 1st jab. I got a new prism and two new pairs of progressives, only none of them quite worked..until recently.  Countless visits to the eye clinic and the opthamologist admitted yesterday she was certain my Meniere's was triggered by the vaccine but didn't really know for certain what was causing my eye probs.

I've had the same wavering vision, blurriness, burning, dryness, two subconjunctival hemorrhages (see attached) and pain around the eye area and deep inside. I've had migraines most of my life and I have never had pain like this.

I am happy to report that my vision is much better; my glasses now appear to "work"; the blurriness and burning is much better and the icky attached is now healed. It took time and I used a lot of Systane eye gel, as per the eye clinic.

So, in my case, I can report that it has gotten better but it really took time and rest. I found any light or movement was triggering the headaches, so I've been trying to stick to audiobooks and watch TV for short periods only, a bit at a time, trying to build back my "resistance".

Hang in there!!

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Posted by: @judes

@jess7 If you look at my other posts, I have had a LOT pf visin issues, since May, about a month after my 1st jab. I got a new prism and two new pairs of progressives, only none of them quite worked..until recently.  Countless visits to the eye clinic and the opthamologist admitted yesterday she was certain my Meniere's was triggered by the vaccine but didn't really know for certain what was causing my eye probs.

I've had the same wavering vision, blurriness, burning, dryness, two subconjunctival hemorrhages (see attached) and pain around the eye area and deep inside. I've had migraines most of my life and I have never had pain like this.

I am happy to report that my vision is much better; my glasses now appear to "work"; the blurriness and burning is much better and the icky attached is now healed. It took time and I used a lot of Systane eye gel, as per the eye clinic.

So, in my case, I can report that it has gotten better but it really took time and rest. I found any light or movement was triggering the headaches, so I've been trying to stick to audiobooks and watch TV for short periods only, a bit at a time, trying to build back my "resistance".

Hang in there!!

Oh my gosh.. I am so sorry you’ve been going through all of that!! You’ve been through so much and I’m so sorry about your eyes. I’m glad your vision is much better though and your glasses are working again. Did you wear prisms before the vaccine? And did they randomly just work again one day? 

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@judes This is what's scariest for me as well - the brain fog! I had a particularly bad 10-day flare-up last week and I am just starting to come out of it (although it's still there; only less intense). Everything during those 10 days is hazy/fuzzy to me now. I knew it was happening then, and it was unnerving, but it's twice as scary now as I look back. I dread the next flare-up. I wish there was something I could take to make it stop. 

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@yoki thanks for providing another update. I have an appointment with an immunologist this Thursday to discuss the effects of the vaccine on me. I also plan on sharing your story to get his feedback on if he thinks that regimen medicine would  help me if I need to get a booster. 

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@jamesjazz I totally get it. It is scary, confusing and unfair and I'm sorry it's happening to you. You are not alone in this! I truly think it will get better with time and hopefully work it's way out. It seems a lot of people start to see improvements at about 5 or 6 months and I can say that's been true for me. Someone in this forum mentioned trying the fluxomine and said it has helped tremendously. I really do hope you start feeling better soon 

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@smileyoer I just read two other post with people who got boosters and the symptoms return. There is also another poster who took a regimen of steroids and antihistamines before his 2nd jab after his 1st jab caused him so much issue and so far 6 weeks post 2nd jab he is symptom free. 

I too am interested in getting a booster, have an appointment with an immunologist this Thursday to discuss. 

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@nath7 they prescribe beta blockers, but I only took them for a few days it was making me feel worse. Basically dropping my blood pressure to low; when it was already to low. 


Nath7 and Nath7 reacted
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@swtammie78 hi thanks for sharing your experience! I had a similar experience, 4 months after my second Pfizer my side effects subsided. It has now been almost 8 months since my second shot. Has your doctor said anything about taking the booster? I do want to get it and am considering the moderna since it’s half the dose and a different mfr but still so nervous.. 

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I am in the same boat as all of you with many of the same symptoms. It looks like we are in this for the long haul. This is happening to a crazy amount of people. This needs to be heard by everyone!  How can we get it out there so there is accountability for this?

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@twitch I had my second Pfizer shot June 3rd.  I had no issues with the first.  It took about 17 days for me to feel like myself again, but I was really fortunate to have been able to check out of life and focus on healing for that time.  I treated my symptoms as inflammation, ate real clean, took a lot of supplements and slept.  See my past posts for more detail on how I healed.  You MUST believe in your body’s ability to heal!

As a side note, I have spent the last month quitting my caffeine habit, which over the last 20 years has become 4 cups of coffee and 2 cups of tea a day.  The symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are so similar - shaky, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety-that I am a mess.  I feel like I have ptsd or something, lol.  I am so scared this is a relapse, even though my symptoms stated again after reducing caffeine. I think I am a hypochondriac for life now:(

Take care of yourself like you never have before!

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Posted by: @leem

Has anyone had similar issues after 1st dose of Pfizer and then had a 2nd dose? I’ve had chest pain and chest tightness, random pains particularly in left calf, pins and needles, numbness, warm sensation throughout parts of my body, dizziness and generally just feeling ‘off’ like something isn’t right. I was fit and healthy prior to the vaccine, active and exercising 6 days a week. 
The chest pains and chest tightness started about 4 days after 1st dose. 
GP first suspected pericarditis, but bloods, ecg and echocardiogram results were all fine. Have been advised by Cardiologist that it’s fine to get the 2nd dose in a couple of weeks, but based on what?? He said they have no idea why so many people are having chest pains! GP not interested and it seems that others have had the same experience. It seems the medical experts recommend 2nd dose regardless of adverse reactions, including chest pain. Also have vaccine mandate for work. Had 1st dose nearly 3 weeks ago. Chest pain isn’t as severe which is good, but I really don’t feel comfortable about getting another dose after feeling this way. Have also been told I could get the AstraZeneca instead, but who knows what could happen with that too. They are just guessing with no care for the risks or consequences. 

Don't go for AZ at all. I have taken it and have had chest pain. Though it did go in a few days but recently a Neurologist gave me a tablet for nerve pain/anti depressant which led to high palpitations which didn't let me sleep and I developed heart pain again. It's been 3 days I still feel uneasy and have some sort of pain there. I don't know what to do.

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@medee sorry to hear what you’ve been going through too. Is this after first dose? Thanks, l’ll be staying away from AZ. But don’t want another mRNA vaccine either. I still have the same issues 4 weeks on. It’s disgusting that medical professionals think it’s still fine to get second dose. 

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Posted by: @judes

@nath7 When the vertigo is particularly bad, I get out of breath when I'm talking. Even my BF has noticed. It happens on the phone, too. I end up panting and drenched in sweat just from a conversation.

AWFUL! I remember this from Meniere's, as well as forgetting my words and having momentary confusion during bad spells. I used to get this in my 20's with Meniere's episodes and I was always relieved when I'd "get my brain back" after I'd recovered. Now that I'm older, I do hope it comes back....!!! 😎 

maybe you can try with chewing gum.. also, try couple big sip of cold water.

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@sajlent ah, cupping = hijama, what the chinese do to break up stagnation.  Have used it, it is a very respected and ancient old way to help healing; in the cupping I have experienced for muscle pains, no skin is broken just blood is brought up to the surface, usually the 'old' blood, pulling behind it some new blood to help the tissues.  So cupping addresses a lack of good flow, usually it is done on the back. 

I think, though, that what is helping some folks is actually getting rid of (ie donating) their own blood, or reducing their iron count, which is somehow reducing their resulting issues.  And that is where a solution is needed, in my opinion, to keep the vaccinated blood out of the bodies of folks who are otherwise unvaxxinated.  I just haven't had anyone be able to really explain to me how the spike protein would not go on to possibly damage someone else in turn.  The damages I see here are so sad to me, I would hate to propagate that damage in any way, ie kick the can down the road. 

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