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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@tarx I don’t think we have lymph nodes in the back of our heads so it might be a lump. Is it painful? I have a few on my scalp and it’s very tende/painful. 

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@sara90 I thought that, but I’ve been to the doctors about it last month he said it was a lymph node. Mines tender yeah it’s hot to touch too sometimes when it’s really sore 

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@tarx oh okay, ill get it checked just in case! I want all of this to end!!! 

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@sara90 I’m going to go Monday too! Hope it goes well for you! Me too 😩 and now this lump again has been making me panic the past 2 days don’t think I could cope with any more bad news after being stuck like this for over 3 months 😭

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@tarx Im sure you will get some good news!!! It’s been 5 months for me, some side effects have subsided but the lingering ones are taking forever!!

praying for all of us! 

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@sara90 thank you ❤️ Yes same here! Hopefully we will back to normal very soon 🤞🏼 Really hoping so x

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Eight months in and I will try anything especially non medical non invasive techniques like you have described. Thank you for sharing. I believe we all need to have open minds. 

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Hi everyone, I have been here a while reading everyones posts and my heart goes out to all on here. I know that many of you have been wondering what more you can do to get the attention that these side effects deserve. This was forwarded to me and thought I would pass it on. Please do your own due dilligence.. I  Just want to help, I have  loved ones who have been adversely affected.


Can you please forward this to all of your connections! This is incredibly important.

CALL TO ACTION : URGENT REQUEST Re : Federal Government Lawsuit to REMOVE ALL MANDATES Short Deadline : Needed by Mon Nov 22 Request : The Lawyers need AFFIDAVITS by Canadians who have been injured by the vaccines or friends/family of loved ones who have after receiving the vaccines.

Front Line Workers : If you know of medical doctors in the field, ER staff, nurses, paramedics, fire, police who have been responding to the high amount of adverse reactions and deaths or are witnessing the censorship of either patients or physicians being able to report adverse reactions that can write an affidavit to this account, this would also help the claim and others. From Luke : “I am one of the admins and organizers of the Michael Bergman lawsuit (which many of you are part of ). Our lawyers are in need on a short notice for volunteers to : 1. FILL OUT : AFFIDAVITS For our litigation - which is to permanently take down the vaccine mandates. The affidavit is mostly a template where you fill out some information that is highlighted.

These specific affidavits are aimed at responding to the governments lawyers argument which was : ...that negative side effects of the vaccine are not being reported to the government. Hence, the governments numbers are not accurate (regarding adverse reactions). REQUIREMENTS to fill out the affidavit : 1. Have received 1 or 2 doses of any Canada approved vaccine 2. Have had extreme or permanent (at least long lasting) adverse reactions to the vaccine. 3. Have tried to report it to your doctor and it has been swept aside and not filed with the government. 4. Be able to dedicate an hour or 2 max to filling out the affidavit. After, it will take ~ 15 minutes to virtually swear in the affidavit with the lawfirm. The affidavit must be completed and sent to the law firm ASAP and will be sworn in Monday Nov 22. 5. Need to be proficient with the English language Anyone can fill out this affidavit Email: [email protected]







This post was modified 3 years ago by Emmer

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@lindsay Also found this interview informative...

"Neuro disease after vaccine with Nikk":

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yes I have had screeching T for eight months and it goes up and down but no more hearing loss than my pre Vax test which is good news as I expected the test to show loss. Hooray. 

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 On the advice of my GP and endocrinologist I went to see an immunologist and want to share how that went. Fortunately, the doctor was well informed on how vaccines work and how they can effect you. He also had a good understanding of POTS, which I was diagnosed with after being vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine.

The purpose of my visit was to find out why it happen and if there was a way to get a booster shot without having such severe side effects. He does believe the vaccine caused it because I had a bad reaction after the first, and a similar reaction after the 2nd, but much more intense, resulting in me being hospitalized for a week with extreme tachycardia and months of suffering. 

Due to those reactions he has advised against getting further vaccines, indicating I could have an even worse outcome then the prior two.  I asked him if I could be pretreated with steroids to stave off the bad side effects; but he explained that it wouldn’t work because I didn’t have an allergic reaction but systematic reaction. 

My next visit is with a POTS specialist to get more information even though I’m now fully recovered. I want it well documented and I want to know what can be done to keep me safe from COVID since I can’t be vaccinated further. 

I will post another update after my visit with the POTS specialist.

For those who are still suffering, keep working on getting answers and keep hope you will recover.  



This post was modified 3 years ago by Chelsun

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@sara90 not on my scalp but I developed lumps all over under my skin on my limbs

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@chelsun what is POTS? 

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@jkro did you get it checked? What did the doctor say? How long have you had them for? 

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@sara90 I had a biopsy and they said it was lipocite tissue. They said it was a lipoma but I didn’t have any of these prior to the vaccine. I have had a ton of other things too but a lot have cleared up. My lasting symptoms come and go and see the lumps, dizziness ( most of the time but less severe) and the numbness/tingling in limbs. 

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