@sandram I experienced slight bouts of dizziness after the 1st dose. Fast forward to 2 weeks after the second dose, and I woke up so dizzy and off balance that I went to the ER. This was 3 days ago and I still feel the dizziness lingering. The meclizine did not seem to help me. I have never experienced anything like this. Curious if you are still experiencing this dizziness?
I know someone who was diagnosed with severe dizzyness, vertigo, and had to leave their houseboat for a month...seems to have subsided, not sure if they are taking the next jab...
@yaker Im 38 mom and teacher didn't got really sick for two days after pfier fever body ache chill and fatigue didnt feel like myself then about 2 months later vertigo kicked in slowly and now 4 months I have had it every day constantly some better than others. My test are good waiting for a neurologist and VNG from ENT I am with you on this
Just popping in with an update. I had a severe reaction to my second dose of Pfizer that caused Vestibular neuritis with such extreme vomiting I ended up hospitalized. It took 7 weeks of intense physio therapy to regain my balance as even walking was extremely difficult. Reading, driving, watching TV was impossible. Its been 6 months now and after lots of ups and downs, seeing approx 11 specialist and having every test done in the world I am pretty much back to normal. I do occasionaly feel some movement but its rare now. I was very lucky to have the best drs treating me and some info I wanted to pass on from them. Its a waiting came, my internal medicine specialists said this isnt a vaccine problem, its a immune system problem. My immune system went into overdrive after being triggered by the vaccine. Covid, flu and any other foreign item our bodies dont like could have caused the exact same issue. It takes time for your nervous system to calm down. Steroids only help if taken within the first couple of days of symptoms. Also anxiety is a big issue with these symptoms. I was told many times even after the imflamation has died down, anxiety over having symptoms can prevent you from feeling better. I was told this was very important. Keep calm as best you can as it will get better. My dr told me that if I didnt feel better after 6 months, anxiety medication could help get past that last hurdle. THankfully i didnt need it. Physio therapy is extremely important too. If you cant afford it you can learn what to do on youtube. I practiced things that triggered symptoms several times a day, it was a no pain no gain situation. Avoiding things that bother you will prolong the symptoms. I had a bucket and vomited while doing them the first week. Also hydration and limiting salt are also important. As for supplements etc, i didnt take any. I was advised not to. I hope this is helpful to people struggling. Hang in there!
Me! 6 month out and feeling good. I was hospitalized due to extreme nonstop vomiting and spent 7 weeks relearning how to walk.
My best advice is physio...do the things that trigger your symptoms as much as you can. I had the best DRs treating me and its a no pain no gain situation. I had to really fight through the symptoms and sometimes vomited while doing the physio therapy but I was told that it was the most imporatant thing for recovery and they were right.
What stomach irritation?
My waist bloated big time after the shot and I had extreme pressure around my stomach. I still have nerve problems over my stomach.
Same with me...nerve problems in stomach...this is a new symptom for me...
What helped me? Pepcid which is an H2 blocker stopped all the bloating. Of course Ivermectin helped. But also liquid liposomal glutathione helps me a lot too.
Not in a hurry. Will wait and see. Think you are singing to the choir.
🤗🤗🤗Considering the number of people who had a terrible reaction from the first shot and then went back for more, I'm not so sure about that.
LOL!!!!!!!!!! SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@heybro the pepcid gives me the right sided head pressure im so glad it worked for you. I am still working on figuring out the GI issues. I take the gluthathione as well it helps i was doing it through injection. Just got the liquid.
There are absolutely things that help some and don't help others and vice versa. Have you noticed that you should stay away from certain foods?
I believe cheese and heavy breads set me off.
@heybro the pepcid gives me the right sided head pressure im so glad it worked for you. I am still working on figuring out the GI issues. I take the gluthathione as well it helps i was doing it through injection. Just got the liquid.
There are absolutely things that help some and don't help others and vice versa. Have you noticed that you should stay away from certain foods?
I believe cheese and heavy breads set me off.
@heybro I havent been able to eat anything but bland foods just recently had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and was told to take it easy so I havent been able to test food. Im hoping that this bland diet will help.
pain in gums? Anyone? Hurts so bad i cant chew! Sigh….
So I guess it's a "welcome to the club for me" had my jab on the 23rd of November and 4 days ago blurry vission, vertigo, nausea, high blood pressure and yesterday they gave me anti-depressants because after going to the hospital they said it was from severe anxiety etc. I had covid back on March...I was pregnant and gave birth while being sick...I guess this thing won't leave me alone..tell me that I am going to live...I'm so worried about it.
Also I am breastfeeding my baby...I hope she's not in danger! Can you ask someone ?
@heybro the pepcid gives me the right sided head pressure im so glad it worked for you. I am still working on figuring out the GI issues. I take the gluthathione as well it helps i was doing it through injection. Just got the liquid.
There are absolutely things that help some and don't help others and vice versa. Have you noticed that you should stay away from certain foods?
I believe cheese and heavy breads set me off.
@heybro I havent been able to eat anything but bland foods just recently had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and was told to take it easy so I havent been able to test food. Im hoping that this bland diet will help.
Please tell me what some bland foods are that you eat. Like oatmeal?