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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@sandram Meclizine is a otc non drowsy motion sickness and generally prescribed for Vertigo. I  have MG and suffered from vertigo for a few years.  However, like any med consult your Dr. prior to taking it. Walmart does carry bottles of 100 in their equate brand and its much less expensive than dramamine.

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Yes my heart rate became elevated along with dizziness and vertigo. Made appointment with doctor and he performed ekg. Ekg diagnosis was sinus tachycardia. He was not that concerned about my dizziness or vertigo. Maybe he knows something? He told me to exercise more and loose weight. My symptoms started 2 weeks after my 1st Pfizer shot and I am now 9 days after the 2nd shot and I have seen an improvement with all but we will see what happens in the future. 



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I'm now 5 weeks since 1st Pfizer vaccine and also received 2nd dose.  Two days after 1st dose, I developed dizziness, severe headache as well as some involuntary muscle twitching.  The twitching has mostly subsided but the dizziness has not.  Just when I have a good afternoon and think it's over, the next day it's back.  My doctor has me on benadryl 3x day which makes me sleep a lot.  I've seen some comments about escalation of heart rate and I, too, had elevated heart rate for about 2 weeks (before the benadryl).  Some days my brain fog (which I had never heard of) was so intense I couldn't concentrate on anything and just stared at computer screen.  This has turned my life upside down.  My neighbor is a retired nurse, had the Moderna 1 and 2 doses and she is experiencing same side effects 8 weeks out now.  I had vertigo about 16 yrs ago that was resolved with Epley maneuver and I did it yesterday - maybe some improvement

This post was modified 4 years ago by Ms. Cynthia Ryan MBA

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@scribblechickHi Obi, I am so sorry you were so sick, and for all suffering here.  I admire your attitude on the vaccine after all you have gone through.  I know "PPPDSurvivor" has posted to this too, but I am in the same boat.  I came to this forum to see how people are reacting; I have not yet had the vaccine, but am very scared, as I am already homebound with chronic dizziness (albeit generally not vertigo, more motion-induced, being unable to navigate) and other issues that contribute to disability (dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome), and cannot bear the thought of taking the chance with this vaccine and having it progress to vertigo, even with all the poor souls who have died.  It sounds like most folks here have developed vertigo etc for the first time - I would again ask that people with preexisting problems let us know how they reacted and, if so, when and if they improved or went back to "baseline."  Thank you, and good luck to all.  

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@zeebzHi.  I know how you feel; exact same situation.   I almost wish I hadn't researched the effects of the vaccine, because now, knowing these effects, it's like we are taking a real chance either way, caught between "a rock and a hard place," so to speak.  I have no doubt the vaccine will affect me badly, barring some miracle from God, as I react to any kind of medication etc; super sensitive vestibular system.  I pray that all who developed these terrible side effects for the first time will eventually "clear it," but for us, its really hard to know what to do.  Please post back if you or your friend decide to go ahead, and I will do the same.  Best wishes.

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@susanfeuerstein Hi just wanted to know who recommended these particular supplements?  Any brands that you like?

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For me , 8 Days after 1st shot   everything disappeared , and feeling very well
no pain no dizziness 
I managed to drink natural juices every day ( cocktail Juice )

Don't buy supplements or medications to solve this side-effects  , Your body will fix it self  , just eat well sleep well and everything is fine

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It was 3 weeks after the first Pfizer jab before I finally felt like normal. 2 days later I got the second Pfizer jab. I did not have the vertigo or asthma as I did following the first jag, but low-grade headache and fatigue, lethergy. 3 days after the 2nd jab my energy increased. Today, 2 weeks after 2nd jab I am close to normal. Hang in there, not everyone with bad reaction to 1st dose is laid flat by the 2nd. Still wearing mask, still staying away from groups, still as handsome as ever.

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Ten years ago after having the annual Flu shot in the Fall? I developed severe Vertigo symptoms. At the time I was convinced it was a result of reaction to Flu shot, although any Dr I saw seemed skeptical about the connection? Symptoms lasted several months sad to say. I began seeing a practitioner who specialized in vertigo treatments using head manipulation plus acupuncture, as well as exercises for focusing my eyes. In future years although nervous about them I had the annual Flu shots with no recurrence of Vertigo. Come now to the Covid vaccination. I had the Pfizer vaccine on March 25.2021 . At the time my only symptom afterwards was a sore arm for a few days. One week later, the 

vertigo began . Have tried doing the Epley maneuvers, etc seems to relieve things for awhile, or not? Very random results. I am unsure if this is a side effect of the vaccine or just bad luck . Like some? I am hesitant to receive the second dose. Where I live they are postponing that follow up dose by up to 16 weeks? But as I feel now? I’m not looking forward to having it, especially if Vertigo does not let up 

This post was modified 4 years ago by LG

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@luann777 Yes, for about a week after getting the first dose of the vaccine my BP and heartrate (usually around 110/70 and 50-60 beats per minute) fluctuated between 145/85 and 85 bpm and 90/59 and 50 bpm. It would be high for an hour or two and then come down for an hour or two. It was all over the chart. Then it stopped doing that for two weeks, until a couple of days ago, when my arm where I got the shot suddenly started hurting again and I checked my bp and it was 142/85. But then my arm stopped hurting and my bp gradually went down and has been mostly normal the past couple of days. Weird! My doc has recommended I not get the second dose. 

KSJ&J and KSJ&J reacted
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Hi Rob - I found a couple of Facebook groups for vestibular and tinnitus - but now I remember why I quit using Facebook months ago! There are too many on there stating as fact that the vaccine cannot cause the side effects we are all having that we all know full well, 100% were caused by the vaccine. I have a hard time letting those blatant statements sit without response - and the last thing I feel like doing right now is arguing with ignorant people. I would much rather be here with others who are going through this, hearing their stories, and learning new things that may be helpful.
I did learn one good thing before leaving the groups, though. Someone posted this page and, who knew, I've been doing it wrong forever! My ENT did prescribe Flonase so trying this method now...

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Hi Pipergirl - Sorry to read about what you are going through. I can totally relate but breaks my heart to hear what everyone is going though! I have good days and bad days, too - feel like crying today! I'm almost 11 weeks in now and dizziness has definitely gotten better but not gone and the really loud tinnitus, ear pressure and practically no hearing in my left ear is super bad today - lots of ups and downs. With all the medical miracles, you'd think there would be something to bring us relief from the dizziness and tinnitus. Sadly, no magic pill and I have been trying everything!! It certainly is a roller coaster ride!! Guess we all just have to hang on and hope we can get off this horrible ride soon!!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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I can totally relate to the crying.  For days I have been doing a good bit of that.  At first people insinuated it was psychological even though I've never been an anti-vaxxer.  I willingly lined up to take it.  But now that my husband had a bout of it also, but very briefly after 2nd dose, he believes me.  I just can't understand why this isn't being covered.  Some days I can barely function and it seems like it's that way for you too.  Even though I have exercise induced asthma when I exercise outdoors during the cold, I'm healthy.  I go for my wellness exam, mammogram, dermatologist, and ophthalmologist each year and rarely have to go for visits other than those.  My doctor told me she wishes all her patients were like me.  She told me she's had several patients who are calling with these symptoms also.  I just hope and pray for you and all the others that these side effects disappear and we can get back to normal.  Honestly, I wish I had not taken it at all.  But with the pressure for vaccine passports to be able to travel and just to go to store mounting, I took it as well as the 2nd although I'm not sure why, if someone is vaccinated, they care if I am or not.  This is a very scary time as we all have to deal with this and the side effects and just the lack of acknowledgement from the vaccine companies and CDC as to how to deal with them

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Posted by: @hollyd

Hi Rob - I found a couple of Facebook groups for vestibular and tinnitus - but now I remember why I quit using Facebook months ago! There are too many on there stating as fact that the vaccine cannot cause the side effects we are all having that we all know full well, 100% were caused by the vaccine. I have a hard time letting those blatant statements sit without response - and the last thing I feel like doing right now is arguing with ignorant people. I would much rather be here with others who are going through this, hearing their stories, and learning new things that may be helpful.
I did learn one good thing before leaving the groups, though. Someone posted this page and, who knew, I've been doing it wrong forever! My ENT did prescribe Flonase so trying this method now...

I'm not on FB but I have told a number of people about what I've read here, and have provided the link.  Most of them are completely dismissing all this as a side effect.  People tend to see what they want to see, and not acknowledge the rest.

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@carla Eid the ENT do the Epply maneuver? This can move the crystals we have in our ears that get placed due to inflammation from the vaccine and our immune system. I am so sorry you are going through this. I get my vaccine tomorrow and I am terrified but what to do?

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