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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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How much (dosage) of the alpha lipoic acid & resveratrol do you take daily? I bought it but haven’t started to take it because I don’t know how much.

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  1. @susanfeuerstein  thank you.  How much of the alpha lipoid acid and resveratrol do you take?  

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Read that younger people will likely get tougher reactions than older adults. Because their immune systems are stronger..  I am a senior who has for some time been taking an immune strengthening variety of supplements including echinacea.  Paradoxically I wonder if  my strengthened immunity has caused the strong adverse reaction to the phizer vaccine. Possibly would been better to let my seniors weakened immune system alone.  And thus would accepted the vax and Not put up such a fight.

As it is I have vertigo, balance problems, dizziness and —so far— slight tinnitus.

Took the first shot March 25. Symptoms started 3 days later


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@tabby Hi Tabby, I seem to have been overly sensitive to any medication all my 66 years of life - more apt to have unwanted results than desired ones, so I also don't want to use them in this situation. (Ha, I guess that's how I got in this predicament, taking the vaccine and having this unwelcome reaction!) I'm staying within recommended dosages for the vitamins D & C I've started taking and making sure to take them with food in my stomach that's most always queasy these days.

I do wonder about and wish I understood this progress - regress - progress cycling of symptoms, but it seems to be a pattern for a sizable number of us. If anyone hears a feasible explanation of this from anywhere, please clue us in!


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@artyonet mine was on and off until the 3rd day post vaccine and hasn’t stopped since.  I’m sorry I don’t have better news.  I’m on week 10.:(. I’ve taken prednisone, Valtrax and did a month of alpha lipoids without any relief.  I’m talking with my insurance company now about coverage for acupuncture.  I’ll literally try anything.  

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@rico2 I was given Prednisone and Valtrax at about 12 days post.  Reported to VAERS at about week 3 when I realized it wasn’t going away.  I’m on week 10 now and most symptoms have subsided but unfortunately tinnitus is still going strong.  I finally got into my ENT at about week 4 and there is no hearing loss.  My doctors did not recommend a second dose.  

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I wanted to update my 3-30-21 post.

I had prepared for the vaccine prior to my shot on the 29th (I thankfully got the JJ) and sure enough I was pretty much down for the next five days. I’ve been dizzy, lethargic and off to varying degrees since the shot. Gratefully I haven’t fallen into nystagmus or vertigo so far. And even though unsteady I decided to lean into it yesterday and today by playing golf in beautiful Nor Cal weather.

So there can and will be better days ahead. I would imagine for the newbies your symptoms are temporary and your life will become normal again, hopefully soon. And that for others the vaccine caused a dormant issue to cross the threshold into a vestibular reaction. Perhaps an inflammatory response.

Before I sign off, if I may suggest for those with long term symptoms, and without endorsing any product, method, or author/practitioner, that you might be greatly helped if you can reduce (better to avoid) typical triggers like stress (CBT?), sugar (including eliminating as much carbs and starch from your diet as possible), salt (over 1000mg/day-particularly for Menieres symptoms), electronic screen time, all sodas, any processed foods, gluten and dairy. And continue some of the great supplements suggested in this forum.

I know, I know. I’m a nut. Not going to happen. But if you are at the end of your rope you might want to temporarily look into reducing some typical inflammatories while at the same time possibly helping your body to help you recover from the vaccine side affects.

I will hold back on other suggestions as I’m not a professional. But I am a five year veteran of many of these symptoms as I have Menieres and Vestibular Migraines. I haven’t accepted a prescription or the offer to have surgery to deal with my illnesses because of the risks, long term efficacy, and/or side affects, even though my healthcare provider pointed out that these were my only options.

Everyone is different, but in general its been these and lifestyle changes that have helped me to confront the tinnitus, vertigo, brain fog, disassociation, anxiety, depression, brain zaps, hearing loss, etc.

Again, only suggestions. I won’t post again unless I don’t improve or if I have a setback, as this time on my device is a huge trigger for me. I wish all the best to you. Be well.....Obi


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Hello? Test test? I guess my 1st post I made just isn't gonna get approved? Hello?

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@thenystagmus Hi, I too am sensitive to meds and I somehow predicted I would get side effects, I get them after the flu jab and when I had to have a steroid injection in my shoulder. Last night and this morning has been the worst for me, persistent dizziness. It's such a horrible feeling. Hope you feel well soon.

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Hi there. I just registered on this site to specifically reply to your post because it was very helpful. I had a similar vertigo reaction to you and also found relief with the Eppley maneuver. And half somersault. Actually, it was my first experience with vertigo and was so severe I was vomiting nonstop for two hours. This occurred two days after my second Moderna shot. Initially, I figured it was just the dizziness that is a documented side effect and I was going to tough it out. But after throwing up about 12 times in two hours – no exaggeration – my husband hauled me to urgent care. The last time I threw up was probably eight years ago with the flu, which is also probably the last time I was sick. So very unusual!

The Doctor did the Dix/Pike head maneuver test. As soon as she laid me down and tilted my head to the right, the world whirled again and then I vomited shortly thereafter. Good times! She diagnosed me with BVVP, of the right ear canal. The doctor gave me an anti-nausea shot and an RX for dizziness, plus instructions for doing the Eppley technique. Two days later and I’m about 80% better.

Anyway, I bring up the vertigo and seemingly correct diagnosis of BVVP in case it helps others. I’m not a doctor, though I do find it curious that the vaccine may cause or contribute to BVVP. In other words, somehow cause or contribute to salt crystals becoming improperly positioned in the ear canal. The doctor said she’d seen three vertigo cases recently after patients had their vaccine. Causation or coincidence? The doc said it’s hard to know since she also gets plenty of vertigo or dizziness cases normally. I had a pretty rough time with the first shot also, but that time it manifested as muscle and joint pain. I’m otherwise very healthy, athletic, and have a decent pain threshold. 

Like you, I’m grateful to science and scientists who made the life-saving vaccines possible. I would still choose any temporary bout of vaccine/immune response over COVID any and every day. 

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Monday was my first experience with vertigo and was so severe I was vomiting nonstop for two hours. This occurred two days after my second Moderna shot (Saturday morning). Initially, I figured it was just the dizziness that is a documented side effect and I was going to tough it out. But after throwing up about 12 times in two hours – no exaggeration – my husband hauled me to urgent care. The last time I threw up was probably eight years ago with the flu, which is also probably the last time I was sick. So very unusual!

The Doctor did the Dix/Pike head maneuver test. As soon as she laid me down and tilted my head to the right, the world whirled again and then I vomited shortly thereafter. Good times! She diagnosed me with BVVP of the right ear canal. The doctor gave me an anti-nausea shot in the glute and an RX for dizziness, plus instructions for doing the Eppley technique. Two days later (Wednesday night) and I’m about 80% better except for fatigue, which may also be residual from the anti-dizziness pills which I stopped taking last night. 

Anyway, I bring up the vertigo and seemingly correct diagnosis of BVVP in case it helps others. I’m not a doctor, though I do find it curious that the vaccine may cause or contribute to BVVP. In other words, somehow cause or contribute to salt crystals becoming improperly positioned in the ear canal. Immunity response? Inflammation? The doctor said she’d seen three vertigo cases recently after patients had their vaccine.

Causation or coincidence? The doc said it’s hard to know if the vaccine is implicated without specific trials/studies. She also gets plenty of vertigo or dizziness cases normally. I had a pretty rough time with the first shot also, but that time it manifested as muscle and joint pain. I’m otherwise very healthy, athletic, and have a decent pain threshold. 

I’m grateful to science and scientists who made the life-saving vaccines possible. I would still choose any temporary bout of vaccine/immune response over COVID any and every day. 

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I am 71 and always had strong immune system, did not take pills except some vitamins. May be its the reason that it hit me in such way: vertigo, dizziness, and tinnitus. I am better now, have sometimes dizziness and fogginess but tinnitus in left ear is so pronounced. Trying now acupuncture but do not see any improvements. I have no problems with hearing, ENT suggested to see chiropractor. 

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@thelma Hi, so pleased your dizziness is fading, I hope you continue to make good progress, Lord only knows you seem to be trying. Take care.

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Just the recommended dose on bottle- but take it every day.


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