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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @vaccine2021


Hi All,

Try to contact with Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic. He has been suffering tinnitus after his second dose.

No one knows what happened to us. But he has more resources to get help. Try to contact him. Let him know the forum. 




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Posted by: @mina

@medee no, it's an over-the- counter form of vitamin B1. 

i used it after watching Dr Eric Berg video's titled " Hidden deficiency in POTS" on YouTube. I started to see results a week after using it. I still keep taking it.

Yes, thiamine deficiency? 

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Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @vaccine2021


Hi All,

Try to contact with Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic. He has been suffering tinnitus after his second dose.

No one knows what happened to us. But he has more resources to get help. Try to contact him. Let him know the forum. 




I read this post the other day. I’m going to the university of iowa otolaryngology to do my VNG tests. I think that’s what it is for my vertigo. 

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@jkro yes, Dr Berg says vaccination depletes thiamine levels

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Posted by: @mina

@jkro yes, Dr Berg says vaccination depletes thiamine levels

I too was theorizing this could be my issue. Has it worked? Are you 100% better with all your symptoms? 

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Posted by: @jkro
Posted by: @mina

@jkro yes, Dr Berg says vaccination depletes thiamine levels

I too was theorizing this could be my issue. Has it worked? Are you 100% better with all your symptoms? 

Benfothiamine helps me with heart palpitations. But i have other symptoms that make me suffer every day: insomnia,  dizziness, numbness in my left side, acid reflux, difficulty swallowing, gi issues, weight loss. I'm dying😭

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@hisrichess I just received an email back from him. So far it doesn’t seem promising for any answers. 

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@ohjason Try asking your doctor if you can safely take Curcumin supplements. It's a natural blood thinner, all the best on your road to recovery!

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Just curious if anyone was suffering from vertigo or other vestibular issues, got a booster shot for example, and felt better?  I'm curious that some people with long COVID report symptom relief when getting a booster.  Just curious if anyone found that experience at all?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @tennyson77

Just curious if anyone was suffering from vertigo or other vestibular issues, got a booster shot for example, and felt better?  I'm curious that some people with long COVID report symptom relief when getting a booster.  Just curious if anyone found that experience at all?

I have often wondered about this too. I have read long covid people feeling better after getting the vaccine. So I was curious if I got the second would I feel better? I personally am not risking any more covid shots. I had one and I feel like it ruined my life thus far. I have noticed with every big flare afterwards I feel a bit better day to day? It’s the weirdest thing. 

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Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @vaccine2021


Hi All,

Try to contact with Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic. He has been suffering tinnitus after his second dose.

No one knows what happened to us. But he has more resources to get help. Try to contact him. Let him know the forum. 




Has anyone tried contacting him?

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Posted by: @saba

@lynner hypnic jerks- I had them around during 8-10 weeks out. They were worse for a few days, random muscles would twitch just prior to drifting off to sleep and prevent me from falling asleep. After a few days, these stopped but started getting brain-zaps, which are even worse, right before falling asleep. It felt like a sudden jolt in the brain right before falling asleep. Thankfully all of this went away within 2 weeks. And I don't think this was 'just anxiety' causing it. It is yet another weird side-effect that I have seen other people report after vax.  Hope it gets better for you soon. 

Did all of your symptoms vanish? How are you now?

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Posted by: @simplicity2378
Posted by: @hisrichess
Posted by: @vaccine2021


Hi All,

Try to contact with Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic. He has been suffering tinnitus after his second dose.

No one knows what happened to us. But he has more resources to get help. Try to contact him. Let him know the forum. 




Has anyone tried contacting him?

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Hi All,

I have something to share. 

I spoke to a Functional Practitioner yesterday and this was my 1st time experience in this field. I shared my symptoms in detail over the call and this is what he had to say:

  • He did acknowledge the injuries from the vax
  • He said he's seen people suffering post the jab
  • Here is his explanation as to why this happens and it somewhat made sense to me - Vaccine was a trigger and not the cause. Everybody has viruses present inside their bodies. These are mostly dormant in state (not active). However, a vaccine can trigger these viruses and activate them. These viruses do not act like a disease whatsoever and hence, the reports come back normal. He said my issue is not neurological nor heart related so nothing would show up. These viruses attack random parts of the body and our body reacts to it, hence the symptoms.
  • He also asked me about my blood reports and told me he suspects inflammation after asking a few details
  • What he also added is, these symptoms would reoccur every now and then unless treated. (Not sure if this is the reason why we have relapses)
  • He added this would need a 360° approach. From food to supplements, mental health, sleep patterns, exercises etc.
  • There is no way to kill the virus ever but the condition can be reversed but depends from person to person how long it would take

I saw a link yesterday on the forum which spoke about someone getting Shingles post the jab and the link shared also spoke about the same thing the doctor told me about - dormant viruses.

While I do not know how much can he help me in reversing my condition, his explanation about the virus somewhat made sense to me. Also the fact that he heard my pain and acknowledged it, made me feel so much better.

The cost of the package is quite high and I've seen mixed reviews about it online. So not sure if I must opt for it or not. I will have to spend my savings for this but, I don't know if it's worth. I am already at a dead end. So I am thinking of giving it a try but not yet decided.

Maybe someone who has taken treatment from a Naturopath or a Functional Doctor can help me here.

Has anyone got cured 100% with this natural treatment?

The plan for treatment as far as I understood was a below:

- Some questionnaire that the patient will have to fill in

- Symptoms list

- Per the above two, I would get a list of blood work

- Per the reports, a diet plan and supplement, herbs etc.

- Some exercises, mostly breathing 

- Change in sleeping patterns etc.

I hope this is how they work as I have no clue and never spoke to a Functional Practitioner before this.

Has anyone felt 100% back to normal with no relapses whatsoever after this treatment? 

Please help!

Sara, jacquelyn sauriol, Sara and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @jacquelynsauriol

I did request this week to the VEDA forum management to begin to make at least a resource page for people, instead of depending on random replies for assistance. 

There are actual resources now, where there was not before. 

I do not think they will do this, and the reason is fear, which is just stupid.

Fear ...yes, maybe you could call others on this ...but we who are putting ourselves out there as vaccine injured personally have little to lose.

I've had months to think on these things and I can see how someone in the medical professions could be wise to not jump into the middle of this mess at this time. I've seen information on how organizations with medical oversight are warning that medical licenses could be lost if practitioners engage in activities that they deem "misinformation". 

The doctors and groups of doctors claiming to understand what's going on for those of us injured - well, I just think it's too early to tout their theories and advice as the last word. I don't think there's been enough time for necessary research and studies to have happened yet for standard proven protocols to have been developed for the diagnosis and treatment of the many possible manifestations of vaccine injuries. At this time this has only just begun and is in infancy stages for those with long post-Covid infection issues.

Do I like all that? A resounding NO!! But we know there are powers that be that are looking to squelch sources of information they see as unwelcome and dangerous. If VEDA were to start promoting these treatment theories, then it's more likely that we'd lose our opportunity to discourse here as we now can to this date. And I know we'd hate to see that happen. 😔🙏

Sassafras, thank you for your message. I appreciate it. Here are some deeper issues I see happening here...

1-Some people do not get answers to their entries

2-Many who come here are not so internet savvy and are likely sick and ill, and can't spend time roaming for info if they do not find help more directly, quickly.

3-Lots has changed in terms of understanding since they started the forum last January 2021

The FLCCC Alliance has formed-with PDF Protocols for Covid AND post vax/Long Haul Covid for patients and for doctors

The World Council for Health has formed-with PDF handout on SPIKE PROTEIN DISEASE

When I open the forum, it is usually on page one, with Ed's intro statement (Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?).

It could be so much more helpful than that now;  again, sick folks are falling through the cracks.

Finally, the reason you give for NOT adding a few simple links is the SAME REASON the entire medical community rejected Ivermection and Hydroxychloroquin for example,  claiming they are not 'legit'.

This is false and many have suffered horribly for it.

Take the time to read about these and other treatments on the FLCCC Alliance site, you will find out that they indeed have an outstanding track record of success in treatment and millions of safe uses and are affordable.

Most hospitals use of very ineffective drugs with high price tags, and the approval of those drugs was tainted by $$.

I am just asking for a resource page.  It is not a big ask. It is not treatment. It would look like this;     preventative treatment    hospital treatment   long haul and vaccine injury treatment

This information should be part of the very first thing folks would even the playing field some for everyone.







This post was modified 3 years ago by jacquelyn sauriol

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