@irumHi, I wish I could say that I am better but I am not. I manage to do what needs to be done but the migraine type headache and muzzy head feeling lurks in the background. I don't know if the headache is causing the dizziness or vice versa. Are you getting much success from those remedies?
@tabby I’m now 8.5 weeks out from the onset of vertigo, and haven’t really been dizzy in about a week. I still have a slight headache at basically all times that gets worse with trying to read/type. I initially thought the dizziness was causing my headache, but now that I’m not dizzy, I guess the headache is just another thing...womp womp
I had a VNG at the ENT’s office which showed a slightly weak left vestibular system, which he said could be a sign that I had vestibular neuritis or something inflammatory that is now healing. He said since I can now drive without getting dizzy (something that wasn’t possible even last last week), I don’t need to do PT.
I have two young children, so I have not been able to lie down and stop going through my daily activities. I wonder if that is helping.
The ENT offered me Botox for the headache, but I got nervous and declined it. If I haven’t gotten rid of the headache in a couple of weeks I think I might give that a try. I have been rubbing this icy hot-like lotion on my forehead when I feel a headache worsening, and that has helped avoid migraines without medicine.
My neurologist and ENT have put me on an anti-inflammatory/ migraine cocktail of 3000 mg fish oil, 1000 mg vitamin c, 400 mg riboflavin (B2), 800 mg Magnesium, and I am on a weekly megadose of vitamin D because we found out my D levels were frighteningly low back in December.
Also, as a final note for people who have been experiencing high blood pressure: Ibuprofen substantially raises your blood pressure. My BP is normally 110/70, but throughout this experience it has been elevated quite often. My dad mentioned the connection (he is an ICU doc), and I switched to Tylenol instead of ibuprofen for a couple of weeks and noticed it came back down. Just something to try if you are having elevated BP and have been taking ibuprofen...
I hope everyone feels better soon!
@wolf1476 that is great news! Thanks for starting this topic. It has been so informative. I am very glad to hear you are having no side effects. Please keep us updated!
@lanniemurfield How did your 2nd dose go? Any side effects or issues afterward?
@atp223Hi, so p!ease for you that the horrid dizziness has abated. I can't take ibruprofen, I take paracetamol and aspirin although I know aspirin is bad for tinnitus. BOTOX is something to consider, thank you. I am going to try Dramamine, recommended by someone here, although it is not sold generally in the UK, had to order it online. Most, if not all antihistamines here in the UK are for nausea but not dizziness. If anyone knows of one please advise, thanks. I rang my local pharmacy but he couldn't recommend anything other than get back to my doctor. My doctor prescribe me with prochlorperazine but I am a bit anxious about taking an antipsychotic drug. Hope you continue to make good progress!
I want to thank you all for sharing your info. I just reported my BPPV reaction to VEARS. I'm still not fully recovered. Just saw my Neurologist in NYC & she said it is possible that I am susceptible to a vaccine reaction since I already suffered from BPPV in the past. Glad she understood. Of course I am happy to receive the Pfizer vaccine but at least I have a clearer understanding of why my BPPV returned after not having it for 4 years.
BTW, did anyone see the Johnson and Johnson shot got pulled in North Carolina for causing dizziness episodes?
I heard about that last night. Was going to mention it here, but you already have.
RE: @hollyd My doctor kind of brushed it off. I'm pretty sure she did not report it to VAERS. I ended up sending a report myself and included my doctor's name and number in the report. I feel like doctors might be getting more of these reports than they let on and are overwhelmed by something they can't fix. My usually-understanding doctor was extremely snippy about the whole thing.
I agree with @hollyd I've been in excellent health over the years but developed overwhelming dizziness including inability to stand and walk independently approximately 10 days after receiving the 2nd Moderna shot. Thought I had a stroke, maybe heart malfunction. I personally now consider it a "vestibular attack." My ER physician(s) appeared perplexed if not annoyed in making accurate diagnosis. With all heart scans, brain scans, blood tests, etc. essentially normal, I couldn't clearly and convincingly be categorized. Vertigo apparently ruled out maybe because room wasn't spinning despite overwhelming and unrelenting dizziness. No discussion and apparently no connection with my receiving recent Moderna vaccinations as causative or contributing factor. I ultimately submitted a VAERS report myself and even though tech savvy found it time-consuming and somewhat tedious. How many adverse side effects are NOT being reported? Probably many go unreported.
Hi all - I took the time to register in sympathy with those upset because I went through it - the dizziness and vertigo feeling hit me hard and thank god now is gone but took 2 weeks.
I got my 1st dose 3/22 AT FIRST no sides other than site injection pain for 24 hrs .
A few days in I felt a little weird and thought I was having issues because I didn’t eat enough- ate snacks then dinner and still felt off. Next day woke up and throughout the day felt dizzy. Couldn’t concentrate couldn’t work out just felt like I was dizzy but room wasn’t quite spinning was just always a dizzy feeling there.
Started to really worry about it then and couldn’t find any listing a side effect of vaccine and thankfully I found this forum.
I was panicked going through all the posts of people saying it was still there- my 2nd week of symptoms it finally completely went away - but until it did I worried I’d have it forever.
I’m posting on here so you may have comfort that I agree the vaccine did it but don’t panic it will likely go away and it’s likely our body immune response causing inflammation .
Stay safe everyone and stay calm !
lots of love ,
@tabby I forget - are you having headaches or just vertigo/dizziness? When I was pregnant I started taking Benadryl for migraines, and Benadryl with acetaminophen (which I think is basically the same as paracetamol?) has helped my headaches. The Benadryl has the added benefit of knocking out the dizziness as well.
I am trying not to take anything anymore because I think I’m close to healing all the way...but can you try the Benadryl? (Diphenylhydramine HCl)
@susanfeuerstein I am so encouraged to see your positive report. Thanks so much for sharing. I appreciate everyone sharing updates on the thread!
@tabby be sure the Dramamine you purchase is the substance Meclazine. I think it’s in the original formula of Dramamine. Check for other brands listing Meclazine as main ingredient. I had vertigo on & off for 2 weeks after first dose. From MD advise, took Meclazine for 4 days straight (it will make you sleepy), stopped vertigo and dizziness; stopped taking and I am feeling good so far. 2 dose scheduled this week for me. I think I will do it.
@thenystagmus it's interesting you mention your oversensitivity to medication your entire life. I have the same thing. I wonder if us super-sensitive folks are being most affected by vaccine side effects as well...