I don’t have tinnitus, but I have suffered for over 2 months with buzzing and internal tremoring. These occur in my head, neck, back, and chest, and I mean to tell you, they are can be unsettling. When these symptoms first showed up, I worried I had all sorts of horrible things wrong with. I’ve had all kinds of blood work done to eliminate certain things. Everything was perfect with the exception of my RA factor being high. That was new to me because I had my blood work done back in April and everything was normal. That was before I took the vaccine tho. In fact a week before my symptoms showed up, I was running 3-4 days a week. October 12 is when my tremoring and buzzing started. The week of Thanksgiving I noticed that my symptoms seemed to have decreased to a much more manageable level, they are still there but less intense. I have had some relapses, but even those aren’t as intense as they were in the beginning. Now, I don’t know what is causing the improvement: time, supplements, or a combination of the two. I’ll list what a take. It’s quite a bit
- Vitamins D-3
- Nordic naturals fish oil 2 a day morning and evening
- glycerine 2 in morning and same in evening
- 2 probiotics at dinner
- Lots of vitamins C 2000-3000
- NAC 2 a day morning and evening
- 50/50 spirillina/chlorella
- liquid vitamin and mineral drops
- I drink 1 Khombucha a day.
- Ashwaganda gummies
- magnesium
- tumeric
I have read certain mushrooms can provide health benefits. I have ordered lions mane and Turkey Tails.
@creativecat Hi! I’m 20 weeks post second Pfizer (Received it mid JULY 21). I had all the tingling, burning, twitches and muscle spasms etc to start. These all disappeared over a matter of about 4-5weeks. I then started getting tension/pressure headaches around the last week in September which got progressively worse. I was prescribed amitriptyline, which to be honest I’m no sure it working as the headaches still come and go. The nausea has only started over the past week, but seems to a type of stomach irritation.
How have you been getting on recently?
Hey @andyl89
I remember you posting a while back about experiencing a headache for many weeks. How is your headache lately? I ask because I've had a pretty much non stop low grade headache for about 6 weeks now.
Mainly in the right front temple and back of head but also a general band around the head type feeling. It's not bad enough to need over the counter pain relief but I am aware of it constantly. It started the sam time as my eye problems began. Felt like eye strain with occasional flashes of light which went on to turn into wobbling eye vision on and off throughout the day. I'm waiting to see a neurologist.
I am also experiencing very mild nausea on and off since this headache and eye problem flared up. My pins and needles which were originally my worst symptom are actually the mildest of everything now. I've read some people who have had long covid can have headaches for months. If your headaches have gotten better how long did yours go on for before they improved?
I've suffered with migraines all my life but never had a mild headache go on and on.
How are you feeling now? Has your headache gone away?
I too feel pain in the back of my head and at random places on my head. Sometimes it feels like a nerve pain and sometimes its difficult to explain how the pain is.
Did you have something similar? Has anything worked out for you?
@medee i cant see my reply to you from yesterday, maybe I missed it or forgot to press send...
Anything that reduces inflammation will help with tinnitus....foods such as Tumeric and Chamomile,
Skullcap all as tea...I know this is small comfort but your need helped me learn a lot....best
Does anyone else gets random pain in any part of the body which hadn't had issues so far or is it only me?
Along with the multitude of side effects noted by many hundred people, I am asking today, how many find their symptoms come and go presenting with some news ones. Im currently struggling with eye, ear and head pressure leading to headaches. Curious if anyone else has had this eye pressure also? The symptoms seem to jump around.
I just asked the same question on the forum a while ago.
I am facing it too. This is making me crazy!
Is this ever going to end!
@swtammie78 I spoke with Dr. William Murphy by email. He didn’t have any answers really either. He said he would keep in touch if he heard anything.
Can I ask a question to everyone on what is believed to be happening to us? I have heard many theories on here and am unsure which seems most realistic/likely. It may be different for everyone, or a combination of some of the following but I’m curious what everyone thinks. Theories I heard:
1. Jab triggered an underlying condition/virus that we had.
2. An over-activation of our immune system
3. Jab attacked our “weakest” part of our body
4. Anti-idiotype antibodies are still present and to blame for causing symptoms
5. The spike protein is causing excessive inflammation causing symptoms to manifest.
The jab damages our own innate immune systems, for some temporarily, for some more long term. I am hearing that the proteins are still present at 15 months. The jab has only been available for that much time, so it could be more. To say it attacks the weak points sort of puts the blame back on the otherwise healthy victims, most of whom were OK before it. As far as I can see many of the reactions are common to poison ingestions/poisonings, due to the spike protein itself being toxic to our cells. Harsh scene.
This is from some article?
Is there anyone on the forum who has been vaccinated 1 year ago? At least close to 11-12 months, how are y'all feeling now?
I saw one comment yesterday who was 11 months in this but still didn't get better.
@lmkk I work in a medical office that administers booster doses. The Pfizer booster is the same dosage as the first two vaccines (30 micrograms); the Moderna booster, however, is only half the dose (50 micrograms as opposed to 100.) They wouldn't allow someone who hadn't received their second dose to receive the booster.
I had two doses of the Moderna, and in the beginning, I wondered if I would have better tolerated the Pfizer, which had less of the mRNA (200 micrograms after two doses of the Moderna vs. 60 micrograms after two doses of the Pfizer.) However, after reading all of the reactions on this site, I'm convinced it's the mRNA itself - not the amount in the vaccine - that causes the damage.
I would personally not risk taking a third dose, but as you wrote, there are some people who did and had no further reactions. The entire thing is very, very odd!
I've taken a different view on that after reading so many reports and lab research articles. J&J and AZ are viral vector vaccines and many of those vaccine recipients are reporting the same problems but not in the same numbers because the majority of people in the USA took Moderna or Pfizer. The most adverse reaction reports submitted on Yellowcard in the UK are for Astrazeneca. My thought is no matter how you get those vaccine spike proteins in your body it's going to cause problems for some.
I've taken the AZ vaccine and I agree with what is mentioned. Though there are not many AZ vaccinated people here, my symptoms are same like everyone of you.
@medee i cant see my reply to you from yesterday, maybe I missed it or forgot to press send...
Anything that reduces inflammation will help with tinnitus....foods such as Tumeric and Chamomile,
Skullcap all as tea...I know this is small comfort but your need helped me learn a lot....best
I guess this was in reference to the green tea discussion that we had.
Along with the multitude of side effects noted by many hundred people, I am asking today, how many find their symptoms come and go presenting with some news ones. Im currently struggling with eye, ear and head pressure leading to headaches. Curious if anyone else has had this eye pressure also? The symptoms seem to jump around.
Yes...each time I have a flare up a new symptom also pops up. Eye pressure started 6-8 weeks out from first Pfizer.
@lmkk how long have you been in this? Are you feeling any better?
Any symptoms that went away?
@medee if I look back it’s possible that acupuncture helped a touch but honestly no real improvements. It’s been the same high pitched tone for 11 months straight, 24/7. I do notice it’s louder when my blood pressure increases and when I eat high sodium foods. I mostly just focus now on my mental health as I have no reason to believe this tinnitus will resolve. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. I’m going to talk to my GP about BP meds to help and he suggested I try an antidepressant, that some find relief with that.
Have you tried Ginko? other things discussed here https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/
None! There are no supplements or medical assistance for vaxx injuries here in India.
Basic supplements you will get. But most aren't available here. Moreover there aren't any naturopath or functional doctors here. If there are, hardly one or two here and there and they charge one time huge amount.
@medee, I too have some tinnitus from time to time, but not too serious, from playing a brass instrument or so I thought. But your situation made me research more. It is a known adverse reaction from the mNRA injections. From my understanding of tinnitus, the problem seems to be (brain) inflammation..(even very minor) ...so anything you can do to decrease inflammation anywhere will likely help. Maybe the salty foods trigger it because salty foods somehow increase inflammation. Tumeric, Zanzibar and Rosemary are probably available to you and you could try to up your intake of them. See this paper, additional herbs are listed such as Devils claw and Indian Olibanum...hope this helps-
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aps/2016/9130979/ you might search herbal tinnitus remedies premade...
Tumeric Rosemary tea anyone? best jackie
@jacquelynsauriol thanks a ton for this!
I was just looking for herbal teas myself as the one I had are almost over. My guess is the same as yours. Some brain issue and my nerves in my head constantly pain. Cannot do an MRI as I am concerned it will affect my ears knowing the fact that MRI scanners are usually loud. Also I'm claustrophobic.🥲
Few anti inflammatory teas can be as below:
- Ginger, Turmeric, Circumin, Tulsi, Mint, have heard oolong tea also works.
There are many other herbs.
If it is inflammation, not sure how can we tackle that without medication. A lot of us have been trying anti inflammatory foods and few have tried supplements as well.
I will try the herbal teas and share if anything helped. Hope you're recovering.
I think this was the post you were looking for.
Can I ask a question to everyone on what is believed to be happening to us? I have heard many theories on here and am unsure which seems most realistic/likely. It may be different for everyone, or a combination of some of the following but I’m curious what everyone thinks. Theories I heard:
1. Jab triggered an underlying condition/virus that we had.
2. An over-activation of our immune system
3. Jab attacked our “weakest” part of our body
4. Anti-idiotype antibodies are still present and to blame for causing symptoms
5. The spike protein is causing excessive inflammation causing symptoms to manifest.
The jab damages our own innate immune systems, for some temporarily, for some more long term. I am hearing that the proteins are still present at 15 months. The jab has only been available for that much time, so it could be more. To say it attacks the weak points sort of puts the blame back on the otherwise healthy victims, most of whom were OK before it. As far as I can see many of the reactions are common to poison ingestions/poisonings, due to the spike protein itself being toxic to our cells. Harsh scene.
I appreciate your comment. It seems you are pretty confident about the mechanism and potential timelines. I am unsure that we can have that much confidence as so many people and experts (even ones on our side) don’t really truly know yet. But I thank you for giving me your thoughts as that is what I wanted to hear.
Here is the study on that, someone else was also looking for it as well. It was presented at a Covid Conference in Italy Sept 2021 and is titled
Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection
Because this is related, in terms of understanding the biotoxicity of the spike protein in full segments, from Oct 2021
SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
hope that helps - j
I wanted to give an update on my ongoing battle with unsteadiness after receiving the Moderna shot. I posted back in March/April of 2021. I have had 2 episodes since vaccination that have lasted 3-5 weeks in duration with my most current issues still persisting but improving. I have had testing including MRI's, bloodwork, vestibular workup and all have come back normal. I saw a specialist known for instability issues that does not feel any of this is related to the vaccine even though I documented headaches, instability, dizziness, weakness, and other issues within the same day to 2 weeks after receiving the vaccine. This professional feels my instability is not vaccine related because I have had 2 instability episodes since and is attributing my instability to migraines that do not present with pain but instability. I have a hard time believing this considering I did not have any issues prior to vaccination. I am looking into seeing an autoimmune or immunology specialist to help determine what is going on, so I know whether or not to receive a booster shot and risk new issues that are worse than what I am currently experiencing. I work in healthcare and believe that vaccines are needed to help with the current pandemic, but also want to be able to continue to work without being disabled from unsteadiness regardless of the cause. The first episode where my instability reoccurred was when I was with 15 other vaccinated people at a lake house for a weekend where no one wore masks. I tested for Covid at the time with a PCR test at the proper interval with the results being negative. The second episode was when I went to a concert where the venue required masks upon entry but did not enforce masks in the venue. I stayed for about 45-60 minutes and left because I was one of about 10% of people wearing a mask in a crowded venue where every seat was sold and there was no social distancing. Again, I took a PCR test and was found to not have Covid. After both instances I have decided to do nothing where I will be in an environment without a mask or in an environment where others may not be masked. I had already been not doing anything since Covid started except these 2 instances that resulted in a reoccurrence of my instability. I am not sure if others have noticed a pattern to their symptoms? Stress, fatigue, and lack of sleep seem to increase my symptoms when I have been having these reoccurrences with cognitive factors and headache occurring at times as well.
Has anyone on this forum been able to get any answers as to what is occurring in all of us with these issues?
If so what type of specialist has been helpful in determining cause and treatment?
Has anyone with symptoms obtained a booster and if so, what has happened with your symptoms?
Has anyone that has gotten a booster obtained a different shot than their original vaccine?
Does anyone know of someone to contact within the medical community for them to study what is occurring in us? I reported my symptoms to VAERS and initially got a call from the CDC but when I followed up no one contacted me after. I would like to know of a research group or medical professional that is looking into these symptoms that can help us all learn about what is occurring and how to address it so that we can all go back to our normal selves that we were before.
I think the issue becomes as whether or not you got Covid and it caused your symptoms. Dizziness and instability can occur from Covid-19. The specialist I went to see that addresses instability and dizzy issues stated of individuals that have gotten Covid their symptoms do not appear to improve if they are related to getting the virus.
My symptoms did return twice. Once in July and once in Nov. I am still battling with the Nov symptoms.