Oh boy…now I’m experiencing crazy stomach cramps and abdominal pain along with excessive gas. Thoughts or experience?
have you had your liver checked?
@tennyson77 this is exactly how I feel too. Today I am not dizzy nor having brain fog or vertigo after like 8 days and it feels like heaven!
It is giving me definitely a hope that all of us will be healed one day!
@gingerjones what type of issues were you having? I’m having a lot of cramping and gas.
Sorry, they suspected I had Gastroenteritis, which effects the stomach and intestines. I was having stomach pressure and diarrhea. My doctor prescribed a month of prilosec...After that, I took pepcid twice a day and a probiotic
@rainyday Thank you so much! I will grab some antihistimines to keep on hand.
I do think the NAC and Quercetin might be starting to help. It's been almost a week now and my neck tightness, tinnitus and left side weakness don't seem quite so bad. Those are the markers I pay attention to now. I can literally tell the moment I open my eyes in the morning what kind of day it will be.
The more I have read, I'm also thinking this is auto-immune related. I can't remember if someone on this forum has talked about it already, but I've been reading/watching a lot about possible mast cell reaction to Covid infection and/or vaccine. As others have said, a lot of our symptoms (and treatment protocols) are similar to that of long-haulers.
"In people with mast cell diseases, mast cells release mediators, including histamine, tryptase, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, causing a host of symptoms. Patients may experience few symptoms intermittently or have daily disabling symptoms affecting multiple organ systems." (from allergyasthmanetwork.org)
This is a good white paper about Covid and mast cells from Nov 2020:
This is an interesting discussion with mast cell pioneer Dr Lawrence Afrin about how it all works:
I have ordered his book as well (Never Bet Against Occam). The reference to Occam is to a 14th C philosopher who basically said 'when all else is equal, in a complex situation, the solution is the one with the fewest assumptions'.
I think you may be on to something! I researched MCAS symptoms and they are similar to what many of us have been experiencing. What's more, those who contract COVID are developing MCAS. Because antihistamines appear to help relieve some people's symptoms (including my own), I wonder if the vaccine can trigger the disorder in a way similar to COVID.
I'm going to run a bit further with this and see if I can find any diagnostic 'proof'. Although it's acknowledged there is no single test for MCAS, there are some blood/urine lab indicators that support the suspicion. They include histimine, heparin, tryptase, immunoglobulins G M and A, chromogranin A, prostaglandin D2, norepinephrine, Factor VIII, urinary N-methylhistamine, leukotrienes B4, C4, D4, E4.
My GP has been weirdly resistant to even consider the thought that my range of symptoms could be coming from a single systemic cause. So I'm going to see if my ND can order these tests. I'll keep you posted.
Something else you may want to look into... here in Canada there is a mastocytosis society that links patients with healthcare professionals in their area who specialize in mast cell disorders. I don't know where you live, but you might want to look into something like this if you get tested and any of your markers come back high.
Has anyone tried removing electronics from around them? My symptoms has decreased dramatically since it all started so i can now decipher through triggers. When i use my phone or sleep/lay down in a room with electronics everything slowly comes back. I wonder if this is radiation from the electronics or just the signals from it interferring with my body? I don’t know.
Strange! But you never know!
I also read someone out here spoke about LED lights.
We can try and notice this for ourselves but, still keeps me wondering what are we exactly suffering from....
Well, is there anyone who's having sharp shooting pain in their head... pain like pins and neddles, very poky and sharp. I have it all around my body but maily in my head.
Anyone else having it? Has anyone done an MRI or anything for this?
Yes I did have shooting pains in my head for like a month also had a brain mri nothing showed up on that. I honestly don’t know what helped it it just seemed to go away hope you feeling better?
@medee sorry for the late reply but yes it did subside I didn’t have it for very long as I think it was a side affect to medication I was on. Hopefully it has subsided for you by now?
I am assuming this was about the head issue. Can't recollect which comment you are replying to.. apologies!
No, my head pain is horrible. I have sharp shooting pain like pins and needles in my head.
If you are speaking about something else, pls let me know.
Has anyone tried removing electronics from around them? My symptoms has decreased dramatically since it all started so i can now decipher through triggers. When i use my phone or sleep/lay down in a room with electronics everything slowly comes back. I wonder if this is radiation from the electronics or just the signals from it interferring with my body? I don’t know.
Strange! But you never know!
I also read someone out here spoke about LED lights.
We can try and notice this for ourselves but, still keeps me wondering what are we exactly suffering from....
Well, is there anyone who's having sharp shooting pain in their head... pain like pins and neddles, very poky and sharp. I have it all around my body but maily in my head.
Anyone else having it? Has anyone done an MRI or anything for this?
Yes I did have shooting pains in my head for like a month also had a brain mri nothing showed up on that. I honestly don’t know what helped it it just seemed to go away hope you feeling better?
Not yet but keeping faith. Had this gone away?
What is the pain like? Normal headache or sharp poky pain like pins and needles one but very very sharp?
@medee sorry for the late reply but yes it did subside I didn’t have it for very long as I think it was a side affect to medication I was on. Hopefully it has subsided for you by now?
I am assuming this was about the head issue. Can't recollect which comment you are replying to.. apologies!
No, my head pain is horrible. I have sharp shooting pain like pins and needles in my head.
If you are speaking about something else, pls let me know.
Sorry I didn’t put the quote on, I was referring to when you had tingling numbness and chest pains? Hope your in abit of a better place than you were. It’s been 6 months after my first shot and 5 months when the symptoms happened and I’ve got a lot better. This month has been the best yet for me managed to leave the house quite a few times even Managed to go out for 2 meals. Unfortunately I have had abit of a relapse these last 2 days with chest pains again 🙄 but I’ve come in contact with people who have tested positive for covid 👎 I’m negative so far but it’s been 5 days since I saw them. Feels like something has kicked off these symptoms to flare them up. Hopefully I get back to healing soon 😊
Has anyone tried removing electronics from around them? My symptoms has decreased dramatically since it all started so i can now decipher through triggers. When i use my phone or sleep/lay down in a room with electronics everything slowly comes back. I wonder if this is radiation from the electronics or just the signals from it interferring with my body? I don’t know.
Strange! But you never know!
I also read someone out here spoke about LED lights.
We can try and notice this for ourselves but, still keeps me wondering what are we exactly suffering from....
Well, is there anyone who's having sharp shooting pain in their head... pain like pins and neddles, very poky and sharp. I have it all around my body but maily in my head.
Anyone else having it? Has anyone done an MRI or anything for this?
Yes I did have shooting pains in my head for like a month also had a brain mri nothing showed up on that. I honestly don’t know what helped it it just seemed to go away hope you feeling better?
Not yet but keeping faith. Had this gone away?
What is the pain like? Normal headache or sharp poky pain like pins and needles one but very very sharp?
It was like vibrations and little stabbing feelings right in the back of my head. They lasted for like a month and went away I got them at like month 3/4 into this shit 👎 but I haven’t noticed them this month so they do go. I still get symptoms everyday never had a day for 5 months where I don’t to some extent have symptoms but they have been no where near as bad. Think earlier this month my worst symptoms was back pain and breathing was not the best but not to the point where I had to gasp for air.
@medee sorry for the late reply but yes it did subside I didn’t have it for very long as I think it was a side affect to medication I was on. Hopefully it has subsided for you by now?
I am assuming this was about the head issue. Can't recollect which comment you are replying to.. apologies!
No, my head pain is horrible. I have sharp shooting pain like pins and needles in my head.
If you are speaking about something else, pls let me know.
Sorry I didn’t put the quote on, I was referring to when you had tingling numbness and chest pains? Hope your in abit of a better place than you were. It’s been 6 months after my first shot and 5 months when the symptoms happened and I’ve got a lot better. This month has been the best yet for me managed to leave the house quite a few times even Managed to go out for 2 meals. Unfortunately I have had abit of a relapse these last 2 days with chest pains again 🙄 but I’ve come in contact with people who have tested positive for covid 👎 I’m negative so far but it’s been 5 days since I saw them. Feels like something has kicked off these symptoms to flare them up. Hopefully I get back to healing soon 😊
Chest pain I had at times but the heart rate is still off again from past 4 days now.
Have not been okay yet but hoping too. About the other pain, I replied to you that I still have it.
Hope you recover soon. Take care!
Has anyone tried removing electronics from around them? My symptoms has decreased dramatically since it all started so i can now decipher through triggers. When i use my phone or sleep/lay down in a room with electronics everything slowly comes back. I wonder if this is radiation from the electronics or just the signals from it interferring with my body? I don’t know.
Strange! But you never know!
I also read someone out here spoke about LED lights.
We can try and notice this for ourselves but, still keeps me wondering what are we exactly suffering from....
Well, is there anyone who's having sharp shooting pain in their head... pain like pins and neddles, very poky and sharp. I have it all around my body but maily in my head.
Anyone else having it? Has anyone done an MRI or anything for this?
Yes I did have shooting pains in my head for like a month also had a brain mri nothing showed up on that. I honestly don’t know what helped it it just seemed to go away hope you feeling better?
Not yet but keeping faith. Had this gone away?
What is the pain like? Normal headache or sharp poky pain like pins and needles one but very very sharp?
It was like vibrations and little stabbing feelings right in the back of my head. They lasted for like a month and went away I got them at like month 3/4 into this shit 👎 but I haven’t noticed them this month so they do go. I still get symptoms everyday never had a day for 5 months where I don’t to some extent have symptoms but they have been no where near as bad. Think earlier this month my worst symptoms was back pain and breathing was not the best but not to the point where I had to gasp for air.
Was the stabbing feeling in the nerves in the head sort of? I'm guessing your and mine is the same issue.
I got it in this month I guess. Its too unbearable at times. I have it in random places in my body as well.
But I am really happy that you're comparatively better than before. I am almost 3 months into this now. I am guessing you and me might have a little long journey as we both made a mistake of taking tablets which only messed up our system more.
Wish there was some solution to all of this but...😔
@michalalala I also have a history of classic migraines w aura and after my Moderna shot in late July I have been experiencing 24/7 dizziness, headaches, nausea, ear fullness and ear ringing to name a few symptoms. They suspect maybe VM but I have no days symptom free everyday is a struggle. 🥺 hope we all recover soon
Those have been pretty much my exact symptoms since July as well, except I also had chest pains and palpitations. I've started having the odd '100% back to normal' days though. They don't come often, like once a week, but it's nice to be reminded how things used to be. Last wednesday, 8 days ago, I felt perfect all day, like 100%. It was amazing. I went to the movies and when I walked to the bathroom mid-show it felt great to see everything perfectly again with no vertigo or weirdness to what I was seeing. So those days give me some comfort thinking this may disappear at some point (since previously I was starting to feel like maybe it was legit brain/nerve damage that would never heal). So I hope we are getting close to the end of this.
One more close to recovery story! What an end to the year on this forum!🤍
How long did it take for you to reach here. May I know what all symptoms you've had. It can give us some hope as to which symptoms can we recover from and within how many months. Though everyone's bodies are different but it may help to calm our minds.