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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I would like to share an update. 

Im 26 years old from Greece and since the day of my Johnson vax on 28 June 2021 I had weird sensations at my right leg. These weird sensations were like some kind of belts around me knee, calf, kneecap and thigh. None doctor was able to find what I have. I have been to 3-4 different vascular doctors, neurologists, and orthopedics.. had lot of ultrasounds, electroneurograms, electromyograms and MRIs but all came back good so I dont know whats going on with my leg.

So today 8 January 2022, about six months and half after, these weird tight sensations have been kinda passed. However, when I move my leg, it hurts at some areas mostly in my thigh. If before it was 8/10, now it is 4/10.  Im taking a supplement that a doctor gave me which contains alpha lipoic acid, PEA, ALA, b12, b6, b1, nicotinamide, magnesium, Zn, vitamin E, SOD. I keep fighting and i wont let it down. Stay strong and think positive.


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Does anyone still have the base of the skull (back of the neck) pain? Mine has been pretty bad lately. All in the left side.

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Posted by: @windsor

@medee tried to write a comment and it said it was limited. Censorship??!? Ugh. 

Ohhh! Then how were you able to comment this one?

Wait a minute! Are you talking about the Instagram link I shared? Then, if you don't follow her, you might not be able to comment.

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @becisim

Has anyone else developed bone pain/arthritis type pain after the vaccine?

As well as brainfog/affected vision, my old back pain has come back and I also have pain in my joints in my hands? Like an inflammatory reaction?

Yes. I have developed widespread bone pain/arthritis type pain all over but mainly in my legs and forearms and wrists. It's a strong dull gnawing ache that ebbs and flows but never goes away. It started to appear as my pins and needles started to slowly go away. I can't figure out if it's my bones/joints or muscles but sometimes it feels like the pain is coming from my bone marrow. I spoke with my GP about it as it was worrying me but his only response was that it sounded like a symptom of COVID. 🤔 How are you doing these days?

 I have the same type of pain/ache but mine is muscular. My everyday routine will trigger this pain. It’s awful. Muscle pain and fatigue are my main symptoms right now. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist next month. 

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This is at least somewhat encouraging, it speaks about possible compensation, and also addresses what most of us have been saying all along

This post was modified 3 years ago by Emmer

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Posted by: @stephenmo

@medee my wife had an episode not too long after her J&J shot.  For a week she was stumbling and losing her balance and was also very lethargic and agitated.  Her stumbling improved but she was left with BPPV, feeling very tired and agitated.  As I mentioned her symptoms improved and disappeared after we started the detox.  I really hope this helps you.

For how long did she suffer before feeling well? Fir how long did the symptoms last?

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I am at about 6 months after the vaccine and still on blood pressure medication (went from normal to 150-160). I ended up in the ER twice from what felt like a stroke or heart attack. Now I have debilitating issues like constant dizziness (not like spinning but disoriented), head pressure, head aches, my vision is unfocused and I can feel my eyes skipping around. When I’m talking to people in settings with a lot of lights and noise around I lose consciousness, like I disappear from the room/space and just can’t focus. It feels like I’m going to faint. It is so awful. I just want to go back to normal again. Does anyone else feel this way? The disorientation/dizziness and sense of disconnect is persistent and doesn’t show any signs of easing up even after 6 months.

I just want to see if anyone has had similar symptoms.

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Posted by: @swtammie78

I know this point has been made clear many times, but I'd like to reiterate. Please add your experience to VAERS and update it as new information becomes available. I had a VAERS entry that was sitting in space for months. When my doctor provided a possible diagnosis, I asked that it be added to my VAERS report. Within days following the update, the CDC asked me for my providers info to follow up. They said that they are "tracking" cases similar to mine (CNS Demyelination). It wasn't enough that I had listed head pressure, brain fog, nausea etc. Perhaps nothing will come of this but the more people that report these events, the more likely something will be done about it. I understand that the largest battle is getting a doctor to first entertain that your symptoms are vaccine related. I believe that each and every one of you has desperately tried to find help. Keep looking for the right doctor because it adds credibility to your VAERS entry. Best wishes to all. 

I wholeheartedly agree. Please, everyone: Report your symptoms to VAERS. Self-report if you must; I did. The more symptoms that are reported, the more likely we are to receive the care we need down the line. 

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Posted by: @sickofthis

I just sent a message to my doctor about getting a cytokine panel (inflammatory bloodwork, autoimmune bloodwork) done and all she sent back was a referral to an allergist with no comment about my request. Why do doctors have their head in the sand? All she has to do is put in a little effort to read about possible long term vaccine side effects. Then she might realize this is a possibility (and most likely from vaccine).

I've also been shocked at how quickly my GP has dismissed any of my suggestions to investigate further. What I don't understand is that she's happy to claim a lack of 'evidence' from the most basic diagnostic tests that there is something truly wrong. But then she goes and declares (also with zero supporting evidence) that my chest pain is just heartburn(??), my neuropathy is just muscle tension/stress, etc, etc, etc.

I have an appt with an ND who will be sending me for an autoimmune panel. She has also suggested that we run a digestive panel. She is part of a forum of NDs who have found that those with long COVID and vaccine injuries also have disruptions and absorption issues in their digestive systems (cause or effect of COVID) that can prolong autoimmune response. Worth exploring anyway.

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Posted by: @abby6
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @becisim

Has anyone else developed bone pain/arthritis type pain after the vaccine?

As well as brainfog/affected vision, my old back pain has come back and I also have pain in my joints in my hands? Like an inflammatory reaction?

Yes. I have developed widespread bone pain/arthritis type pain all over but mainly in my legs and forearms and wrists. It's a strong dull gnawing ache that ebbs and flows but never goes away. It started to appear as my pins and needles started to slowly go away. I can't figure out if it's my bones/joints or muscles but sometimes it feels like the pain is coming from my bone marrow. I spoke with my GP about it as it was worrying me but his only response was that it sounded like a symptom of COVID. 🤔 How are you doing these days?

 I have the same type of pain/ache but mine is muscular. My everyday routine will trigger this pain. It’s awful. Muscle pain and fatigue are my main symptoms right now. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist next month. 

Let us know what the rheumatologist has to say. It's the strangest thing. I also am having lots of deep muscular pain. Do you get a lot of heat radiating from the areas that are generating the pain? My hands and feet feel like they are very warm/burning internally but my husband says my skin feels a normal temperature. I'm also super fatigued. I get up 6:30am but by 11am I have to pay on the sofa for a rest because I'm so crazy exhausted. Good luck with your appointment.

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I received my 1st Moderna jab in March, 2021  and 2nd jab in April, 2021 no immediate issues. In July, 2021 my right ear became stopped up with lots of pressure and fluid behind the ear drum. I had severe vertigo. Went to my physician he prescribed antibiotics and steroids. Ended up on 2 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids before any relief. In late October 2021 had another attack of vertigo with severe pressure and fluid behind my right eardrum. Same scenario my Dr. prescribed antibiotics and steroids. This time I was on 3 rounds of antibiotics and steroids with no relief. I then went to an ENT and he prescribed a nasal antihistamine for 3 weeks. No relief, I returned to ENT had hearing test and he said no signs of hearing loss even though my hearing is muffled in my right ear.  ENT inserted a tube in my ear December', 2021 to try to get it to drain. This was not successful. To date January 8, 2022 my right ear is still bad with pressure and some days vertigo. Has anyone else had these issues? NEED SOME ANSWERS  THANKS, Lissa


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Posted by: @cool247

Hi all I’m new to the forum, glad I found this place as I’ve been having a really hard time. 

So basically I had the Pfizer booster vaccine 7 weeks ago, I did so as I had no side effects from my first two Astra Zeneca vaccines other than a sore arm. How wrong was I, the day after getting the booster vaccine I was getting severe stomach pain. About 2 weeks after the booster I started getting ear pain, hearing loss and dizziness. 

My stomach pain has reduced since then, however my ear issues are still there and I’ve had some really dark days, recovery has been very slow. I’ve tried a steroid nasal spray, otomize ear spray, anti dizziness tablets (betahistine dihydrochloride) and tried 2 days of antibiotics just now. Nothing has worked so far. I’m finding it difficult to cope, because of my stomach issues ive been on a liquid diet for 5 weeks so haven’t been able to eat any solid food. Everything is really overwhelming as I’m sure others feel the same with these kind of side effects. 

I was wondering what advice anyone could give me? And what treatment they had to get better? I’m 100% believe the booster vaccine did this to me, as before I had no issues with my ears at all. 

thanks for reading. 

If you legitimately have hearing loss, you should see a doctor right away.  They will likely give you a run of oral steroids.  I have dizzyness and vertigo, but I never had hearing loss.  If it's not treated sometimes it will be permanent, so best to go see someone. 

I find antihistamines help, so maybe try an over the counter antihistamine as well.  Good luck.

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FYI I’m not an antivaxer, but base my COVID info on facts. The following article I read about months ago when the Pfizer VP quit his job. It perplexed me as it did his colleagues. It only makes sense to me in case he’s right that that the vaccine causes unintended side effects that doctors and others are sweeping under the rug as my neurologist and ENT have done. Since my second Pfizer on March 17 I have had unusual symptoms similar to COVID and “long haulers”. And to this day almost ten months later are worse. I now have such extreme fatigue that it is hard getting out of bed in the mornings even when I’ve gotten nine to eleven hours of sleep and by noon i am falling asleep in a chair. Plus hanging daily migraines that prior to the jabs occurred only once every few months. Now my head feels like it will explode when I wake up and all day long the pressure in my head and ears is unbelievable not to mention screaming tinnitus. And no doc can do a thing. REALLY? I’m exhausted and incredibly depressed. So the fact that the vaccine may have totally thrown my body off course is differently worth considering and given the resignation of Pfizer’s VP resignation his reasons are worth considering too despite his damnation by governments and many other scientists.

What do you all on this forum think? I’m just trying to make sense of what has and continues to attack my otherwise healthy body.    

RoseW, KitKat, healmeohlord and 3 people reacted
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Hi Breanna

My name is Ste. I just turned 30 and live in the UK. I noticed we have similar symptoms and are of a similar age and wondered if you would be interested in talking to each other for support.


It is so isolating at the moment without anyone to understand or talk to. 


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@tennyson77 thanks as I’m currently on antibiotics I don’t think I can take steroids at the same time? Once I finish these I will see my GP and see what they say. I live in the U.K. so it’s not so easy to get things prescribed. Did the steroids help your ear pain and dizziness? 

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by cool

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