Last seen: April 18, 2022 6:50 pm
I dont think mine is lumpy, at least I cannot feel it. Yeah I have read some into the vagus nerve and maybe that is the cause. Not sure. Did you read,...
I have the exact neck pain you are talking about. It is on the back of my neck on the left side. It sometimes fluctuates in intensity, and when it get...
Hello, no I have not. I have been lingering between 75-85% for quite some time. I saw noticeable improvements around 3.5 months and have been stagnant...
Just tried joining the FB group and I think the admin denied me.
How about you, how have you been? Seeing any improvements? Specifically, what about your brain fog? Hope you are seeing improvements.
@expo67 I read your recovery post and am thrilled for you. I have the SAME EXACT remaining symptoms that you had. The dizziness/lightheadedness, fatig...
Those who have been diagnosed with vestibular neuritis have you seen any relief from the dizziness/light headed feeling yet? If so, how long did it ta...
I am sooooo jealous that you can still have it. Every time I even try to have decaf my head pressure and lightheadedness gets worse. It’s one of the l...
I previously asked here about drinking coffee again. Has anyone successfully added it back into your life? I think it would help mask/improve my brain...
I definitely share your frustration. May I ask what the autoimmune panel is called? Does the bloodwork have a certain name? It is great that everythin...
Any clue what these test were?
Well the ENT was little help to me. Although she did say that she cannot rule out that the vaccine caused this, so that was a first of all the doctors...
Thank you for the reply. From the sounds of it, we have a similar dizzy symptom. I also read your initial post and it seems that we never really had a...
Thank you for replying. At this point, I understand that inner ear problems may never completely heal themselves, but I want the compensation to kick ...