I just wanted to post that I am feeling 98% better after 7 months. I know every can use a little hope when dealing with this.
for back story I was out of work for more than a month due to being dizzy and having brain fog and headaches. I had to quit all substances including any caffeine. This was making me the most dizzy. I also tried skipping sugar and anything that would raise my blood sugar levels. I am now starting to be able to have coffee and tea and it is glorious.
Vaxxed on 11/3 - no pre-existing issues, haven’t been sick in over 25 years, life-long vegetarian, own a gym and workout 5-6x a week doing HIIT & Muay Thai kickboxing
By the second day I was hit with reactions and they kept coming. Within first 8 days I went to the ER 4x.
In short: Light-headed/on a boat 24/7, knees, wrist joints on fire/inflamed but not visibly, back inflamed, legs weak & unsteady but feels heavy like I’m wearing ankle weights, throat constriction, chest pressure/pain, heart achy, walking to elevated heart rate, abdominal pain, deep burning sensation across traps & neck, light sensitive, vision a bit blurry, limbs go numb, fingertips prickly, strong electric shocks in hands, head and face, jaw & neck tight, obnoxiously high pitch ringing/tinnitus that started in my right ear.. is now in both. Very Hypersensitive to sound. Frequent urination. Sleeping about 4 hours per night collectively.
Labs, CT scan (could barely use my legs for a few hours), chest x-ray, EKG all clear. Last ER doc told me it was psychosis and that I’ve manifested it in my mind.
I’m probably 75-80% better.
Sharing what has helped me:
Liposomal Vit C 2000
Vit D3 5000
Glutathione 1400
Turmeric 1500
Quecertin 500-1000
Chlorella 1000
Activated charcoal
Magnesium 500
Zinc 25
Homeopathic remedy Ledum in water daily since onset for vaccine reaction
Homeopathic remedy Cina/China for tinnitus
In addition to supplements, I did a 30 day detox of (Upful Begginings from Upful Blends to help on a cellular level) I started to feel a shift around day 10 on this.
I now, in addition to my daily supplements, on an empty stomach drink 32oz water with half lemon first thing in the morning, wait 15 minutes then drink 16-32oz of fresh celery juice and wait 15 minutes before eating anything.
I continue to drink lemon water throughout the day
I also drink a heavy metal detox smoothie every day.
I hope this helps anyone else. As some of the supplement dosages I’ve used were from here, I thank you for that. Our symptoms/reactions are real and not as rare as they have led us to believe.
I’ve dedicated my life to my health and was knocked on my butt with this. I pray we all heal sooner rather than later. I remain hopeful.
@medee yes. For sure. I had a lot of head pain, headaches, head pressure. It felt like a head cold all the time but without the mucus. It was constant. In the temples, in the nose, in the ears. I really feel like my head was severely inflamed. There were two times in my life that I remember having the worst headaches I have ever had. First, after I caught Covid, and they lasted for a few months and were excruciating. The second was after the second Pfizer shot, and they were just as bad but had a whole slew of other symptoms at the same time that I didn't have with Covid, like the dizziness and head fullness. I found that my muscles in my neck and shoulders and all the way up my neck were very badly swollen and bulging. This was terrifying because they were noticeably larger. And I got a neck massager and started with the cold compresses and daily massages. It really helped all around. It made them sore, but looser and I think some oxygen finally started to get to my brain. Also, I had only one day of not being dizzy in the middle of all of this before the last time. The last time I had a very severe migraine. The worst, barr none, of my life. It hurt for two days and my temple was actually sore. And sore to the touch. But I didn't get dizzy after it like I expected to be and I haven't been dizzy since. As far as stomach issues, it maybe the supplements. I did have a stomach infection right after my symptoms stopped. Like a few weeks and it was an infection. I had a scan and everything. High WBC count, the whole nine. I ended up getting my yearly colonoscopy and some strong antibiotics and steroids. The MRI showed inflammation from start to finish through my whole digestive tract. I don't relate it to the vaccine, but possibly the supplements or medications I was taking could have made it happen. Or a random infection that coincided with the end of all those symptoms. I really don't know, but it was awful and you should get up a GI appointment if you are worried. I can't say it was the vaccine, but it did happen and I figured I would mention it given your symptoms. Go to the doctor. THAT symptom can usually be solved with some steroids. I was at the point where I hadn't eaten anything and I couldn't eat anything and I was in pain and all of that because I refused to go to the GI doctor until I couldn't stand it anymore. It would have been much more manageable if I had just gone when it started. At least have some blood work done to see if you have a gut infection. All of this is terrible. It seems never ending, and I felt like giving up so many times, but a lot of it, like 90 percent, is the anxiety caused by the shot. It's involuntary and it's real. You have to get control over it. Call your doctor and ask for some anti anxiety pills if you have to, but you will heal faster when you can breath through it. You aren't dead yet and neither are we. I know how you feel. I thought it over and over that this shot was going to kill me. I had it set in my mind so that any new thing or recurrence of an old thing would set me off on days on end of how I was dying. It is a symptom. I am convinced of it. Take it one day at a time. You are still here. You can get better. You have to tell yourself until you believe it. When the anxiety breaks some, it really helps other stuff too. Breath. Neck massager. Cold compresses on the head and neck. Call your doctor. It takes time.
Thank you! I am trying my best to take it one day at a time. But it wears on you most of the times, especially when you continue getting new symptoms every now and then.
Unlike you, I cannot take any medication as all the tablets I took in these 2 months only made my condition worse. It didn't work on me. Maybe I would've been at a better place both mentally and physically had I not gulped all the tablets prescribed. But who knew how this all works.
Unfortunately I do not have any medical help here in India. They just snap at you and laugh it out or ignore your injury. Things have been difficult for me. You won't believe but the Cardiologist I last saw didn't want to believe me and asked for a Psychiatric advise.
He told my mom to wait back and spoke to her separately telling her that I am all scared and this is anxiety. When she told him it isn't and how messed up my condition has been post vaccine, he asked both of us to see a Psychiatrist. How inhumane and unprofessional is that!!! And these are well reputated specialists with the highest ratings!
I am still trying to look for a doctor who could help me with some blood works and prescribe some supplements accordingly. Even for that I have to struggle coz they just don't want to speak or hear anything about it. We don't have any Naturopaths here nor Functional doctors. Have a couple but don't seem legitimate and would charge a lumpsum amount for a 2-3 months diet plan which you have to pay in one go.
I tried to speak with the Neurologist about inflammation and he said it could be or cannot be but there's no test to rule that out. I didn't know if what he said was true. I knew he doesn’t want to speak about it. This is how things are out here.
I just wonder how many people must be there in my overly populated country who have no where to go, no help, no resource. Don't see anyone here talking about it but have heard there any many in every locality suffering in silence coz if they speak in the open, maybe they will be attacked and nobody has the strength when we're already down with so many symptoms. Moreover the crowd is poor ir earn minimal wage or salaried people. They cannot do much. We will be easily suppressed.
I just hope something works out for me. Hope I come back soon and update a recovery post. Not sure when but I hope the day comes soon.
So do I. We have doctors here in the States that also won't hear of it being related to the vaccine. The first doctor I went to told me I had no sign of an ear infection but it must be an ear infection because it couldn't be the vaccine. She said any effects of the vaccine would be completely gone in two weeks or so. I was sick for three months ths and two weeks. It was absolutely the vaccine. I think they can't say because there's nothing anyone can do about it. The manufacturers are protected. And now they can mandate a shot where there is no recourse if it injures you. That isn't right. If it's safe enough to be mandated, then why can't you sue if it hurts you? Now they're sticking this stuff into children.
Are you still well? Did you have any relapses?
Hi Dee. I hope this new year is treating you well. I am in a bit of a situation at the moment. I don't have dizzy spells, but every person I work with except for me and one other is out with Covid. I do believe I am coming down with it. I will have to have a test, when I can find one, but at the moment, I have a very sore throat, astuffy nose, and sweats periodically. A lot of stomach issues the last two days. The only thing I am worried about is the headaches. They have begun in the last few days and they are severe, like after the vaccine, but haven't escalated to that very level as of yet. If it does get there, it is because of this Omicron variant that is absolutely everywhere in the US right now. But if I don't test positive, then maybe it is a relapse. I don't think so right now, but I will update if it gets any worse and if I can find a test. No high fever so far. I hope you are doing at least a little bit better. I am constantly thinking of all of you guys and praying someone with some sort of platform will see how we are being effected and advocate for us so some doctor who wants to get published can do something to help us. On YouTube, Dr. Syed Mobeen has a channel. In the last few weeks, he has set forth a few videos that explain somewhat how this could have happened to us all. His wife has our symptoms after the vaccine and he believes we are all vaccine injured. I think so too. You should watch them. They are a bit technical, but if I pay attention, I can follow along so I think anyone could get the just of what he is saying. Basically our bodies are making antibodies to the antibodies that we created with the vaccine. Those antibodies also bind to our ace 2 receptors, like the virus spike protein does, and causes an inflammatory autoimmune type effect. Scary stuff. Is so, this is possibly a new autoimmune condition that has never really been seen before, so doctors will naturally try and treat for conditions they know about, if they will even try to treat you, and that won't work because this isn't any of the things that have come before. Just like Covid is not like anything before it. But doctors aren't thinking that way right now. I thought the videos were interesting and helpful. Maybe give them a watch. Have a blessed day.
I have read about this from several forum members as well but, the question remains how do we come out of it? For that there hasn't been an answer.
I have seen many people taking supplements and modern treatments like HBOT and feel better. The country where I live, I have zero support system nor the means to treat myself nor can I afford.
I am the only earning person at home and live on a rented accommodation. My whole life is falling apart and I don't know what to do anymore.
Haven't been feeling well after 3 months into this madness.
Vaxxed on 11/3 - no pre-existing issues, haven’t been sick in over 25 years, life-long vegetarian, own a gym and workout 5-6x a week doing HIIT & Muay Thai kickboxing
By the second day I was hit with reactions and they kept coming. Within first 8 days I went to the ER 4x.
In short: Light-headed/on a boat 24/7, knees, wrist joints on fire/inflamed but not visibly, back inflamed, legs weak & unsteady but feels heavy like I’m wearing ankle weights, throat constriction, chest pressure/pain, heart achy, walking to elevated heart rate, abdominal pain, deep burning sensation across traps & neck, light sensitive, vision a bit blurry, limbs go numb, fingertips prickly, strong electric shocks in hands, head and face, jaw & neck tight, obnoxiously high pitch ringing/tinnitus that started in my right ear.. is now in both. Very Hypersensitive to sound. Frequent urination. Sleeping about 4 hours per night collectively.
Labs, CT scan (could barely use my legs for a few hours), chest x-ray, EKG all clear. Last ER doc told me it was psychosis and that I’ve manifested it in my mind.
I’m probably 75-80% better.
Sharing what has helped me:
Liposomal Vit C 2000
Vit D3 5000
Glutathione 1400
Turmeric 1500
Quecertin 500-1000
Chlorella 1000
Activated charcoal
Magnesium 500
Zinc 25
Homeopathic remedy Ledum in water daily since onset for vaccine reaction
Homeopathic remedy Cina/China for tinnitus
In addition to supplements, I did a 30 day detox of (Upful Begginings from Upful Blends to help on a cellular level) I started to feel a shift around day 10 on this.
I now, in addition to my daily supplements, on an empty stomach drink 32oz water with half lemon first thing in the morning, wait 15 minutes then drink 16-32oz of fresh celery juice and wait 15 minutes before eating anything.
I continue to drink lemon water throughout the day
I also drink a heavy metal detox smoothie every day.
I hope this helps anyone else. As some of the supplement dosages I’ve used were from here, I thank you for that. Our symptoms/reactions are real and not as rare as they have led us to believe.
I’ve dedicated my life to my health and was knocked on my butt with this. I pray we all heal sooner rather than later. I remain hopeful.
Which country do you belong to? I see you're the 1st person who's taken the Homeopath route...
We do not have any Naturopaths or Functional Doctors here. We have lots of homeopaths but was not sure if they can help.
My story. Going through hell right now. Im a westerner who lives in S.Korea. Been avoiding the shot since it came out but was struggling to find work for visa purposes. Turns out was given wrong info and could have got a visa without a job. Had funds. Never needed to rush to get jab. Someone talked me into it an felt a sense of desperation when there was none. So bad luck there. Just got married also at time of shot. So like an idiot found the nearest ent clinic showed up in morning. Sketchy place. They did the shot but looking back not in deltoid was in middle of arm. Immediatley felt off. Like if been poisoned had strange taste in mouth and same day heart felt unwell. Before all this a was extremely fit 40yo..like long sports and gym goer no illness history.
Following days felt ill sever malaise and had to lay down often in dark. Then the punch drunk damaged neurological symptoms began which have lasted for 7 weeks. Had a severly weak leg with tight feeling in calf and foot, leg was like wood. Right side of brain and back of head felt very unwell like never before. Decreased cognative function and different mood. Week 1 went to 2 local doctors to seek help but they said see how it plays out or visit a big hospital. Have some kind of damage pulse system where my pillow shakes from my pulse and i CANNOT get any sleep without meds. With meds lucky to get 3 hours
Week 2 felt extremely ill about 1am upon waking and went to emergency room. Sevre head pressure and weak leg.Mri was clean and they said it was 'stress' total bs. Gave me sedative type meds. Went back for follow up and they said no problem come back in two weeks. Utter rubbish. Went to various other hospitals seeking help. Very difficult with language barrier.
Made an. Appointment for neurology at another hospital and doctor said i seeemee very unwell go to a and e. Waited for 10 hours ..did spine mri and they said they found a forigen legion which they later said wasnt serious. They admited me for 3 days more with iv steriods. Leg imporved somewhat but punch drunk neuro symptoms, heart pain and pain in left flank remained.
After discharge all symptoms remained exepct very sick right leg. But still wobbly and not right. Lost 7kg and couldnt cook for myself and can BARELY walk down the street. Lay in bed most of day felt like ive been declining.
Fast forward 1.3 weeks and i went for a follow up cardio ecocardiography and what do you know, they said i have possible cardio vascular damage! Thats odd. I was exercising 5 days a week before pfizer vaxx. Did heart ct and tomorrow Doctor sent me back to a and e and ive been waiting for nearly 24 hours now to have mri and be admittee to ward total NIGHTMARE and i still dont have the proper diagnosis. Why do i have flank pain and why is my head pulse so off. Terrified. This injury felt like sandpaper in my body. Leg is not right...heart poss damaged saying i may neee a stent. Brain seeme damaged. Prey it isnt. All this and my poor lovely wife has had to see this. Have been feeling so down about it. All this for a needles vaxx i didnt want didnt need and dont believe in at all. Have been reading all forums and havent found a case that seems like mine. Ive had enough of this.
I prey that i can regain my health as soon as possible and that these doctors dont waste time, do all tests and find answers now.
@medee yes. For sure. I had a lot of head pain, headaches, head pressure. It felt like a head cold all the time but without the mucus. It was constant. In the temples, in the nose, in the ears. I really feel like my head was severely inflamed. There were two times in my life that I remember having the worst headaches I have ever had. First, after I caught Covid, and they lasted for a few months and were excruciating. The second was after the second Pfizer shot, and they were just as bad but had a whole slew of other symptoms at the same time that I didn't have with Covid, like the dizziness and head fullness. I found that my muscles in my neck and shoulders and all the way up my neck were very badly swollen and bulging. This was terrifying because they were noticeably larger. And I got a neck massager and started with the cold compresses and daily massages. It really helped all around. It made them sore, but looser and I think some oxygen finally started to get to my brain. Also, I had only one day of not being dizzy in the middle of all of this before the last time. The last time I had a very severe migraine. The worst, barr none, of my life. It hurt for two days and my temple was actually sore. And sore to the touch. But I didn't get dizzy after it like I expected to be and I haven't been dizzy since. As far as stomach issues, it maybe the supplements. I did have a stomach infection right after my symptoms stopped. Like a few weeks and it was an infection. I had a scan and everything. High WBC count, the whole nine. I ended up getting my yearly colonoscopy and some strong antibiotics and steroids. The MRI showed inflammation from start to finish through my whole digestive tract. I don't relate it to the vaccine, but possibly the supplements or medications I was taking could have made it happen. Or a random infection that coincided with the end of all those symptoms. I really don't know, but it was awful and you should get up a GI appointment if you are worried. I can't say it was the vaccine, but it did happen and I figured I would mention it given your symptoms. Go to the doctor. THAT symptom can usually be solved with some steroids. I was at the point where I hadn't eaten anything and I couldn't eat anything and I was in pain and all of that because I refused to go to the GI doctor until I couldn't stand it anymore. It would have been much more manageable if I had just gone when it started. At least have some blood work done to see if you have a gut infection. All of this is terrible. It seems never ending, and I felt like giving up so many times, but a lot of it, like 90 percent, is the anxiety caused by the shot. It's involuntary and it's real. You have to get control over it. Call your doctor and ask for some anti anxiety pills if you have to, but you will heal faster when you can breath through it. You aren't dead yet and neither are we. I know how you feel. I thought it over and over that this shot was going to kill me. I had it set in my mind so that any new thing or recurrence of an old thing would set me off on days on end of how I was dying. It is a symptom. I am convinced of it. Take it one day at a time. You are still here. You can get better. You have to tell yourself until you believe it. When the anxiety breaks some, it really helps other stuff too. Breath. Neck massager. Cold compresses on the head and neck. Call your doctor. It takes time.
Thank you! I am trying my best to take it one day at a time. But it wears on you most of the times, especially when you continue getting new symptoms every now and then.
Unlike you, I cannot take any medication as all the tablets I took in these 2 months only made my condition worse. It didn't work on me. Maybe I would've been at a better place both mentally and physically had I not gulped all the tablets prescribed. But who knew how this all works.
Unfortunately I do not have any medical help here in India. They just snap at you and laugh it out or ignore your injury. Things have been difficult for me. You won't believe but the Cardiologist I last saw didn't want to believe me and asked for a Psychiatric advise.
He told my mom to wait back and spoke to her separately telling her that I am all scared and this is anxiety. When she told him it isn't and how messed up my condition has been post vaccine, he asked both of us to see a Psychiatrist. How inhumane and unprofessional is that!!! And these are well reputated specialists with the highest ratings!
I am still trying to look for a doctor who could help me with some blood works and prescribe some supplements accordingly. Even for that I have to struggle coz they just don't want to speak or hear anything about it. We don't have any Naturopaths here nor Functional doctors. Have a couple but don't seem legitimate and would charge a lumpsum amount for a 2-3 months diet plan which you have to pay in one go.
I tried to speak with the Neurologist about inflammation and he said it could be or cannot be but there's no test to rule that out. I didn't know if what he said was true. I knew he doesn’t want to speak about it. This is how things are out here.
I just wonder how many people must be there in my overly populated country who have no where to go, no help, no resource. Don't see anyone here talking about it but have heard there any many in every locality suffering in silence coz if they speak in the open, maybe they will be attacked and nobody has the strength when we're already down with so many symptoms. Moreover the crowd is poor ir earn minimal wage or salaried people. They cannot do much. We will be easily suppressed.
I just hope something works out for me. Hope I come back soon and update a recovery post. Not sure when but I hope the day comes soon.
So do I. We have doctors here in the States that also won't hear of it being related to the vaccine. The first doctor I went to told me I had no sign of an ear infection but it must be an ear infection because it couldn't be the vaccine. She said any effects of the vaccine would be completely gone in two weeks or so. I was sick for three months ths and two weeks. It was absolutely the vaccine. I think they can't say because there's nothing anyone can do about it. The manufacturers are protected. And now they can mandate a shot where there is no recourse if it injures you. That isn't right. If it's safe enough to be mandated, then why can't you sue if it hurts you? Now they're sticking this stuff into children.
Are you still well? Did you have any relapses?
Hi Dee. I hope this new year is treating you well. I am in a bit of a situation at the moment. I don't have dizzy spells, but every person I work with except for me and one other is out with Covid. I do believe I am coming down with it. I will have to have a test, when I can find one, but at the moment, I have a very sore throat, astuffy nose, and sweats periodically. A lot of stomach issues the last two days. The only thing I am worried about is the headaches. They have begun in the last few days and they are severe, like after the vaccine, but haven't escalated to that very level as of yet. If it does get there, it is because of this Omicron variant that is absolutely everywhere in the US right now. But if I don't test positive, then maybe it is a relapse. I don't think so right now, but I will update if it gets any worse and if I can find a test. No high fever so far. I hope you are doing at least a little bit better. I am constantly thinking of all of you guys and praying someone with some sort of platform will see how we are being effected and advocate for us so some doctor who wants to get published can do something to help us. On YouTube, Dr. Syed Mobeen has a channel. In the last few weeks, he has set forth a few videos that explain somewhat how this could have happened to us all. His wife has our symptoms after the vaccine and he believes we are all vaccine injured. I think so too. You should watch them. They are a bit technical, but if I pay attention, I can follow along so I think anyone could get the just of what he is saying. Basically our bodies are making antibodies to the antibodies that we created with the vaccine. Those antibodies also bind to our ace 2 receptors, like the virus spike protein does, and causes an inflammatory autoimmune type effect. Scary stuff. Is so, this is possibly a new autoimmune condition that has never really been seen before, so doctors will naturally try and treat for conditions they know about, if they will even try to treat you, and that won't work because this isn't any of the things that have come before. Just like Covid is not like anything before it. But doctors aren't thinking that way right now. I thought the videos were interesting and helpful. Maybe give them a watch. Have a blessed day.
I have read about this from several forum members as well but, the question remains how do we come out of it? For that there hasn't been an answer.
I have seen many people taking supplements and modern treatments like HBOT and feel better. The country where I live, I have zero support system nor the means to treat myself nor can I afford.
I am the only earning person at home and live on a rented accommodation. My whole life is falling apart and I don't know what to do anymore.
Haven't been feeling well after 3 months into this madness.
No answer because they don't know. We put an experiment in our bodies and no one knew what would happen. 90 percent of them don't recognize that we are having a new reaction to a new vaccine for a new virus and the other 10 percent can't get the other 90 percent to listen to them. Drink a lot of water and do as many anti inflammatory things as you can do. I don't know when it stops for you, but for me it took 3 months and two weeks. And that was just for the worst symptom, the dizzy spells. Then the other stuff slowly got better. I used a back massager because my muscles around my neck and shoulders were severely swollen. That seemed to help. It hurt, but it helped. Ice packs on the head for the migraines and if I was very dizzy. I had access to medication and doctors, but nothing they gave me cured me. Only one thing may have helped. Fluvoxamine. And I can't say with authority that it did help or if my body just happened to heal enough to stop the dizzy spells at the same time I took it. But nothing else, not ivermectin, not supplements, not even the fluvoxamine cured me. It isn't about the pills. It takes time. And try your level best to relax because the anxiety WILL cause it to be worse and for longer. You can't help all of it because it is a symptom caused by the vaccine, but make a concentrated effort to reduce it. Breath. You're still here. We are still here. Folks are getting better and you can too. I believe it. I am proof. Now repeat it until you believe it. You're going to get better. You will.
@cool247 try reducing your sodium intake. There are recommended diets online that give u an idea of how much salt to consume daily. Also ask for specific testing like an ecog test to see if ur inner ear is functioning properly and responding to sounds. And a hearing test. I have had non stop dizziness since July after my 1st done of Moderna. It has been months and I have had very little relieve. Currently doing VRT physical Therapy. My hearing test came out in the normal yearling range my CT scan normal my MRI of brain and brain steam and inner ear normal. Now I’m on to getting the ecog test for menaires . I’m still convinced the vaccine triggered my symptoms. The neurologist thinks it’s pppd and bvpd and the ent thinks maybe vestibular migraines or minaires. I have 24/7 dizziness that worsens throughout the day, headaches. Ear ringing and fullness , visual dependency. I hope u feel well soon. Make sure to ask for all the testing so you can start ruling out things.
Vaxxed on 11/3 - no pre-existing issues, haven’t been sick in over 25 years, life-long vegetarian, own a gym and workout 5-6x a week doing HIIT & Muay Thai kickboxing
By the second day I was hit with reactions and they kept coming. Within first 8 days I went to the ER 4x.
In short: Light-headed/on a boat 24/7, knees, wrist joints on fire/inflamed but not visibly, back inflamed, legs weak & unsteady but feels heavy like I’m wearing ankle weights, throat constriction, chest pressure/pain, heart achy, walking to elevated heart rate, abdominal pain, deep burning sensation across traps & neck, light sensitive, vision a bit blurry, limbs go numb, fingertips prickly, strong electric shocks in hands, head and face, jaw & neck tight, obnoxiously high pitch ringing/tinnitus that started in my right ear.. is now in both. Very Hypersensitive to sound. Frequent urination. Sleeping about 4 hours per night collectively.
Labs, CT scan (could barely use my legs for a few hours), chest x-ray, EKG all clear. Last ER doc told me it was psychosis and that I’ve manifested it in my mind.
I’m probably 75-80% better.
Sharing what has helped me:
Liposomal Vit C 2000
Vit D3 5000
Glutathione 1400
Turmeric 1500
Quecertin 500-1000
Chlorella 1000
Activated charcoal
Magnesium 500
Zinc 25
Homeopathic remedy Ledum in water daily since onset for vaccine reaction
Homeopathic remedy Cina/China for tinnitus
In addition to supplements, I did a 30 day detox of (Upful Begginings from Upful Blends to help on a cellular level) I started to feel a shift around day 10 on this.
I now, in addition to my daily supplements, on an empty stomach drink 32oz water with half lemon first thing in the morning, wait 15 minutes then drink 16-32oz of fresh celery juice and wait 15 minutes before eating anything.
I continue to drink lemon water throughout the day
I also drink a heavy metal detox smoothie every day.
I hope this helps anyone else. As some of the supplement dosages I’ve used were from here, I thank you for that. Our symptoms/reactions are real and not as rare as they have led us to believe.
I’ve dedicated my life to my health and was knocked on my butt with this. I pray we all heal sooner rather than later. I remain hopeful.
Which country do you belong to? I see you're the 1st person who's taken the Homeopath route...
We do not have any Naturopaths or Functional Doctors here. We have lots of homeopaths but was not sure if they can help.
I'm physically in Italy right now working, but I live in Florida. My Uncle was a Homeopathic/Naturopathic doc so I've grown up using Homeopathy and studying alternative/natural medicine my entire life. I've been using other remedies to combat other symptoms such as the throat constriction, electric shocks, feeling of lump in my throat, and face/neck tension and they have help SO much. I had to go back to stuff with less side effects, as the ER gave me Scopolamine and that sent me back to the ER in less than 4 hours from a reaction (vertigo was next level, couldn't walk, leg tremors, severe dry mouth, disoriented) to that. That scared me to death, so I chose to go focus on treating the causes versus symptoms or masking symptoms as much as I can. The benefit of homeopathy/holistic docs is that you can have your appointments via video if need be or if one isn't in your area. I'm using one in the UK at the moment. Where are you located?
Yes. Months. Some took weeks to disappear. Although I feel some from time to time they are not that frequent except for the T.
How many months approximately?
Vaxxed on 11/3 - no pre-existing issues, haven’t been sick in over 25 years, life-long vegetarian, own a gym and workout 5-6x a week doing HIIT & Muay Thai kickboxing
By the second day I was hit with reactions and they kept coming. Within first 8 days I went to the ER 4x.
In short: Light-headed/on a boat 24/7, knees, wrist joints on fire/inflamed but not visibly, back inflamed, legs weak & unsteady but feels heavy like I’m wearing ankle weights, throat constriction, chest pressure/pain, heart achy, walking to elevated heart rate, abdominal pain, deep burning sensation across traps & neck, light sensitive, vision a bit blurry, limbs go numb, fingertips prickly, strong electric shocks in hands, head and face, jaw & neck tight, obnoxiously high pitch ringing/tinnitus that started in my right ear.. is now in both. Very Hypersensitive to sound. Frequent urination. Sleeping about 4 hours per night collectively.
Labs, CT scan (could barely use my legs for a few hours), chest x-ray, EKG all clear. Last ER doc told me it was psychosis and that I’ve manifested it in my mind.
I’m probably 75-80% better.
Sharing what has helped me:
Liposomal Vit C 2000
Vit D3 5000
Glutathione 1400
Turmeric 1500
Quecertin 500-1000
Chlorella 1000
Activated charcoal
Magnesium 500
Zinc 25
Homeopathic remedy Ledum in water daily since onset for vaccine reaction
Homeopathic remedy Cina/China for tinnitus
In addition to supplements, I did a 30 day detox of (Upful Begginings from Upful Blends to help on a cellular level) I started to feel a shift around day 10 on this.
I now, in addition to my daily supplements, on an empty stomach drink 32oz water with half lemon first thing in the morning, wait 15 minutes then drink 16-32oz of fresh celery juice and wait 15 minutes before eating anything.
I continue to drink lemon water throughout the day
I also drink a heavy metal detox smoothie every day.
I hope this helps anyone else. As some of the supplement dosages I’ve used were from here, I thank you for that. Our symptoms/reactions are real and not as rare as they have led us to believe.
I’ve dedicated my life to my health and was knocked on my butt with this. I pray we all heal sooner rather than later. I remain hopeful.
Which country do you belong to? I see you're the 1st person who's taken the Homeopath route...
We do not have any Naturopaths or Functional Doctors here. We have lots of homeopaths but was not sure if they can help.
I'm physically in Italy right now working, but I live in Florida. My Uncle was a Homeopathic/Naturopathic doc so I've grown up using Homeopathy and studying alternative/natural medicine my entire life. I've been using other remedies to combat other symptoms such as the throat constriction, electric shocks, feeling of lump in my throat, and face/neck tension and they have help SO much. I had to go back to stuff with less side effects, as the ER gave me Scopolamine and that sent me back to the ER in less than 4 hours from a reaction (vertigo was next level, couldn't walk, leg tremors, severe dry mouth, disoriented) to that. That scared me to death, so I chose to go focus on treating the causes versus symptoms or masking symptoms as much as I can. The benefit of homeopathy/holistic docs is that you can have your appointments via video if need be or if one isn't in your area. I'm using one in the UK at the moment. Where are you located?
I am from India and have been having a hard time treating my condition. Either they're not available here or I just can't afford.
I just wanted to post that I am feeling 98% better after 7 months. I know every can use a little hope when dealing with this.
for back story I was out of work for more than a month due to being dizzy and having brain fog and headaches. I had to quit all substances including any caffeine. This was making me the most dizzy. I also tried skipping sugar and anything that would raise my blood sugar levels. I am now starting to be able to have coffee and tea and it is glorious.
What other symptoms did you have Neal?
What worked in treating your condition? Any treatment or medication that we were on?
@medee There are many, many Homeopaths in India. And remedies are very affordable ($6-$12 USD).
Yes, there are but I never thought that will be of help for vaxx injuries. Never heard anyone going for Homeopath.
I will try and look for someone here. Honestly I have no clue of how to find the best ones.